Chapter 26

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A/N: Not sure if you ppl can tell- but I do try to match the song with a certain characters emotions. Anyways, Enjoy ☺️

A week later
Derek's POV:
"Let me see Meredith!" I yell.
"No! You don't need to." She snaps as I follow her into the bedroom.
"Yes! Actually- I do!" I shout.
I pull her close and she squirms in my grip. Carefully, I take off her shirt and gasp.
"Meredith," I say softly seeing the redness from her injuries.
She turns in my arms and buries her head in my neck. I watch her sob and let her tears run down my chest. My arms wrap around her as to protect her from everything. Her hands are resting on my chest as I pick her up and place her carefully on the bed. She rolls on her side and continues to cry. I pull out the cream and sit on the edge.
"Please Meredith, let me help," I beg.
She turns over and I stare at the bruising.
"Does it hurt?" I ask.
She nods and I sigh.
"How long have you been keeping this from me?" I ask.
"The pain is still there but it's healing." She says defensively.
I squeeze the cream onto my hands and rub it over her stomach very gently.
"It's an insignificant amount but it's still an amount," I say as my hands continue to rub only because I love her.
She sits up as I click the bottle of cream closed.
"Could you just-" She starts.
"Of course I can," I reply.
Letting myself sink into the bed, I wrap my arms around her and spoon her on the bed.
"No, could you just leave?" She asks.
Taken aback by the question, I just nod and step away.

Four Days Later - Dereks POV still
"Ready?" I ask.
"Yes, you?" She questions.
"Yes." I put on a fake smile for Meredith as she opened the door.
"Wait-" I say too late.
I watch her running out to the parking lot where two people are standing. I sigh and start walking out of the room towards Addie.
"Hey," I say as she hugs me.
I see Finn smiling and holding out a purple flower. He laughs and outstretches his arms. Meredith jumps into them and wraps her hand around his neck. He groans in fake pain and laughs as his arms wrap her waist.

"I missed you," Addie whispers in my ear.
"I missed you too." I lie, not wanting to hurt Addie's feelings.
I pull away and grip her fingers as we walk to the car. I get in the driver's seat and look at Meredith and Finn, still hugging. It had to have been at least a few minutes. I back out of the lot and watch as they don't let go of each other. As I turn the corner, I direct my attention to the road.
"Guess what came in the mail?" Addie's level of excitement is that of a hyper 10-year-old girl.
"What is it?" I ask.
"Harper Avery tickets. To the award." She was practically jumping up and down in her seat.
"Oh, cool when are they?" I ask.
"Next week." She squeals and I chuckle at her humor. 

Meredith's POV:
I open the door and hear Derek say something but Finn stands in the parking lot waiting for me. A guy that I can actually like, one that doesn't have a wife is waiting for me. I smile wide and start running to him. Within seconds, I watch his arms outstretch and jump into them. I wrap his neck as he groans and we laugh. His arms hold my waist and pull me closer to him. I giggle as he pulls me up and twirls me around.
"How's your foot? Am I straining you?" I ask, not letting go.
"Meredith. I admire your selflessness but right now, all I want to do is hug you." He says softly into my ears.
I smile and grip him tighter. I hear Derek and Addison speaking and ignore it to focus my ears on Finns breathing which is strained. I pull away after a while and look into his eyes. He lets out a deep breath and I frown.
"I was straining you," I say in a sad tone.
"Okay, just a little bit. But I don't care because I was hugging you." He says.
"I'm driving then," I say gripping his fingers.
"Fine." He laughs as I pull him behind me.
He jumps in the passenger seat and I get in the driver's seat.
"Hungry?" He asks as I drive.
"Yes, very." I chuckle.
He unbuckles and I hold him by the collar of his sweater.
"Sit back down!" I scold him.
He leans farther into the back seat and sits after a while. I watch him buckle in again. He laughs and I let go of his sweater.
"Chocolate." He says taking a bite.
He leans over and feeds me a bite.
"You're not talking to me." He pouts.
I ignore him and let him continue to feed me.
"I'm sorry. I won't do it again." He says softly.
"Fine," I say jumping out of the seat and onto my driveway.
He gets out and runs to me.
"Wait your feet," I say as he lifts me up.
It's dark already and I can't see anything as he runs fast. I touch the ground in front of the door.
"You have to stop putting too much pressure on your feet only 2 weeks after surgery," I say hitting his chest.

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