Chapter 27

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A/N: angst chapter (I'm sorry) 🥺

Derek's POV:
"She is Mine." He says deadly.
I freeze at his words and meet his eyes. They have a certain blue fire that makes me want to pummel his face in. His evil grin plasters itself into my brain. My body tenses and I shake until he lets my arm go.
"Have a nice day." He smirks and shuts the door behind him, pushing me out.

My soul becomes a fuze shorting out. I spot Meredith and walk to her.
"Can I talk to you?" I ask, hiding my anger.
"Of course, what's up?" She smiles.
I grab her hand and pull her into an on-call room.
"Finn is hiding something from you," I say truthfully.
"Okay, well. I don't know why you felt it was important to tell me but I'm sure he will tell me soon enough." She says calmly.
"Don't you understand?! He doesn't think you can handle it! I heard him on the phone!" I say louder.
"He will tell me when he wants to. And you eavesdropped on Finn. I'm a resident, Derek. I am so stressed and if he feels like I can't handle it- I probably can't. I appreciate how much he goes to keep me calm." She sighs.
"Is that what you think about everyone?! They will tell you their secrets?! He won't Meredith!" I yell.
"Oh and you did?" She asks calmly.
"I was trying to tell you," I say quietly.
"What's wrong with you? Are you okay?" She asks.
She drops the chart on the bed and her hands caress my cheeks. My eyes are fixated on hers while I shake my head. Finn shouldn't have manipulated Meredith. Now, she was defending him and there was nothing I could do. In her eyes, I would always be the man who left her when she needed him the most.
"He doesn't deserve you, Meredith. He is hiding things from you." I say, my hand moving to stroke her cheek.
She grabs my hand and pushes it back.
"I'm here for you if you need anything. But you cannot- you don't have the right to decide what's good for me anymore." She says opening the door.
I grip her hand before she walks away and meet her eyes again. Tears run down both our faces but she is radiant. I let go and she leaves, shutting the door.

Finn's POV:

I smile as I see Meredith filling out charts at the nurse's station. I walk closer and immediately sense that something is off. I lean over her and see drops landing on the paper.
"Meredith?" I ask softly.
I get surprised as she hugs me. Her arms wrap my neck and I let mine wrap her waist. Her tears land in my neck and I sigh. I run her back and everyone is watching. I hold her in my arms until she pulls away.
"Are you okay?" I ask.
These weren't normal tears. These were 'my ex told me not to trust his brother' tears.
"I'm fine." She nods and I place a gentle kiss on her cheek before she walks away.
"This was Derek yeah?" I ask Alex who stands behind her.
"Yeah." He responds.

My fists clench and I am furious. Anger rises as I walk out and see him getting coffee.
"What the hell did you say to Meredith?" My voice is shaking and I can feel my knuckles turning white.
"What did she say to you?" He asks.
"She didn't have to say anything," I respond angrily.
"I told her the truth." He says simply.
"What would that be?" I snap.
"That you are not dependable, not trustworthy, a liar, and that you are keeping things from her." He smiles.
Overcome my anger, my arm throws itself at his face and he falls. His lip is bleeding but we both know he deserves it.
"What I am keeping from her- will hurt her very much. I was going to tell her tonight because she has a busy day." I yell, sitting on him and punching him again.
"That's what I thought when I didn't tell her about Addison." He chuckles and we get up.
"That was different!" I say as he punches me back.
"Was It?! Was it really?!" He shouts.
"Yeah, it was. You kept Addie a secret for months! I found out this morning! Less than five hours ago!" I shout.
He freezes and I wipe my blood from my chest. Once I realized that my chest was bleeding, I groan.

"Finn!" Meredith calls and runs to me.
"Go back, Meredith," I say softly.
"Did you rip a stitch?" She lifts my shirt.
I see a cut on my chest that is oozing blood and breathe sharply. Derek steps back and gasps. She turns towards him and I pull her back.
"Don't Meredith," I say.
"He hurt you."  She says as I wipe a tear from her face.
She turns again and I let her go to him.

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