Chapter 33

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AN: music is optional and gives away the mood of the chapter because I can't bring myself to type it-
- slide right on the picture
- Click play on the video and read the chapter
(If you want that is)

Derek's POV:
I breathe in the scent of Meredith as I run my fingers through her hair. We stay in the same position for hours, occasionally running more warm water.
"Mer?" I ask softly.
Her head rests on my clavicle and she looks up to my face.
"Yeah?" She asks.
I take a deep breath and look to say something. Before I can, her hand caresses my cheek.

"Your jaw is clenched. Please tell me what's wrong." She says as I lock our fingers.
"Are you sure? About this- about us?" I ask hesitantly.
"Yes. Why?" She asks.
"No reason," I whisper and kiss her neck.

Wrapping my legs around her waist, I tighten my grip around her. Her head rests on my shoulder and she kisses my neck softly.
"Meredith," I whisper but it comes out as a moan.
I don't want to do anything to make her feel uncomfortable but I don't how to stop feeling sad.
"Mhmm?" She says brushing her lips against my ear.
I clear my throat and move my fingers through hers. I grip them as tight as I can while she looks into my eyes.

I feel calm in her presence but I sense myself pulling away.
"Do you trust me?" She asks.
I snap out of my thoughts and nod.
"Of course, I trust you. You haven't lied to me at all." I reply.
"I did; about my mother." She starts.
"Well, you had a good reason. And, it didn't come between us." I say softly.
"Okay. Well, I asked because you aren't.... something is wrong. I can feel it. Your fingers are gripping mine like you need me." She says.
I chuckle softly and kiss her cheek.

"I do need you. But you are right. Ever since the divorce, I can't seem to shake this feeling of sadness." I admit hesitantly.
"Oh." She says pull away from me.
"I don't mean that I am sad with you," I say in realization.
"I understand. You just need time." She says as I move closer to the middle of the tub where she sits.
"Yeah. But that doesn't mean I don't need or want you. Actually, it's the opposite." I say as I pull her onto my lap. The water moves around us, warming our insides.

Our foreheads meet and her minty breath overwhelms me.
"Then it's a deal." She says.
"What is?" I laugh.
"Nothing serious." She replies.
My chest contracts at the phrase and I feel myself being pushed further down.
"That's what you want right?" She asks as her arms wrap around my neck.
"Yeah. Totally. Nothing serious." I nod nervously and gaze at her lips.

My arms tighten around her waist and I look to hers just in time to see her eyes move from my lips to meet my eyes. I nod gently and sigh as our lips meet. Shocks run down the sides of my chest as she tangles her fingers in my hair. My hands run over her bare back as we kiss, our tongues slowly dancing. I pull away and smile gently.
"You ready to go to the hospital?" I ask.
"Yeah. Let's go." She nods.
We stand and I lead her into her room.

As we walk into her closet, we hear a beeping.
"Your pager," I say.
"Right." She grabs it off the shelf and I watch her body move as she reaches over.
"It's not mine." She says.
"What?" I ask.

I look in my pile of clothes and pull out the ringing phone.
"It's the chief," I say, my nerves already on end.
"What are you doing? Answer." She says.
I drop the phone and move closer to her.
"The chief drove us apart. I don't want him to take away any more of our time." I say as I move her onto the dresser.

"Derek." She whines as I push my lips into hers.
"What?" I complain before kissing her again.
"Look. If anyone knows hating the chief- it's me. Remember?" She asks as our foreheads meet.
I groan and nod. Her pointer finger moves my chin up so that she can meet my eyes.
"He ruined your childhood. I know." I mumble.
"Exactly. But he is our boss." She says as her phone rings.
"You are an award-winning surgeon. Maybe you could be busy with something else." One of my eyebrows raises and I peck her lips.
"You are a tease." She laughs and picks up.
I watch her put it on speaker and roll my eyes at the phone.

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