Chapter 6

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AN:  music Is optional 😊
"You have to get up." Meredith says.
Her fingertips brush my thighs waking me from deep sleep.
"What, my god what time is it?" I moan.
"5:20 and I have pre rounds." She moans.
She wraps her arms around my neck, letting me kiss her cleavage. I groan at the feeling of her laying on top of me.
"And you have to leave before they see you." She says.
"Oh, come on. Why don't you just let them see?" I laughed as I flip her on the bed.
My lips suck hard on her neck. My body fills with warms as the whole of our bodies touch.
"No!" She laughs as her fingers run through my hair.
"Please." I moan loudly as my hands run over her breasts.
I gently place kisses on them before getting up. Throwing on my clothes from the previous night, I tip toe down the stairs and out of the house as quickly and quietly as possible. I get in my car and drove out, hoping that her roommates didn't hear me. I pull over in my 'Chief of Neurosurgery' parking spot and walk in the hospital. Pulling up scrubs, I head down to a conference room to get briefed on my patient. I am so tired from all of the extremely exhausted from all of last night. Mer and I had been out till 3AM watching he sunrise but when we got to her house, we had sex. Not one, two, three, four but five times. five rounds of depleting sex. Here I thought that I  was infatigable. Obviously, I was wrong. I had never felt this way about sex. Like I needed it to live. It was a drug, that gave me an irreplaceable high. I stood against the wall and looked up to the ceiling. I squeezed eye drops into my orbs in hopes that they would be less dry. As I walked out of the room, I almost laughed seeing Meredith mid-yawn.
"Meet me in on call room 1 in 2 hours." I whisper.
She shakes her head and holds me from going anywhere.
"Not today." She says.
"Fine, I'll see you after work." I smile.
She laughs slightly as I walk away. I go to surgery on a head trauma and successfully save the patient. After surgery, George filled me in about a patient.
"Dr. Shepherd..." He said.
"I gotta get some coffee." I say.
"Jamie Hayes has been admitted. The little girl with te brain abnormality." He said following me.
"How is she presenting?" I ask.
"She has what looks like continuos seizure activity in her left foot. Her balance is off." He says as I turn to him.
"Her parents have come a long way to try to find out what's wrong." He says, handing me her scans.
The scans were not important enough to send the parents to a hospital. There was slight brain death in one side.
"How old are these?" I asked.
"3 months." He said.
"I need new ones. Her brain could look dramatically different today." I groaned.
"Okay, I'll order them." He said passive aggressively.
"Thank you." I said
I leaned my hand against a wall of an elevator as the metal doors closed. The elevator went down and opened to Meredith. She smiled as walked inside and pressed the close button. We were in the lobby when she hit the seventh floor. It would be a few minutes for the elevator to open again. I smiled as the doors closed and she turned to me. I laughed as she stepped closer to me and caressed my torso through the scrubs. My fingers tangled in her golden hair and I leaned down. She jumped into my arms and I held her against an elevator wall. Adrenaline rushed through me as I pressed my lips against hers as her legs wrapped around my waist. I held her lower-back as she tugged on my hair. She moaned loudly as my tongue entered the warm cavern of her mouth. Her tongue took control and danced with mine, twirling with mine. I moaned as I felt our saliva mix and her hands massaged my scalp. The elevator bell ringed and I grudgingly let her legs land on the floor. Her lips were swollen and red as I assumed mine were too. I smiled wide watching her wipe my saliva off her lips. I blushed hard as I licked my lips and she smiled, walking out of the elevator. Looking at my reflection, I brought my fingertips to my lips which were indeed red. I laughed and wiped them aggressively. The swelling settled down and I walked out. I laughed as I pulled out my ringing phone. I groaned seeing the name appear again in bold. Addison. I ignored the call and shoved the phone back into my pocket. I wasn't up for talking to Addison, not yet. I knew that I would have to talk to her at some point, but I was happy with Meredith. More than happy; energetic with Meredith. In a way I had never felt with Addison. Another time, my phone rings and I looked at the called ID. Finn. The phone shook in my hands and I pushed it in, trying to crush the piece of technology. I would never forgive him for what he had done. Ruing my 10-year marriage and calling me daily. I walked into Jamie Hayes room with a smile. The little girl looked like a mini-Meredith. I smiled wide as I examined her.
"You look like a princess. Do you know your a princess?" I asked keeping her distracted while I watched her legs.
I hit her knee with a rubber hammer to test her patellar tendon reflex. Thankfully, her knee pops up, assuring me that there was nothing wrong with her spine.
"It's not lipstick." She smiled taking the hammer.
"That's not lipstick? No, that's not lipstick" I laughed taking the rubber hammer from her hands gently.
"Wanna do my shoulder? Oh good" I said.
"And nose?" She asked as George blew up a hand balloon.
The child mesmerized me and I was filled with happiness.
"We're going to find out what's causing these seizures." I said confidently as I played with the child.
"Does MRI know we are coming down?" I asked.
"You said CT." He replied.
"Now I'm saying MRI." I say.
"It's available." He said grudgingly.
"Good." I spat back.
"Doctor, is she going to need surgery?" The dad asked.
"I don't know yet." I answered honestly.
"It's just that my wife and I, we both work and I don't know if our insurance-" He started.
"We know it can be very expensive." His wife said picking up the adorable babbling child.
"I don't want you to worry about that." I said.
I watched Jamie's leg beginning to twitch rapidly.
"It's a focal left side seizure. Okay let's get diazepam running right now." I said sitting down.
"Diazepam IV." The nurse said holding the IV.
"A tourniquet please." I asked.
The nurse hands me a tourniquet and I scooted my chair over so that the child could see my face.
"Okay, Jamie, we're gonna put this on your arm okay. Isn't that fun? We're gonna put that on to you just like that. Bloop, bloop, bloop" I said wrapping the blue rubber strip around her arm and trying to keep everyone calm.
"And this is going to feel a little cold." I said finding muscles.
"This is a butterfly." I said in a calmly, happy voice.
I held the IV in the air and moved it around. Making fluttering noises, I moved it closer to her arm.
"Butterfly lands right the there. Mmm" I said.
She winced quietly as I pushed the IV into the muscle.
There we go." I said calmly.
"Blanket for the butterfly. Good nicely done." I said putting a bandaid over the IV to make sure it would not fall.
The nurse switched on the diazepam and I watched as the seizure stopped and her leg relaxed.
"It's amazing stuff isn't it?" I asked looking up to the parents who sighed in relief and smiled.
"Hey, you like spaceships?" I asked Jamie.
"Yeah." She smiled wide.
"Okay, should we take Captain O'Malley. My first lieutenant to the spaceship MRI?" I asked.
She nodded her head and smiled.
"Let's go." I smiled.
We wheeled Jamie into the elevator and I smiled wide seeing Meredith with her patient. I stood against the wall and let my hands fall to the metal bar as she did the same. Gently, I rubbed my pinky against hers. She let her hand fall covered by the two patient beds. Moving my hands underneath the line of sight, I moved my hand to hers and smiled as she pushed her fingers into the spaces between mine. I smiled wide and she squeezed my hand tightly. I squeezed back and blushed. The elevator dinged and the doors opened. George pulled the gurney out and I grudgingly pulled my hand from Meredith's. She held my fingertips and made me smile. I watched as she let go before anyone could see. I turned as the doors shut and shot a quick smile at Meredith. We started to walk to the MRI. It was these small moments that I never really had with anyone else. Making out in the elevators, holding hands, watching the sunrise. These were different than dates that I had taken anyone on. Addison and I would usually get takeout and watch a movie instead of doing something exciting like scaling the side of a ferryboat. I smiled waiting for an image to show up on the screen. The parents stood next to me as I sat in the chair.
"Hey Jamie, I'm going to ask you to stay very still okay?" I asked.
"Yeah." I smiled at her baby voice through the speaker.
"Awesome, I'll be right here." I smiled.
Pressing the mute button, I sat on the counter. The MRI showed something that I feared.
"It's called Rasmussen's encephalitis. What it amounts to is that this side of her brain- it's all healthy and working perfectly. The black part of the brain, all of that is dying or dead. The condition has gotten radically worse since her CT scans 3 months ago. Left untreated, this disease is gonna kill her." I say clearly.
"How soon?" The mom asks.
"Too soon." I replied softly.
"So, is there a cure?" The father asks.
"This treatment requires the disease portion of her brain to be removed and sealed off. See eventually the spinal fluid will fill the cavity." I said.
"Remove? I mean- that's-" The dad says.
"Half her brain." I finish.
"Half her brain...that seems impossible" The mom says.
"Her age makes it possible. Her brain is not fully developed so the remaining neurons will compensate for the loss." I reply feeling tears in my eyes.
"Will she be normal?" The dad asks.
"There are risks to any surgery. And this is a major one. But if we are successful, Jamie could walk out the hospital in a couple weeks to go one to live a relatively normal life. Look, I know that this is a lot to digest, but the important thing to remember is that we can save her life." I say.
The nod and walk away as George runs up the stairs.
"Dr. O'Malley!" I say.
"Yes. What?" He snaps.
"Sorry to bother you but if we get the parents consent I thought you would like to scrub in on the hemispherectomy. Are you in or not?" I ask.
"Uh, in." He says.
"Good." I nod and walk away.
Feeling tired, I walk into an on call room.
"Close the door." Someone yells.
I laughed and shut the door, seeing Meredith curled up in a bed. I lock the door and pull off my lab coat and scrub top. Sliding in the bed, I pull her in and her head rests on the side of my chest. I sigh and kiss the top of her head. Her even breath brushes over the hair on my chest, making the goosebumps appear underneath all the hair. She pulls off her scrub top and lands it on top of my clothes on the floor. I smile as she moves closer and buries her head in my neck.
"Bailey has me doing 10 patients at a time." She says muffled in my neck.
"I'm sorry." I whisper.
"It's okay. I am not giving you up. I'll take the scut." She says as her hand grips my shoulder.
"Really?" I ask.
"Yeah. How's your day going?" She asks still muffled.
"I don't know, not so good." I say softly while I stroke her golden hair behind her ear.
"Why not?" I hear softly.
I take a deep breath in and she moves up to my head. Her fingers caress my face and she smiles sympathetically.
"I have to cut out half a girls brain. I'm nervous to do it." I said hoping that she would make fun of me.
She moves back to her spot on the side of my chest and gently kisses on her way there.
"I'm sorry." She says. "So it doesn't get easier?" She asks.
"The nerves don't. But unlike the first time, once you start to cut, they fly away." I say looking down at her fingers playing with mine.
"I'm so tired." I say watching her arms move and intertwine my fingers again with hers.
"That's partly your fault." She smiled.
"And partiality your fault. Keeping me up all night." I laugh back.
"I'm sorry, I won't do it anymore." She smiles knowing I do let want that.
"No. You can, because I like it." I smile.
"Alright, I have to go." She says getting up and turning off her pager which rings loudly.
"Wait" I say.
"What?" She asks turning around and pulling down her scrub top over her stomach.
"Come here." I say holding out my arms.
She smiles and walks back towards me. I watch as she sits by my side on the bed and leans over. Her lips press against mine and I smile.
"I would take scut work for you too." I smile.
She laughs and walks out of the room. I laughed and roll over on my side. I glance at my watch before I close my eyes. I wake up in the clouds again. I prepare myself and feel myself getting dizzy as the clouds spin. I yell as the clouds dissolve into the air and I fall down. I don't see anything underneath me this time.
"Meredith!" I yell.
"I'm right here Derek, open your eyes." She says softly.
I open my eyes and feel a warmth in my hands. I look at my hands and see hers in them. We still fall into nothing and she moves closer to me. I pull her into a hug and kiss her. She pulls away smiling and we plunge into the water. I cough the water up as I swim up to the surface. I am surprised when I don't meet any resistance. Meredith breaths in the warm air above the water first and I am next. She laughs loudly as she sees the me gasp for breath.
"Let's go to the beach." She smiles.
Once my breathing evens, I take her hand and paddle us to the shore. I watch as she crawls out of the water and cringes as the dry sand sticks to her. The water makes the shirt tighten around my chest as I climb out. Instantly, my clothes dry and I smile. Pulling her in, I press my lips to hers. I wake with a shake. My pager ringer loudly as I look around. Remembering that it was all a dream, I groan and turn my pager off. I throw on my scrub top and head out of the room.
I walk in the OR after scrubbing in and I smile seeing a nurse holding a shot of espresso for me. I throw it back and toss the empty cup. As I walk to the little girl on the table, I feel a rush of adrenaline as the espresso kicks in.
"Hey princess, you ready to take a nap?" I ask smiling.
"Look what I got." Dr. Taylor: the anesthesiologist says.
"Blow bubbles. You just breathe in that's it." I smile as Taylor presses the mask to her face.
"What?" I ask seeing George agitated.
"Do you smell..." He trails off.
"Smell what? I have a mask on." I say.
"I'm sorry Dr. Taylor but did you just...have you been drinking?" He asks.
Everyone in the OR goes silent and watches George as I snap my head to him.
"I beg your pardon?" Taylor asks.
"What?" I question.
"Do you smell...I- I smell alcohol." George says.
"Where the hell do you get off accusing me of something like that?" Taylor says getting angry.
"George, you're out of line." I say clearly.
"There are rules. You know there are rules for a reason. There is a 2-year-old girl on the table. You shouldn't take advantage of someone else's vulnerability." He says shaking.
"I don't need some punk intern telling me what's at stake here. Get him out of here Shep." Taylor says.
My gaze drifts to Taylor as I try to make a decision. George or Taylor?
"Shep?" Taylor asked.
I trust George and I trust Taylor, but in the end... Taylor is the attending and I have to trust that over an intern.
"You're out George." I say hoping I made the right choice.
He stares at me for a moment and then exits the OR.
"You damn well better be ready." I say deadly as I walk in front of the doctor.
"I wouldn't be here if I wasn't." He says defensively.
After a few hours, I finish taking a quarter of her brain out.
"From the frontal lobectomy I'm going to encounter a-..." I start to say until I noticed something about Jamie's eyes.
"We'll encounter the anterior cerebral artery." Cristina says.
"We're going to need to...uh." I stop again as I see Jamie's eyes move slightly underneath the drape.
"The branches of the artery need to be coagulated and divided." Cristina finishes for me again.
"You know Taylor, her anesthesia is awfully light." I say.
I watch Jamie as her eyes begin to open and she shakes slightly. Fear a strikes me.
"Come on Taylor. She's waking me up!" I say loudly.
Cristina puts her instruments down and looks at him.
"Dr. Taylor? He's asleep!" She says.
"Taylor!" I yell but he doesn't wake.
"Dr. Taylor!" I yell even louder.
He shakes away and mumbles things as he turns up the anesthesia and pulls out a needle.
"He's was right wasn't he?" I ask.
"Come on Shep, I just nodded off." He says.
"Yeah, whatever you gotta do to get through the day right?" I say angrily.
"Nurse, get me some coffee." He says.
"Nurse, call Dr. Pennington. Taylor get out of here and pull yourself together." I say.
After another hour, I throw the other quarter of her brain in the medical waste bucket.
"I'm going to bed." I say leaving the room.
After I get changed, I head to lobby to find Meredith waiting for me. I smile lightly as I walk up to her. She smiles as she pushes her fingers into mine.
"Want to walk to my house. You can stay over again." She says.
"Yeah. That sounds good." I say softly as we turn a corner.
"I'm sorry to hear about Dr. Taylor. You must feel betrayed." She says softly.
"Are you angry?" I ask nervously.
"Why would I be?" She says looking into my eyes.
"Because, I trusted Taylor more than George and he's your roommate and one of your best friends." I say.
"No. I'm not mad. You chose to trust an attending over an intern. If I was in your place, I would have done the same thing." She says softly as we turn another corner.
I squeeze her hand tight and she smiles. Her hands wrap my arm as we walk up the porch stairs. She unlocks the door and leads me inside. I smile as I drop my bag into a chair by her bed. I watch as she takes off her jacket and jeans. Smiling, I pull my coat off and throw my sweater beside it. She pulls on pajamas as I unbutton my shirt and step on the opposite end of the bed.
"You know we could just..." I start.
"Sleep?" She asks.
"Yeah, if you want to." I reply.
"Yeah?" She asks smiling slightly.
I get on the bed and nod as I let my head fall on the soft pillow. My eyes immediately close and I hear her head land on the pillow beside me. I laughed slightly as the cloud underneath my head shifts to cradle my face. I reach out my hand under the cover and find hers. She laughs slightly and moves closer. Placing a gentle kiss on my lips, her head returns to its place on the pillow. I push my fingers in between hers and fall into a deep sleep hoping I get to see her in my dreams as well.

Word Count - 3582
Okayyy. I'm actually motivated to start doing shit now. But, I think that after this fanfic, I will finish MerDer Story and then write A SEQUEL to Dempeo: A Love Story. AFTER. I can't do it all at the same time. I'm also an editor, *cough cough currently making an edit that shakes me to my core cough*

Tiktok + Instagram: paging.patrickdempsey
[dm me if you need anything 😊]

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