Chapter 19

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A/N: Sorry for not updating as often, last week was Midterms week and I had to go to school just to take tests. Enjoy!
[MUSIC OPTIONAL: Like normal]
Time Jump - Christmas
Derek's POV:
My eyes open and I feel sadness wash over me. I frown slightly at the noxious smell of Addison's hair as I watch snow land on the moon roof. I slip out of the fleece-lined covers and pull them back to her nose. I smile lightly at her sleeping face and walk to her side of the bed. I pull on sweats because of the cold before I kneel on the floor, near her face.
"Good Morning," I say softly.
Her eyes open and I meet the grey-green.
"Hey." She smiles lightly.
"It's Christmas," I say as she sits up.
The flannel sheets fall to the top of her shorts.
"It is." She smiles and I stand up.
"Are we doing gifts right now?" I ask as she stands up to open the compartment above the bed.
"Yes, open mine!" She smiles handing me a gift-wrapped box.
I look up and follow her body as she jumps on the floor next to me. Smiling, I open the box and laugh. I pull out a jacket. Placing the box on the bed, I unfold the jacket and smile lightly.
"It's my name!" I say trying not to look weird.
"Yeah. In big Dark Blue font." She exclaims, kissing me on the cheek.
I look at the large, thick embroidery are run my fingers over the odd texture.
"You don't like it." She says.
I shake my head and turn to her.
"No, I love it." I smile as push my lips to hers.
"It's your turn." I pull away and grab a Channel bag from behind the closet.
She laughs and pulls out the bag. Women are weird. Addison jumps onto me and wraps her arms around my neck. I smile and fall back on the bed as she laughs.
"Thank you!" She squeals.
"It's not a big deal," I smirk and sigh.
My pager starts to ring and she rolls off me to get it.
"I have to go," I say looking at my pager.
She nods and I pull on jeans, a shirt, and lumberjack boots. Throwing on a jacket, I grab my keys and head out the door. The freezing air chills my bones as they run into the car. I start it and drive to the hospital.

What was Meredith doing right now? I grab mouthwash and pour it into my mouth. It burns the sides of my mouth as it swishes. The snow is landing gracefully on the pavement as I see Meredith walking into the hospital. I step out of my car and lean over a frosted gutter. The liquid pours into the gutter from my mouth as I push my keys into my pockets. I look at her svelte body as she ran into the building being followed by George and the other interns. Her long, dirty blonde hair falls from her shoulders as the snow highlights the freckles on her face. I watch wistfully as she laughs and smiles as she walks into the building. I look down at my phone as I hear a small ding.
The NYC ice rink opens in 2 hours.
I feel a tear run down my face as I delete the reminder. I had made plans for Meredith and me so long ago. We would go to New York and spend the week so that we could watch the ball drop in Times Squares. Pushing the phone deep into my pocket, my head falls and I walk into the hospital while pushing a tear from my cold face. I walk into the attendings' lounge and throw on scrubs and a lab coat. I pull on regular sneakers and hang up my clothes. It is Christmas and I should be happy, it is snowing, my favorite natural phenomenon, yet I am standing in the hospital on the verge of crying. I sigh pull out my iPod touch. Plugging in headphones, I walk to the nurse's station.

As I fill out the forms, my nose picks up a flowery scent and my head raises. Meredith walks down the hall and I feel my chest tighten. She no longer looks happy but like me. Hopeless. I walk down the hall and head to the fourth-floor nurse's station.
Meredith appears and she turns a corner. I stop The Clash and twist the headphones as I watch her walk through doors.
"Hey," I say softly.
"Oh, hey." She smiles as she turns.
My lips curve upwards very lightly as I walk beside her. My head falls and I pull my eyes back to my earphones. I fidget with them as I see her watching me with the corner of my eyes. I keep fidgeting with the headphones as feel my arm brush hers.
"You okay? You know, cuz you seem-" She starts softly.
"Yeah. You know...." I start as we turn to face each other.
I take a deep breath.
"Holidays." I let out with a heavy breath.
Being without Meredith killed me. We should be in NY, dating. Kissing and being happy.
"Oh. Yeah." She says as I look back down to the iPod touch in my fingers.
"I do know." She smiles softly.
My head lifts to meet her captivating eyes. I smile and nod.
"Close your eyes." She smiles.
I stand up straight and let my eyelids drop. I push my iPod into a white pocket and wait for her actions. My smile grows as her fingers trace the inside of my arm. I take in a soft breath as I feel her hand caress mine. She turns my hand upwards and I feel something soft on it. I open my eyes and look curiously at the small box.
"What is that?" I laugh.
"Merry Christmas!" She laughs.
Immediately my stomach twists and I can feel my smile dropping.
"I didn't think we would do gifts an-" I start.
"It's fine, I don't want anything materialistic anyway." She smiles.
"I can't take this," I say softly, grabbing her hand.
I push the box back into her hand.
"You will take it." She says as she pulls me into an on-call room.
"Meredith-" I start while I lean against the drawers.
She shuts the door and walks back to me.
"Please, for me. Just open it." She whispers standing so close that I can feel her breath.
I look down at the small red box and carefully unwrap it. I can feel myself laughing and I open the velvet box to find a pair of cufflinks.
"I know, it's pretty lame but I remember you love cufflinks." She says softly.

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