Chapter 28

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Music Optional as always. Enjoy ❤️
(I promise this is the last rly rly sad chapter)

Derek's POV:
I wake up early to the scent of Addison's hair and place a soft kiss on her cheek before getting up and sliding on crocs. On my way out of the trailer, I grab a shovel. The morning air is fresh and damp as usual but there is a sense of sadness. I walk through the grass and let out a breath with each stride as the morning dew gets trapped in crocs. I zip up my jacket and stand on the shore of a large pond. The shovel in my hand seems heavier than it seems to be and I push it into the ground. I watch the metal enter the earth and the dirt piles on the shovel as I pull it up. Carefully, I drop the soil on the side of the small hole and keep digging.

Meredith is the one I want to be with. I have made my decision but I can't tell her. She is happy with Finn and I can't ruin her life once more. In not happy with Addison but- I am terrified of being alone. I don't want to lose everyone.

I looked up at the feeling of slight warmth. Instantly, it went away as the clouds covered the sun. Sighing, I threw the shovel over my head and it lands with a thus on the grass. The gloom creeps into my bones like the damp into the wood. Standing in the place where he would rest for all of eternity was unsettling. I look up along the walls of the hole and let my fingers run along with the dirt. It withers at my touch and I watch each grain drop to the bottom. The small hole is the perfect size for a casket with Doc. I slump to the bottom and tears slip from my eyes. The thought of Meredith's first dog dying was upsetting. I know she cares for Doc beyond most things.

She sits on the counter and I pull her close. Her head buries in my neck and I let my arms wrap her protectively. She cries as my fingers tuck her hair behind her ears. My lips rest on her hair and I pull back, feeling tears on my shoulders. I look into her green, prismatic eyes and her head drops of look at the floor. My pointed finger brushes her chin and holds it so that I can see her eyes.
"Meredith, what's wrong?" I ask sadly.
"I miss Doc." She replies.
I nod and wrap my arms around her again. I kiss her forehead in hopes to make her happy but I fail.

I get up and jump, grabbing the rope that I tied. Grunting, I climb out of the hole that's at least 6 feet deep. The pile of soil is very large and I take deep breaths and wipe the sweat from my forehead, only spreading dirt. I grab the shovel and start walking back to the trailer. Kicking off my crocs, I unfasten my watch and rest the shovel by the door. Addison opens the door and I smile lightly.
"I gotta take a shower, did you?" I ask sliding out of the pants and dropping the rest of my clothes in the hamper.
She smirks and throws her robe on the bed. My eyes widen involuntarily and she touches my chest. I back into the shower and turn on the shower. Her fingers wipe the sweat from my body and I rub shampoo through our hair. Her pager rings, breaking the silence and I let out a deep breath as she leaves the shower. I feel myself unwind with restraint before I lather myself with forest scented scrub and the vapor in the shower carries the scent. I run my fingers through my shorter hair and smile lightly remembering that Meredith cut it. I turn off the shower and grab a red towel before wrapping it around my waist. I pull on a black shirt and black jeans before pouring a cup of coffee. I pour black coffee into a flask and grab my own flask before getting in my car. I drive to the veterinarian and open the door seeing Meredith's car.

I grab the two flasks and walk inside the woodsy cabin.
"Derek." Meredith's soft voice enters my ears.
I turn and smile wide.
"Meredith, hey," I say as I move closer.
I pull her in for a hug and rub her back. Her arms wrap around my torso and I kiss her head gently.
"Everything's ready by the lake," I whisper in her ear.
"Thank you." She says quietly.
"Anytime Mer. Here, coffee." I say as I pull away.
She takes it and sips as I do the same.
"Finn said he'll be here in 15 minutes." She says as she sits on the chair.
"I thought he was staying at your house," I say as I sit in the green chair next to her.
"He went to the hospital last night. Lots of work." She says.
"Oh," I say softly.
We sit uncomfortably in silence and I stare ahead at the clock. Time is moving so slow, shown by the red stick barely budging. I can feel my heart pounding in my chest loudly and hope with everything she can't hear them.

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