Chapter 7

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AN: music is optional, Time Jump (1 month)
Derek's POV:
I turn over in bed to see Meredith by my side. She opens her eyes as I watch her.
"Good Morning." I smile.
"Morning." She says.
I could see her hand reach for mine underneath the blanket. I helped her and interlocked my fingers with hers. Laughing, I rolled on her and pressed my naked body to hers. The sunlight made her eyes look as beautiful as ever. I shook my head and pressed my lips to hers. She let her mouth open, granting access for my tongue to enter. Smiling wide, I tangled my fingers in her golden hair. She rolled over and pushed me back so that I was on the bottom. As she leaned in to kiss me her pager rung causing both of us to groan in disappointment. She leaned down and moved her mouth close to my ear.
"I'm going to take a shower, want to join?" She asked.
I lunge upwards and hold her legs to my waist. She laughs and wraps her arms around my neck. I smile as her lips connect with mine. Holding her closer to me, I walk into the bathroom and turn on the shower. She lets me push her against the wall and kiss her. As I kissed her, my hand reached into the shower to see if the water was warm. I smiled and let my hand drift back to her waist. She giggled at the sudden wetness as I laughed. Stepping into the shower, I shut the door and let her off my torso. She pressed her back to my chest and I gladly ran my fingers through her hair spreading shampoo in. Once I was done, she turned towards me and did the same. She grabbed a loofah and handed it to me, causing me to smile. I kneeled and ran the loofah up her legs. She giggled when I left gentle kisses after the loofah. I reached her shoulders and scrubbed making sure to not hurt her. Hanging the loofah, she comes back to me. The water runs down our bodies as she wraps her hands around my neck again. My hands drift to her waist and we stare into each other's eyes. The astonishing mix between blue and green makes my breath hitch. Smiling, I tilt my head and let her lips meet mine. A gust of warm air flows past me and takes away all of my worries. Her hands pull my head closer and I deepen the kiss. Her fingers run through the hair at the back of my head while mine caress her waist. Letting my tongue slide in her mouth, I smile feeling a rush of adrenaline. Her pager rings again. She moans and pecks my lips before leaving the shower with a towel wrapped around her svelte figure. I laugh to myself and wash conditioner out of my hair. Opening the shower door, I watched all the steam flow out. I wrapped a towel around my waist and walked into Meredith's room. She sat on the bed smiling at me.
"What happened to the page?" I asked walking to her.
"They paged the wrong person." She smiled standing up.
Her had ran in circles on my clavicle.
"Let's sleep at your house tonight." She laughs.
"What?" I said moving back.
"I mean, why are we always sleeping at my house?" She asks as I throw on my clothes.
"You said you liked it here. Sleeping in your own bed. I like it here." I smiled as she followed me down the stairs.
We passed George and Izzie and I grabbed Muslie from the cabinets. She laughs with Izzie and George.
"You just a health nut aren't you? Muslie every morning, no cupcakes." George said.
"I don't eat Muslie every morning." I say defensively.
"Yes, you do, for the last seven days." Izzie says.
"What? I haven't been here for a week...have I?" I questioned while I set the Muslie down on the table.
"See, even they think it's weird. Do you even have a house?" Meredith asks setting a bowl on the other side of the table.
I don't respond and feel Meredith's arms close around my neck. I smile as she kisses from my clavicle to my ears. I look up to her and laugh as she places a gentle kiss on my lips. She lets go of my sweater and sits on the opposite side of the table. George and Izzie headed out the door and left us alone. I laughed and leaned over the table feeding her bite. We eat breakfast in silence trying to sneak looks at each other. I smile once she gets up and takes out dishes to the sink. Running up behind her, I wrap my hands around her waist.
"Guess what?" I ask.
"We are going to your place today?" She asks as my lips connect with her neck.
"When are you going to let that go?" I ask between kisses.
"Never." She smiles turning around.
"I'm going to cook for you." I smile.
"You cook? Of course you cook." She smiles.
"Whatever you want me to." I laugh pecking her lips.
" your favorite." She says smirking.
She slips out from the space between me and the counter. As she walks away, I hold onto he fingertips and follow her, grabbing my bag on the way. We walk into the parking lot and get in my car. As I sit, I place the bag on the floor of the backseat. I smile as she sits in the passenger seat and faces me. Instantly, I am filled with wistfulness. My hand reaches out for her neck gently and she moves closer. Our lips meet, opened to let our tongues explore each other's mouths.
"What was that for?" She asks when we pull away.
"I don't know, I just felt like it." I smile as I drive.
"Oh, I'm on your service today." She smiles.
"You know, you are the best neuro intern. What specialty are you planning to go into?" I ask. 
"Everyone is expecting me to go into general because my mother was The Ellis Grey but I don't know, I've always found the brain quite interesting." She says.
"I think you're quite interesting." I smiled holding her hand with my unoccupied hand.
"I just don't know if I will be able to live up to my mother's expectations." She says softly.
"If it means anything, you and your mother are very different surgeons. Dr. Ellis Grey would get angry but you are calm and have a steady mind when handling situations in an OR. I had a case with your mother when I was an intern. Whatever specialty you choose would be lucky to have you." I smile and squeeze her hand before parking.
"Thank you, for now I will be focused on general and neuro." She said making me smile wide.
"I have a lot to teach." I smile.
"I have a lot to learn." She smiles as we head our separate ways.
An hour later Meredith meets me with a patient that has creeping paralysis. Difficultly, we try to find the problem but I decide to run a head CT.
"It's just that I hardly know anything about you." She says as we walk down a long hallway.
"You know I'm from New York, you know I like ferryboats." I sigh as she complains.
"Enough with the ferryboats. What about your friends?" She asks.
"I have a guy named Mark, he is my friend. Kind of." I say.
"What do you do on your days off? These are important questions." She smiles.
"Ah, important for who?" I ask.
"We're having sex every night, I think I deserve details." She says.
"You have more details than most." I say smirking.
"See this is going somewhere weird. I want facts and until I get them, my pants are staying on." She says stopping.
"Or you could just roll with it, be flexible." I smile.
"I'm not flexible." She says seriously.
"There I disagree. I gotta go." I laugh checking my pager.
"We'll find these things out. That's the fun part, you know, that's the gravy." I says walking away.
"I don't wanna be your gravy!" I hear her yell.
I laugh as I run to the pit and see my patient roll in.
"How are his scans?" I ask the nurse.
"I am I okay? I feel fine." He says starting to panic.
"There is no reason for your paralysis that I can see." I say.
"Can you order an MRI and page Meredith Grey." I ask.
The nurse nods and walks away. I get back to the patient and run a cold metal strip down his leg.
"Do you feel this?" I ask.
"Noting until my thighs." He responds.
"Can you move your toes?" I ask.
"Are they moving?" He asks as his toes stay still.
"No. We are going to find out why, I promise." I say.
"The MRI is ready Dr. Shepherd." Mer says from behind me.
"Alright Dr. Grey, let's go." I smile and help her push in into the elevator.
We stand in the corner, out of sight from the patient. I reach my hand out and find hers. I smile and try to hold her hand. She smacks my arm away from hers and wheels the patient out of the elevator. I watch her and scoff, following her. I was genuinely scared to show Meredith anything about me. What if she put things together and found out about Addison? I watched as she walked out of the screening room into the scanning room. I sat down and watched her stand behind me.
"The guys films are clear. There's no reason I can see for his creeping paralysis." She notices.
"It's just so surprising. I expected an intrusion into the spinal space or a bony spur in the nucleus pulposus." I say as my eyes study the scans on the computer.
"Well you were wrong. You don't always get what you expect do you?" She says.
"What is your problem?" I ask looking at her.
"Give me something to go on. Anything. What are your grandparents names?" She asks.
"I don't have grandparents." I say honestly.
"Where'd you grow up? What's your favorite flavor ice cream? Where'd you spend your summer vacations?" She asks with a smile.
"Lighten up. It'll be good for your blood pressure." I say.
I get up and walk down the hall.
"I'll lighten up when I feel light!" I hear her yell.
I smile wide at her interest as I walk to the library.
"Any changes Mr. Walker?" I ask the patient.
"I can't move my legs at all now." He says.
"What's going on? He said he could move his legs when he came in." His wife says hold his arm.
"I don't know, the paralysis is moving very quickly and there was nothing in the MRI to explain it." I say.
"Has Tommy been under any stress lately?" Meredith asks walking in.
"You know it's making me stressed being in here not being able to move." He says panicking.
"Dr. Grey?" I ask pulling her aside.
"Emotional trauma could be converted into something physical." She says.
"Your right good idea." I smile.
"Am I crazy?! The patient asks.
"No, no. I'm going to order a higher level MRI." I say.
I walk over to the closest nurse.
"Order a high-level MRI." I say.
"It's going to take a while. There is a line." She says.
I nod and walk over to Meredith. Watching her do charts, I put my hand on the paper covering it.
"Come on." I say.
"Where?" She asks as I pull her with me.
"Just come on." I say pulling her into an oncall room.
Closing the door, I press myself against her and lock our lips
"No." She said pushing me away.
"Come on." I whine.
I press my lips against hers again and get pushed back.
"I meant what I said! My pants are staying on until you tell me more about yourself." She says.
I stare in awe as she walks out of the room and shuts the door. I had thought she was just kidding when she had said that. I sighed and walked out of the on call room upset. As I see Meredith, I walk towards her, determined to discuss this sudden withholding of sex until both of our pagers ring. I see a 911 and run towards my patient. I fling the staircase door open and jump 5 steps at a time. I am out of breath when I reach the patient bed but Meredith stands there, examining him. I rest my hands on my knees and catch my breath as the patient begins to panic.
"He is paralyzed to the chest." She says walking to me.
I try to speak but my face is red and I am still panting.
"Are you alright?" She asks holding out a water cup.
I breath heavily for a few seconds and grab the water, downing it in one shot.
"Cancel the second MRI and book an OR." I huffed to the nurse who nodded her head.
"What did you see?" I ask.
"I think there is a clot on his upper spine that the regular MRI missed." I said holding the counter still panting.
"What if your wrong? Couldn't unnecessary spinal surgery do more damage?" She asked rubbing my back.
"If we wait any longer we have a paralyzed man who can't breathe. I'm trusting my instincts. Lesson 1: Sometimes you have to take a chance to save a life." I say drinking another cup of water.
"Okay. I'll go tell the family." She said.
"No, your scrubbing in. Come on, let's go." I said standing.
"We've gotta save this cord." I say handing Meredith the cautery.
"You want me to start?" She asked.
"No, I'm gonna cut here; from the base of the neck to the ribcage. I need you to stop the bleeders." I say.
"I still don't think we should be doing this." She says.
"This guy has a spinal hematoma." I start
"We don't know that." She cuts in.
"Which left untreated are almost always fatal." I say ignoring her doubts.
"Your cutting blind. Whatever happened to being practical?" She asks rhetorically.
"I need to see more here. Retractor." I say as Bokhee hands me a retractor.
I push the skin and muscle outward exposing the spine.
"Wow. The spine." Meredith says taking the words from my mouth and speaking my feelings.
"There is no 'wow' in practical." I said.
My eyes meet hers and quickly turn away, being intimidated. I watch her move as she cauterizes the bleeders. There was a swiftness to her motion. After making a large cut, she finished hitting the bleeders in mere seconds. I was mesmerized by her technique.
"Good work Dr. Grey." I said.
"Thank you Dr. Shepherd." She says softly.
"Okay, retractor. I need more vision." I say.
Bohkee hands me another reactor and I place it against the T12 and watch as Meredith cauterized the bleeders that popped out.
"I think I can see the Dura pulsating here." She says she a few hours later.
I direct my attention to the tip of her scalpel and sigh.
"It's not. Keep looking." I say tiredly.
"Maybe he injured his spinal cord and there's nothing to fix." She says.
"Meredith?" I ask.
"Yes?" She questions.
"Progressive paralysis implies a pressure lesion." I say.
Suddenly the machines start to beep loudly.
"We have to find the clot, there is damage to his sympathetic nervous system." I say rushing.
She begins covering the bleeders as soon as I cut. We look for about an hour until I sigh happily. We get to T2 and I smile.
"What is it?" She asks.
"See for yourself, second thoracic vertebrae." I say.
"Oh my god, I see it. It's really there." She smiles.
"Of course it is. Let's suction and pack this." I laugh.
"Grey, do it." I smiled.
"Me?" She asked surprised.
"I believe in you." I laugh handing her the suction.
Her hands shakily take the suctioning tool and she holds it. I watch as her hand hovers over the hematoma, still shaking. Gently, I reach my hands and cover hers.
"You can do this." I say softly.
She nods and I squeeze her hands before letting go. Her hands steady as she suctions perfectly and interests the pad. I smile wide as she sutures with her technique. She smiles and puts down the forceps.
"Great work Dr. Grey." I say in a profesional tone.
She nods as we walk into the scrub room.
"You were right. Is he going to be okay?" She asks scrubbing
"I think so." I say smiling wide.
"But you don't know that." She says softly.
"I know we stopped the paralysis from advancing." I say.
"But you don't know if the paralysis he already had will be permanent." She says running the water against her arms.
"No." I sigh.
"You keep taking everything on faith. How do you know what's real and what's not?" She asks.
"You just do...hold you think that I'm not real?" I ask.
"I don't know." She says softly.
"You know some people would call this a relationship. The kind where you exchange keys, leave your toothbrush over" I say nervously hoping that she agrees.
"Who? Who would call it that?" She asks grabbing a towel and wiping her arms.
"Me. I would." I say leaning on the metal basin beside her.
"And I'm supposed to believe you?" She asks.
"Yeah. Why wouldn't you?" I smile.
"Show me something. Give me a reason to believe." She says letting her fingers run down my arm.
I looked down at the ground as I pushed my fingers into hers. I tightened my grip as she did the same. I looked around and held her hand in my mouth. Gently, I placed a kiss on her knuckles. She smiles and watches as I grab the chart and pull her closer to me. She laughs as she pulls me in the direction of the family of the patient. I laughed and hugged her. She pulled away and my smile dropped as I saw Richard down the hall. Instantly, I felt a cold chill run down my spine as Meredith moved her hand away from mine and left my cells tingling for her touch. Richard turned to us and smiled wide.
"Great surgery guys!" He said.
"Thanks," I mumble.
"It was okay," Meredith said quietly.
He walked past us and into the stairwell. I turned to Meredith who was on the verge of losing it. I started to laugh and she joined along as we stumbled across the lobby.
"He just-" She said bursting into laughter.
"Walked right past us!" I laughed holding the railing for support.
She held my shoulder for help and we calmed ourselves. I wiped the tears of laughter from her eyes as she did the same for me. Her fingers brushed mine as we approached the family.
"Is he okay?" The wife said.
"We found a hematoma and suctioned it out," I say.
"What does that mean?" She asks.
"We stopped the paralysis from advancing, your husband is alive. We still don't know if he will be able to move like he used to." Meredith explains calmly.
"Oh! Thank you!" The wife says pulling Meredith.
Her arms wrap around Meredith tightly as she grimaces. I watch as the wife lets her go and she takes a deep breath.
"The nurse will lead you to him. He will still be asleep from the anesthesia." I say.
The woman nods and I smile and follow Meredith.
"Meet me in the lobby after you change." I smile.
"Why?" She asks turning around.
"Because I told you that I was going to cook for you." I smile
"Okay." She giggles and leaves me in the hallway.
I sigh happily and walk into the attendings' lounge. I throw on my clothes and rehearse my speech as I wait for Meredith. 'I live in a trailer. I own all of this land.' What else could I say? I definitely couldn't tell her about Addison.
"Hey. You okay?" Meredith asks snapping me out of my trance with her lips pressed to my ear.
"Yeah, let's go." I smile.
She smiled and holds my fingertips as I lead her to the car. I hit the unlock button on the car and it chirps in response.
"Where are we going?" She asks smiling.
I hold the door open as she sits inside.
"Trust me." I smile.
She stared into my eyes for a moment and gets in smiling. I laugh and shut the door. Running over to the other side, I place my bag in the backseat and start the car. As I start driving, I hold Meredith's hand tightly.
"Are you taking me to the woods to kill me?" She laughs.
"Yeah, I am a cannibal who eats beautiful women." I smile.
I laugh as I walk around the car and open her door. She smiled and walks through the clearing with me.
"This is a beautiful body of water." She says standing by the lake.
"Come on!" I say grabbing her hand.
"Where are we?" She asks shoving her hands in her pockets.
"Shh. Shh. Shh. I'm gonna tell you." I smile.
"Alright. My mother's maiden name- Maloney." I say clasping my hands together.
"I have 3 sisters. Uhm...5 nieces. 2 nephews. I have a twin who I don't talk to. " I watch as she looks into my eyes.
"I like coffee ice cream, single malt scotch, occasionally a good cigar, I like to fly-fish, and I cheat when I do the crossword puzzles on Sundays," I say smiling.
"I never dance in public," I smirk.
"Favorite novel- The Sun Also Rises," I say letting smiles escape between each word.
"Favorite band- The Clash," I say watching her smile wide.
"Favorite color is blue- I don't like light blue; indigo," I say.
"This scar is from falling. I sutured it wrong, you fixed it." I smile running my fingers over the indent on my forehead remembering her fingers touching my forehead.
I take a deep breath and hesitate as she watches me.
"And I live in that trailer," I say pointing to the trailer that has a string of lightbulbs overhanging.
I watch as her smile fades and she turns to the trailer and back to me.
"All this land is mine," I say looking around the 35 extra acres that I bought.
The 40 acres are dark now but I can only imagine a house being built on the land.
"I have no idea what I'm going to do with it," I say turning back to her.
Fear strikes me as I watch her serious face. She looks upset as she turns away from me. My heart starts to race as she walks towards the trailer. I shift my weight between my feet nervously. My breath refused to leave my body as she kept walking forwards. My mind ran through all the scenarios for the next few minutes. Would she be angry at me for not telling her before? Would she be disappointed? Would she end things between us? My face felt hot as I anticipated her reaction which was so well hidden. She turned on her heels and revealed a smile. I felt a warm feeling spread from my chest, outwards. She held her hand out, motioning for mine. I smiled and nodded as I walked closer. I reached my hand out and slid it in hers. We walked to the trailer and I opened the metal door and held it open. My hand traveled to the small of her back as she rubbed her shoes against the doormat. She stepped into the trailer and looked back at me. I shut the door and slid my shoes off beside hers. She turned back to me and watched my movements. I gave her a smile as I stood close to her. Her hands inched my coat off and I smiled wide. My hands undid the buttons on her jacket and I set it on the couch.
"Finally, I can kiss you, it's been too long," I said softly.
My hands wrapped around her waist and her fingers caressed my jawline. I smiled as she let my lips lock hers. She took the oxygen from my chest and pulled away, letting me breathe deeply. I smiled and made her sit by the table.
"What are we doing?" She asked.
"We can continue after dinner. I told you I would cook." I smiled walking to the sink.
I slipped my watch off and threw it on my coat. I opened the fridge and pulled out chicken cutlets and asparagus. I could feel her eyes follow me as I washed my hands in the sink. I pulled out a pot and started to boil water before adding in the dry pasta. Quickly, I pulled out a large, stove-top grill. Carefully. I seasoned the cutlets and asparagus before placing them on the grill. I looked behind me and saw she wasn't at the table. I was about to look around when I felt her arms wrap my chest from the back. I smiled as her head pressed into my back. I smiled and turned around, pulling her closer to me.
"Tell me about you now." I smiled as we swayed gently.
"What do you want to know?" She chuckled tightening her grip around me.
"Favorite color?" I said.
"Same as yours." I felt her breath against my neck.
"Favorite drink- oh wait, it's tequila." I smiled at myself listening to her laugh.
"What were you like in high-school?" I asked imagining a young Meredith.
"I would say, I was pretty much the same as now, except the years of med school and college. I had to take care of  myself. Oh, I had pink hair. ." I heard before feeling kisses on my neck.
"I will definitely have to see some pictures of that." I smile.
"How's your mom?" I asked.
"Can we not talk about her?" She asked.
"Of course." I smiled.
"Where's your bathroom?" She asked.
She pulled away and walked in the direction that I pointed in. She smiled and slid inside. I let out a breath of happiness. I already missed her. Turning around, I mixed in the sauce that I had previously made and with the pasta. Carefully, I cut up the chicken and asparagus. I placed the food on the table just in time to watch her exit the bathroom. I felt my chest expand, letting more of her scent to enter my lungs. She smiled and sat beside me, carefully taking her fork. After dinner, I held her hand and passed her some wine. She smiled wide and took small sips. I sat on the couch and watched her finish her wine. I set mine by the counter next to hers and pulled her closer. I felt her toes inch the socks off my feet and did the same for her. Her fingers ran over my chest sending tingles through my body. I laughed and pressed my lips to hers. The kiss heated fast and I slipped my tongue into the warm cavern of her mouth. My hands took control as we stumbled towards the bedroom. They found the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head, breaking the kiss for as little time as possible. Her tongue rubbed against mine and explored my mouth as her hands tried to push the green sweater off my chest. I chuckled and threw off my sweater. My feet hit the edge of the bed and I fell on top of her. My finger struggled to undo the buttons on my dress shirt until she guided my hands to the bra. While I undid it with ease, she unbuttoned my shirt effortlessly. I smiled as felt her legs wrap around my waist. My mouth moved to her neck and sucked hard earning moans from her. I smiled as I left not one inch of her neck untouched. Her warm feet pushed my pants off and I laughed as my boxer briefs slid off my feet. I moved to her breasts and sucked carefully savoring every moment. My hands slid down her sides and pushed her pants and underwear off. She moaned as I moved down her body, leaving red marks.
"Your so wet, I haven't even started," I whispered in a raspy voice.
My fingers spread her legs open and I kissed up her fold gently.
"Oh...Derek." She said turning me on.
I felt myself drooling and aching for the entrance. I held her ass closer and ran my tongue all the way down. Her legs wrapped around my neck and I smiled wide. I let my lips enter her and her fingers tugged my hair. I smiled as I sucked her fold earning a scream. A sudden rush of aggressiveness ran over me and I picked up my pace. I let my hands spread her folds wider apart so I could push my face in deeper. I could feel her legs loosen and she began rocking with my aggressive tongue. I heard screams of pleasure as liquid trickled into my mouth.
"Mmm." I moaned as I slurped at it.
"Meredith, you are delicious." I smiled lying next to her.
I smiled wide as she rolled on to me and pressed her lips against mine. My hands immediately went to her ass as she grinded against me.
"Meredith!" I groaned feeling myself grow.
Her hands grasped at my member as I held my breath. Her mouth sucked at my chest and very slowly moved down while her fingers rubbed all the pre-cum off on my member. I felt myself throbbing and waiting for more. I looked down at her just in time to catch her kissing my sensitive tip. I propped myself on my elbows and watch as she kissed it down the sides. My eyes wanted to close and moan at the feeling of her tongue around my shaft but I needed to see it. I moaned as she let her saliva drip on my member, each drop hitting the tip and rolling down the side. I couldn't help but hold the golden hair tightly as she began to suck the tip of my cock. Her fingers toyed with my balls, gently squeezing them. Her moans sent chills down my back as I saw her take my whole length; unbearably slow. I could feel my climax heading for me as she speeds up her movements. I watch in awe of her skill as the sound of sucking filled my ears, echoing loudly as though we were in a cave.
"Meredith!" I said loudly as I started to rock with her.
I was sweating and breathing heavily as she went faster than I had ever experienced before.
"Mer!-" I got cut off by my own shouts of pleasure.
My head threw itself back involuntarily as I felt myself release. I gasped for breath as she kept going and letting me ride out my mind-blowing orgasm. The world around me blurred and everything holding me down was gone. I felt shocks of electricity run through me; making my body pulsate rapidly. Eventually, I came down form my high and felt her naked body pressed against mine. She moved up my body, climbing like I was a jungle-gym. I moaned as she pressed her lips against mine. I could taste myself in her and gently let my fingers tangle in her locks. Her hands rested on my chest, gently rubbing. She moaned as I carefully turned so she was in the bottom. Leaning over the table, I opened the drawer and pull out a condom. She smiled wide as I held it in front of my face. I laughed as she lunged and snatched it out of my mouth. Opening it she smiled wide.
"Always glow in the dark with you isn't it?" She laughed.
"It's dark out and who has sex with lights?" I asked.
"Good point." She smiled.
Her hands pulled the condom on me and I leaned into her. My hands massaged her breasts, squeezing ever so often to release the built up tension. I made sure my fingers ran over the tips gently, turning them into hard knobs. She let her fingers run through my hair and tug gently, sending signals of her arousal to my body.
"I'm ready for you." She whispered hotly.
I nodded and gently held my member to her caress her folds. We both moaned at the feeling. I slid inside her and moaned loudly as she breathed heavily. Slowly, my fingers intertwined with hers and held them to the bed.
"Derek..." She moaned.
"Meredith..." I said slowly moving in and out.
Leaning down, I began sucking at neck. Her hands were still pinned down on the bed. I chuckled smelling the flowery scent that I adored.
"Faster...Derek." She moaned.
Easing myself off of her neck, I began to move quickly, gradually increasing how far deep I went with each thrust. She moaned loudly as I was completely inside her. Going faster, my shouts filled the trailer as I felt my tip hit her g-spot. Her fingers squeezed into mine and we both let out our screams of release. Breathlessly, I fell beside her and looked into her beautiful blue eyes. My legs were too weak to move and I assumed hers were as well. I noticed that I was wrong when she sat on my chest and moved down. Her fingers pulled the condom from my still throbbing member. I watch in awe as her hands began to massage it while she leaned down and licked all of my most recent release. Her tongue swirling around my member sent me into heaven and I saw a string of white fluid shoot out at her. She moaned as it hit her tongue and she swallowed all of it. I observed as she laid back next to me. I smiled and put an arm over her shoulders. She chuckled while she snuggled against the side of my chest and buried her face into my neck.
"Meredith that was..." I said finally catching my breath.
"Breathtaking." She finished.
I turned on my side and pulled her close to my chest as she pulls the cover us.
"Goodnight Meredith." I whispered leaving a gentle kiss on her ear.
"Goodnight Derek." She said as I felt her body press itself deeper against mine.
I fell asleep to the smell of flowers and a warmness in my chest that felt irreplaceable.

Word Count- 5848
Lmao! I'm just realizing that I didn't leave a word count 12 hours after I posted. Anyway...I really like this and can't wait to publish the next paragraph.
Stay Safe everyone!

Tiktok + Instagram: paging.patrickdempsey
[dm me if you need anything ❤️]

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