USJ Attack

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With Mineta now a Jessica Rabbit clone with his quirk replacing her jewelry we arrived at the Unseen Situation Joint. I kept Mineta back as I let the others off. When it was just Mineta and I left, I explained what he is now: a living cartoon. He was upset a bit as he actually groped himself to feel nothing. I slapped him and then dragged him to the rest of the group, berating him with every step. What a start to a field trip.

We all walked in and the hero 13 looked confused. Well, more like sounded confused, their face is hidden in their costume. "Why is there a purple haired adult here?" I quickly bowed, "My quirk suddenly evolved again and fired off making Mineta, a purple haired midget with a perverted streak, into Jessica Rabbit. Jessica Rabbit is a cartoon character from Who Framed Rodger Rabbit. Fortunately, in our case, cartoons are gender less so he is still a male if he wants." 13 bonked me, "You need to be careful with your quirk!! It evolves way too much."

That's when guardian appeared in his ball form and floated nearby. "I apologize for his blessing for growing so fast. As powers get mastered new ones do form. I am Guardian, one of the many gods. Now I must explain this new ability. Izuku, if you master it you can even effect quirks on purpose. Minetas evolved to fit his new body but you didn't guide it. Practice enough and you can make quirks evolve, devolve, or completely replace them with another. I must go, I'm not allowed in mortal battles."

When Guardian vanished a black portal appeared and lots of villains popped out. I grinned, "Aizawa may I practice on them? I might be able to unlock some new powers." Queen slapped me and hissed, "Calm down King, you may practice against Replicator Knights but these are real villains." I pouted, "Fine, but if they attack me I will turn them into skeletons."

That's when a person who was covered in hands started to speak. Unfortunately I couldn't stop Queen, "Yo Hand Fetish, speak up. Even my super hearing can barely hear you." This made him mad as everyone else chuckled. "Fuck this shit. Kill them all!! Especially that kid with the robot!!" Aizawa sighed, "Activate the Knights Izuku."

With a smirk I tossed my Replicator Bag and yelled, "Replicators, Form Overlord Goblin Battalion. With that a shower of pieces came down and formed into one of the strongest armies you'll ever see. True even Mineta's real body is taller than the goblins but this army can kill anyone. Once they fully formed they announced themselves but said King Izuku instead of what they said in the old anime.

Since the video keeps getting removed just look up Overlord Goblin Army.

I smirked and yelled, "Capture them alive. They must atone for their crimes. Cast Teleport Barrier and Perfect Defense immediately." Suddenly a huge dome covered all of my class, Aizawa, and 13 before an even bigger one surrounded the USJ. I noticed one guy in particular was panicking as I could see him try to create warp gates out of his body. With a smirk I stuck my hand out of the dome, "I call upon the gods and goddesses of sleep, dreams, and nightmares. Please grant my wish to protect my classmates and knock out our enemies!"

At first nothing happened before a very violent burst of a blue gas flew out of my hand. It quickly filled the USJ and knocked every villain out except for two. One was a mutant bird with his brain exposed and the other was a minor God. The only reason I know is because he floated using magic like I do. "So you're Guardians newest toy. Don't trust him blindly, he made me and tossed me away after I decided to use his power to become stronger."

I floated out of the protective dome and glared at the god. "You chose a life of evil, something he is against. I will always protect those who are weak, I will give strength to those who need it, I will make evil run from my might. My name is Izuku Midoriya, King of the Replicators, and future guardian of mankind. I would use the Green Lanterns oath but that would be kinda cliche right now. Instead I will use this. Warp gate." A gate made of energy suddenly appeared and swallowed the minor god before vanishing.

I fell into the dome and panted as Queen created another Replicator Wheelchair/Throne. "I over did it. I'm so tired. Sorry Mineta, I can't undo the change I did to your body today. I promise to undo it tomorrow first thing." Mineta sighed and glared, "If you can't undo it can you at least let me feel some pleasure?" I groaned, the girls hit him, and Aizawa glared. "I gave you an indestructible body that needs nothing to exist. I will grant you the nerves but that will make it a week before I can undo the changes. If men try stuff it's your own fault."

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