Chapter 2

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A/N: You can click the music [if you want] and read {it's an hour loop} this is going to be about a 45 minute read <according to Google> this chapter is all In Dereks POV. Enjoy!
Time Jump: 6 weeks
Derek's POV:
I wake up with a groan and yell at my alarm. Being a surgeon did not mean that I did not like sleep. My nightmares had gone away since Meredith helped me through them. She had to be wondering what it was about. How could she be so beautiful but also so kind? Most people were one of the other, not both. I hope she doesn't ask. I step into the shower and let the water hit my back. I shake as I am thrust back into the freezing water. Meredith grabs me again and holds me close as I snap back to real life. Nightmares were gone but they came in the day. I have to stop obsessing over Meredith. I scrub in the ocean conditioner and take a deep breath in. My mind runs back to Meredith. I try to stop it but I get lost in a train of thought. We had sex. Amazing, earthshaking sex but, she didn't know me then. I didn't know her but she dragged me in. To be honest, I chose to get dragged by her. Then we found out who we were as real people and it scared me. I was around 12 years older than her but I couldn't take my eyes off of her. I get out of the shower and pull on my clothes. Once I get to the hospital, I pull on my scrubs and my lab coat. It's been a while since I've been on a ferry boat but I loved them. The relaxed feeling of seeing the water flowing, the cool breeze whipping through my hair, calming me. I missed it and pulled out my phone. I opened Google and searched for ferry boats. Multiple popped up on the screen and I chuckled remembering that I was in Seattle. Someone walked in front of me and I looked up and back down. My mind showed me the persons face as soon as I looked at my phone. Meredith. I snapped my head up and watched as she stood with her back to me, holding files to her chest. Her emerald eyes lingered on me but looked at the elevator quickly. Her skin glowed against the blue scrubs that fit her loosely. Using one hand, she runs it through her hair. I get hot watching the movement of her hair. Her fingers untangle the ends of her hair and I can only imagine her doing it to my hair. I swallow hard and look down at my phone, scrolling through the ferry boat rides.
"Seattle has ferry boats." I said.
"Yes?" She replied asking me to continue.
"I didn't know that. I've been living here six weeks. I didn't know there were ferry boats." I said.
"Seattle is surrounded  by water on three sides." She says and I can hear the amusement in her soft voice.
"Hence the ferryboats." I said smiling as the elevator opened
"Now I have to like it here. I wasn't planning on liking it here." I said watching everyone get off the elevator.
"I'm from New York. Genetically engineered to dislike everywhere except Manhattan." I said pressing the button.
She pressed hers and I stood diagonal from her facing the elevator door. The doors closed and left us together.
"I have a thing for ferryboats." I said smiling.
I stood silently resisting the urge to turn around.
"I'm not going out with you." She says nervously.
"Did I ask you to go out with me?" I ask annoyed.
"Do you want go out with me?" I mumbled turning my head so that I could almost see her.
"I'm not dating you and I'm definitely not sleeping with you again. Your my boss." She said clearly as I smiled.
"I'm your boss's boss." I corrected.
"Your my teacher and my teacher's teacher and your my teacher." She said clearly annoyed.
"I'm your sister. I'm your daughter." I said getting worried.
What if she really didn't want this?
"Your sexually harassing me." She said.
"I'm riding an elevator" I said annoyed.
"Look, I'm drawing a line. The line is drawn. There's a big line." She said taking deep breaths.
Why was she so nervous? I turned myself so I faced her.
"So, this line is it imaginary or do I need to get you a marker?" I asked smirking at her eyeing my lips.
I waited for her answer but she did not respond. Within a second, the files she held dropped to the floor and her body was pressed against mine. I felt an immediate rush of adrenaline run through me. I had been waiting to touch her and it was finally happening. Her hands pushed my chest and I hit the wall and hard. My hands were up, surprised. I realized what was happening. She was kissing me. My hands relaxed and went to her waist pulling her up. She grinded against me and her hands caressed my face. I felt myself getting aroused as she pushed herself into me. I smiled widely as I held her to me, not breaking the kiss. I let my lips encased hers and felt her right hand scratching the hair at the back of my neck. Euphoria filled me and I pulled her waist closer to me. She wrapped her hands around my neck and held my hair. I spun her around and pushed her against the wall. Her hands pulled my face closer to hers. Our heads titled to bury ourselves deeper into each other mouths and I felt her tongue swirling around mine. I held her close so that not even air could pass us. She took control again and turned me so that I was pressed against the wall again. Her lips thrust into mine deeper and my hands let themselves tangle in her hair. They pulled her face against mine. Our tongues intertwined like they had minds of their own. Hearing the elevator ding we looked to see which floor we were on. I take my hand of her waist and her right hand moves down the V-neck of my scrubs. Her soft fingers ran down the top of my chest sending tingles through me. I licked my lips trying to taste her again. She knelt down and her hand ran down my body. Picking up the files, she walked out. My mouth was still wet with her saliva and I was unable to form coherent words.
"We'll talk later?" I called after a while.
She did not respond but was already so far away that I wasn't sure she could even hear me. The elevator doors closed and I smiled wide, like a kid on Christmas morning. I was still panting, trying to recover from the kiss. The smell of some kind of flower stuck in the air and clouded my head. I laughed slightly as the elevator opened. I walked into an OR and started operating on a woman who had been raped.
"She's going to have to spend a hell of a lot of time in recovery and rehab." I said as I slipped in a film to protect her brain from bleeding out.
"If she survives" Burke contradicts.
"What is she 5'2 100 pounds she's still still breathing after what this guy did to her?" If they catch the guy they should castrate him." I said slightly angry.
"See how shredded her hands are? She tried tried to fight back." Burke said.
"Tried to? The rape kit came back negative. She kicked his ass." I said.
"Oh, so we have a warrior among us, huh?" He says laughing
"Allison." I hear a soft voice from the other side of the OR.
My head snaps back as I recognize the woman speaking. Meredith looks stunning from the end of the OR.
"Her- Her name is Allison." She says softly.
"Allison." I repeat.
"I think I may have found the cause of our rupture" Burke says confidently pulling out something.
"What is this? Does anyone know what this is?" He asks.
"Oh, my god." Meredith says in awe.
"What? Spit it out, Grey." He says.
I am overwhelmed by anger. I don't know where it comes from. I just know that Burke speaking to Meredith like that makes me furious.
"She bit it off." She says softly.
"Bit off what?" Burke spat.
"That's his- his penis." She says.
I groan in disgust and put down the surgical instruments.
"You okay Dr. Shepherd?" Burke asks.
I feel nauseous and motion to my face. The nurses take off my mask and headset as I lean over the garbage. I throw up in can and everyone gasps.
"Grey, make sure Dr. Shepherd is okay. He is not your boss anymore. Be his doctor," Burke says.
I feel Meredith's hands run down my back. I cough into the garbage as she unties the scrub cap and holds me by my shoulders. I grab her shoulder in attempt to hold myself up. It works and she lets me squeeze her hands. She helps me get up and I get extremely dizzy.
"It's okay." She says.
I nod feeling as some of the dizziness go away. We walk into the scrub room and she holds me closer. I can feel her undo the velcro on the back of the surgical gown and pull it off. She throws it in the garbage and comes back to me. Everything is blurry and she pushes herself closer to me. I can feel the heat radiating off her and breathe in the flowery scent. My chin rests on her shoulders and she pulls away for a moment to wipe my mouth and then rests my head back. I wrap my hands around her as she does the same. Her right hand massages my head, running through my locks as I push my face into her neck. I take in the angel hugging me while I regain my balance and feel nauseous. She holds my hand right and we head into an on-call room. I sit on the edge of the bed and watch her close the door and lock it. Sitting next to me, she stays silent.
"Are you okay?" I she asks.
I nod and shake my head as the dizziness subsides.
"What was that kiss?" I ask smirking.
I hear her laughing slightly.
"I don't know what that was." She replies.
"Is it going to happen again? Because I need to bring breath mints. Put a condom in my pocket." I whisper, laughing.
"Shut up!" She laughs smacking my shoulders.
"Alright, I think that I am going take care of Allison." I say.
"How do we get here? Allison is only in her 20's and she doesn't have anyone." She says.
"I have 3 sisters. Very girly. Tons of kids. If I was in a coma, they would all be there. I would want them there. No having no one? I can't imagine that." I say.
"I can." She sighed.
"What are you talking about? Your have your mother. She'd fly in cowboy from everywhere to do experimental surgery's." I laugh.
"Yes. I do have my mother." She sighs grudgingly.
I get up and start walking. Her hand slips it's self in my mine and she pulls me back and I turn around.
"Wait." She says as her minty breath touches my face.
"Meredith..." I say almost immediately.
I feel nervous because she steps closer.
"Derek..." I move closer to her.
Her hand meets my face and rubs through my incredibly light stubble. Her eyes meet mine and I wait for her to make a move. It was her turn to make one. She knew I wanted this. I don't think she knows if she wants it too.
" date." I says calmly backing away.
"Derek." She says pulling me back.
"Just take some time to think about it." I say.
She releases her grip on my finger but I don't move away anymore. Taking in the feeling of her skin on mine.
"I'm going to continue on Allison." I say smiling.
She nods and I walk out of the on call room, closing the door behind me.

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