Chapter 16

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AN: Music is optional like always. Someone new is entering the fanfic! Enjoy!

Time Jump: 1 month - Thanksgiving
I stand on the ferryboat with Addie next to me. It had been a month since I had talked to Meredith. I have decided to ignore her. To cut her from my life. It was the only way to ever get over her. She had stopped being in my service and I thought it was for the best. I couldn't be calm around her. I love her immensely. My heart still aches for Meredith but I fight myself and walk away each time. Addie and I had gotten closer over the last month. I had kissed her more often. Soft, quick kisses, never slow kisses. I don't think I am ready for that yet. I was happy that we were not arguing every five seconds.

I stand on the ferry near Addie and look over Elliot Bay.
"So umm... I was thinking we could...have sex tonight." She says moving next to me and leaning on the same green bar.
I laugh and listen to her laughing and immediately stop, realizing that she isn't joking.
"Yeah," I say sarcastically moving opposite her.
"Look, I know we're both going to feel weird about it, and it's the first time- " She says as I walk close to her.
"Since Finn." I cut in, taking a sip of coffee.
"And Meredith." She says.
I let out a deep breath and try my best not to think about sex with Meredith and move to the other railing. I let out a hoarse breath.
"I have the day off, do you have the day off?" She asks standing in front of me."
"I have to drop by the hospital. I have patients I need to check on. If you have the day off, what are you doing here?" I ask.
"I was thinking we could have sex tonight. Come on, I made a reservation at noon. I figured we could do the thanksgiving thing, you know, and then...I don't know, just rip the stitches I guess. Get it over with." She smiles.
"Yeah, no anesthesia." I nod.
"Right." She smiles in front of me.
"Okay. I'll go check in on some patients and then I'll meet you at around noon." I give her a fake smile and peck her lips before I walk away.
I jog down the steps of the ferryboat and walk along the streets of Seattle. I felt sick. It was thanksgiving. Meredith and I had planned for this day.

I lay in an on-call room, naked with Meredith on my chest.
"I was thinking..." I start.
"Shocker." She jokes.
We laugh as I turn her over so she is on her back in the bed. I roll over and press my lips to hers.
"Do you celebrate Thanksgiving?" I ask as she rolls on top of me and rests her head on my chest.
"Depends on the year. If I have anything to be thankful for then, yeah I do." She says softly.
"Well, you have to celebrate Thanksgiving with me because I am thankful for you." I laugh and watch her sit up.
"I would love to. But, relax Thanksgiving is still months away." She smiles.
I nod and roll us over again on the bed.

I walk into the hospital and stand in the tan-walled elevator. The door opens and I smile at Meredith. I immediately drop my smile as step aside. Bailey walks in next to her.
"Grey, we are working with a temporary attending today Dr. Kent is subbing in from Mercy West. We need to get him orientated. And thank you for volunteering to come in. Saved me from having to choose an intern to torture." Bailey smiles.
"Happy to be tortured." Meredith's soft voice fills my ear and I close my eyes to bask in her energy.
"Not a fan of Thanksgiving?" Bailey asks.
"Not a whole hell of a lot to be thankful for." She says.
"Well, be thankful that there will be plenty of surgeries." Bailey laughs as they walk out the door.
I sigh and grip my hair trying not to think of her. The elevator opens and I step on the floor.
"You're supposed to be home." I laugh, seeing Richard at the OR board.
"So are you." He says deadly.
I was always angry at Richard. He has ruined my relationship with Meredith by bringing Addie to Seattle.
"I'm here for an hour." I smile.
"I know how to have a life outside this hospital." He says.
"Maybe you should visit Ellis at the nursing home, Meredith told me that you were best friends with Ellis through Residency. I think I can get her into a clinical trial." I smile.
I take off my bag and carry it to the attending's lounge. I do charts for an hour and realize that I am late to meet Addie. I groan and head to the lobby.
"Thanks, Derek, for giving me the idea to go see Ellis." Richard smiles as I push an arm through one of my sleeves.
"No problem. I'm late, I was supposed to meet Addie 20 minutes ago." I smile.

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