Chapter 25

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Derek's POV:
Waking up is no longer the delight it was. There is a fleeting instant when I am complete again but it vanishes posthaste. A ringing pervades my eardrums and my head spins. I feel feverish and light hitting me. I feel my brows wrinkle as I attempt to slip back asleep disregarding the infuriating ticking sound from the clock that is swelling my ears. I groan softly and my eyes open imperceptibly to see daylight leaching in through the shutters of the window in this god-forsaken hotel. Relatively accustomed to the light, my eyes open wider. I feel chillier than oftentimes in bed and don't sense woolly pants on my skin. I glance to the right of me and my eyes snap open, vigilant of Meredith, sprawled in front of me looking like a goddess. Her golden hair cascades over her shoulders and conceals half her appearance. Her body is simply fingerbreadths from mine and I quickly lift the blanket from my chest. My heart rate elevates through the roof as I realize that I am not wearing boxers and she is naked. I sit up in the bed immediately and look at her, breathing deeply and feeling my heart pumping blood fast.

I feel nauseous and get out of the bed sprint into the bathroom, a ringing filling my ears and my head spinning. I kneel against the toilet and my inside spill into it. I cough and gasp for breath before getting up and shutting the door.  I grip my hair tightly and pull it back as I step into the shower. The cold water makes me jump but lifts the remnants of sleep and relaxation. I shiver but let it soak my skin. I hold the side of my temples and push myself to remember what happened last night but nothing comes out. I groan softly and step out of the shower. Grabbing two towels I wrap one around my torso and the other around my neck. I stare at my woken-self in the mirror and stand shocked by the man before me. My hair was shorter but not too short and the shape of my stubble was clear but it was incredibly light and near perfectly even. Feeling my stomach flip, I spewed again and flushed. I push the dripping raven tresses from my face and open the closet. I sigh in relief seeing sensible clothes and pull out a pair of side pocket flannel pants on top of the white boxer briefs. I wipe the water from my chest and throw my towel in the hamper. As I reach for the doorknob, I turn around and grab a shirt. Pulling it on, I squirm at all of the fabric rubbing against the hair on my chest.

I groan uncomfortably and open the door quietly, being extremely careful not to wake Meredith. I walk straight to the kitchen and open the lid of the coffee machine. As I scoop 10 tablespoons of the coffee powder, my brain racks itself trying to make a timeline of what happened yesterday. I shut the top of the coffee machine and walk to Meredith, my heart pumping loudly. I pull the cover over her and pick up the clothes we threw on the ground. They were all wrinkled as though we had kicked them off the bed. Throwing them into the washing machine, I step outside and pick up a newspaper at the foot of the door. Picking it up, I shut the door and drop it on the coffee table. It lands with a hard thud making me shake with far that I woke Meredith. My head spins as I pull eggs from the fridge and crack them on a plate. I turn the oven on and grab chocolate swirl bread from the top of the cabinet. Carefully, I grab a glass pan and melt half a stick of butter in it while the bread soaks in the eggs. I pull out a bowl and mix flour, sugar, and baking powder before carefully pouring it on the melted butter. I kneel and smile lightly seeing canned peaches. Pulling them out I open the lid and empty them into the pan. I take in the delicious aroma and place it into the oven and set a timer. As it cooks I make French toast and bacon. My heart beats faster the more time passes, anticipating Meredith to wake up. What could I do? After finishing the French toast and turning off the oven, I plated the food. Leaving the peach cobbler in the oven, I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I spit out in the sink and grabbed one of my shirts and a pair of panties and shorts for Meredith. I knew it would pile on her lap every time she sat down but she loved oversized clothing. Gently, I put it by her head and sit at the island. Remembering some of the events before I started to drink, I wipe down the counter and grab the newspaper. I sip carefully at the hot coffee and read the newspaper glad to see that no one has gotten severely injured. A sense of guilt filled my stomach as I took a bite of my French toast. I hopped up and pulled out a cutting board. Carefully, I grabbed whipped cream and sprayed a little on the top making. The scent of the sugar made me crave it even more so I let it empty into my mouth. I smiled wide as I swallowed it and sprayed more.

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