Entrance Exam

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When Aizawa got me to UA he woke me up and we headed to Nezus office. All Might was truly smiling, Nezy was drinking tea, and Midnight tried to grab me with her new whip. Whip-licator caught hers and grabbed her before dragging her away. "Why is she always here? Did she not learn from the first time?" I was annoyed as Whip-licator returned a bit later and jumped into the bag.

Nezu laughed, "She is one of the best poetry and music teachers available. Now we want you to be a dual classer. One of the first. You will spend morning in support and afternoons in hero training. The first day will be the reverse since Aizawa hates the opening ceremony." I nodded and Queen clicked some. "Be nice Queen. Just because I'm being asked to do support doesn't mean they think we are weak." I began to tinker as All Might walked over.

"Also I want you to be my successor, the next holder of my quirk." I finished and gave what I made to Queen. "What do you mean by making King the next holder of your quirk?" All Might, Nezu, and Aizawa backed away slightly as Queen spoke. "I'm guessing All Mights quirk can be passed on to another person similar to how an artificer can boost someone else's gear."

All Might nodded, "Yes but do you accept my power?" That's when my guardian god showed up. "All Might, I am sorry but your quirk will hinder the powers I gave him. His powers are based on his DNA and if yours and the previous holders DNA enter his body it'll screw them up." I then thought of something, "Um Guardian what if I become a changeling then take his quirk? The changeling rearranges his DNA to look like other people so maybe?" Guardian laughed, "You are a clever boy. That is the only loophole but only your changeling form will be able to use his quirk."

I used Race Change and became a changeling. Everyone watched shocked as my skin turned grey and my hair was snow white. That's when Midnight walked in and screamed. I smirked and became her, clothing and all. She tried to hit me with her whip but I caught it and yanked it from her. "Hello you slut. How about you kneel to the real queens of Japan?" Nezu was laughing like a mad man, Aizawa looked amused, All Might was chuckling, and Midnight knelt.

I changed to look like my old self and tossed her back her whip. "Midnight it's best you leave the room. We aren't done talking." She walked over and whispered, "If we ever date I hope that night we continue this." I blushed as she walked out with a smirk. Once she was gone I accepted All Mights quirk. For the next couple days I trained with it and mastered it. I then spent the next few months training and building some simple stuff bored.

I woke up to Queen acting like an alarm clock on the day of the test. If you thought the regular beeping alarms were annoying you'd be mistaken. She was screaming through a megaphone she made from replicator blocks. "WAKE UP KING!! ITS TIME FOR THE TEST!! GET OIT OF BED!! HURRY UP BEFORE I BITE YOU!!" After about the second loop I punched her across the room and stood up.

I looked at my hand stunned when I saw I had made replicator blocks coat my fist when I punched her. "This will be interesting, I can control blocks directly now." I focused a bit and made myself a hover board, not the real thing just the rip off wheeled thing from the 2010's. After being happy with my ability I rode it to the bathroom, showered, got dressed, had it change wheels for legs, went downstairs, reformed the wheels, and headed to the kitchen.

Mom laughed, "Nice to see you're still creative but I don't want you to be lazy." I explained what i just figured out and she congratulated me before giving me my breakfast. After that I walked to UA and looked over the paperwork ignoring the people looking at me and Queen. Bakugo saw me and talked to me, "Hey Izuku, ready for the test?" I nodded and headed off, "Going to do the support class test then the hero test. Have fun with the written test."

After searching for an hour I found the room. I went in, got a number, and ended up waiting to show off my replicator handles and if its accept I will then have to build something fo boost a random hero which will be given to me. The last three people in front of me had their creations fail. When Power Loader saw Queen he backed away and she clicked happily.

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