Sports Festival

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Why is it always me? I swear it's always me who gets targeted by these idiotic villains wanting my "tech" for their gang. They have been relentless for the week long break I've had from school. So many idiots, so many times I've explained the Replicators, and so many butts I've had to break. Even Eri has gotten better at controlling her army to help fight. My Mom, Eri, and I can easily defeat an army each with no trouble.

After eating my breakfast I put Eri on my back, formed the Replicator Board Harness to keep her on my back, and formed a new version of my Replicator Board. This one is known by everyone who messed with me in the past week. It actually has a path painted by the Hero Association to warn everyone. Once I'm done forming it I head out of the garage and smirk as the Shark Board is formed.

In it's plain defensive mode it's just a simple fish similar to a koi. When I activate it's attack mode is where it gets its name. It's mouth goes from clear glass windshield into a toothy grin that spins like a crazy food disposal system. Luckily I can heal people from near death or I'd be a mass murderer. Anyways I drove to school with people leaving the painted lane and recording me.

Once we arrived I disassembled my shield and entered the classroom. We were to grab what we wanted to use in the Sports Festival. I only grabbed my Replicator Handles I've made out of pure Black Iron and Black Iron infused glass. Well I also grabbed a new Replicator bag I've been working on but that's kinda a given.

I gave Eri to Nezu to watch over before we we all forced to March into the arena with all the other classes. After marching and listening to Bakugo give a stupid, rage causing, provocation of a speech. It pissed off everyone except me as I already knew he would do it. When everyone was done booing we lined up at the starting line of the obstacle course. I had already planned my move as I prepare to spawn a non-lethal version of my Shark Board. The race started so I went into full speed mode playing a certain song on full blast to piss people off.

I went through Shotos giant wall of ice easily and ate one of 3 zero pointers that appeared. When it came to the giant chasm with pillars I just launched my ass over it using a tail slam, unfortunately I hit a very deserving grape headed jerk who grabbed my board the second it formed and stuck him into the ground. Ok, it was on purpose but I pretended I didn't know. He had the guts to grope girls around me. I just bulldozed my way through the minefield and got to the finish line where I napped for a little bit.

When the people who finished got through we found out the twist that I got a million points and a big target on my back. Instead of pouting I just worked on my own and in my Shark Board dug into the ground. This time whenever I attacked only the boards head would poke out. Mostly it was to taunt and scare so each time I yelled, "Hey Teh Ka!! Shark Head!"

I of course won with many profanities shot my way and I was instantly put in first place for the entire event with a lot of people arguing against it. Eventually they shut up when I let them all fight me at once. Instead of forming an army or a giant Mecha I just formed 4 simple robotic arms on my back like an ancient villain called Dr. Ock. Needles to say they all lost as I read a book. It was boring the entire time. Well, I did get a lot of numbers afterwards so maybe not a total loss.

Sorry for a rushed chapter. I don't care for the sports Festival that much. Eventually I will write more often but I'm a bit busy with drama right now. Next chapters should be better.

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