Chapter 29

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Meredith's POV:
My alarm wakes me from a deep sleep and I slam it shut. Rolling over in bed, I pull the sheets up to my nose and squeeze my eyes shut hoping sleep will overcome my senses again. It doesn't however and I groan softly. Swinging my legs over the edge of the bed, I sit up and look at the clock. It's only 3:30 AM and practically pitch black. I smile as I see a piece of yellow paper next to my picture of Lexie and me. Picking it up and turning on the light, I smile as I read the note.

Hey, Meredith. Good morning. You fell asleep on the ferryboat so I drove you home. I changed you and put your clothes in the hamper in your closet. I swear I didn't look. When I called Finn, he didn't pick up. I'm sorry, I don't know where he is. Don't forget, the Harper Averys are today and I saw that you were packed already so don't forget anything. I know your probably too tired to do much right now so I made you hot pockets; a lot of them. Your plane ticket was in the bathroom so I put it on the counter next to the food so you don't forget either of them. Also, coffee should be ready. See you there. - Derek

I chuckle after reading the note and get up. Before I can go anywhere, my phone buzzes, and I smile seeing a text from him.

Derek: Meredith are you up yet?
Mer: Yes, thank you for everything you did last night. I really appreciate it.
Derek: No Problem, I can't wait to see you there. Bye
Mer: Bye

As I walk to the bathroom, I spot another yellow note. I pick up and read it.

Don't forget to charge your phone. I left your spare battery bank in your bag.

I laugh and grab my phone from the bed and plug it in. He knew me so well and it lit me up inside. But he didn't feel the same way about me anymore, otherwise, he would have left Addison.

Quickly, I get in the shower and let the warm water heat me back up again. I run lavender shampoo through my hair and smile as the scent fills the showers. Quickly, I rush out and throw on a comfortable bra and cotton underwear. It was already 4 AM. I pull on sweat pants and an oversized sweater before grabbing my phone and running down the stairs. I smile, halfway down as the scent of hot pockets fills my nose. They are in a thermos and my coffee is next to to it. I taste it and sigh happily at the distinct flavor. Another note is laying on the counter and I pick it up.

I also called you a cab. It should be there around 4:15. I hope this made up for what I tried to do, but if it doesn't; just know that I'll stop at nothing until you forgive me. Even if it means doing this every day. PS. Fuzzy socks are on the side of your bag.

He had already made up what he tried to do but I didn't fully trust him yet. What other secrets did he have that I didn't know about? As I grab my bag, I see a separate one and read a different yellow note.

You left lots of files on the counter, looked like you were working on a project. I didn't look inside but I put them in another one of your bags in case you wanted to take them.

I smile and put the post-it with the others; in my wallet. No one knew about a large project that I was working on and I wanted it that way. It was a wonderful idea that I had when I was reading through my mother's journals. I'm so glad that they didn't release the nominations for the awards because everyone here would have gone crazy about me. The thought of curing diabetes was a large part of why I loved medicine. I had just started the trial on humans after working all through college and med school on it. Everyone asked me why I was happy and it's because, secretly, my trial had been working. I had cured a man already and I want to do more except I don't want the fame. I quickly grab the large backpack and push the thermos with hot pockets inside it before calling Finn which goes to voicemail.

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