Testing Stuff and Battle

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I woke up early this morning and tested my new metal enjoying the lovely patterns I could easily give it. Once I finished my tools, weapons, and a big upgrade to my Replicator Handles. The new nameless metal replacing the old blocks in it and reinforcing the glass as well. With the pieces colored with black and green I headed upstairs and woke up Eri. She got dressed while I cleaned up my forge zone.

Mom made us all breakfast as Queen walked around the room. After a couple minutes Mom used her quirk to pull her off the wall. "Queen stop that pacing and stand still!! That clicking is giving me a headache." Queen nodded and walked away to sit on the couch. I then walked up, showered, and ate with everyone. With the dishes done Eri and I left with her on my back and my Replicator Board ready to go.

On the way to school Eri and I had fun. We left early to chase some squirrels and random birds. I had to fight a goose with a Gooslicator. It was funny as the real goose looked completely confused at it's replicator counterpart. When gooslicator honked off a train horn the goose literally crapped itself and flew off. Some people thanked us for removing the bell stealing menace.

Eri and I arrived early and she ran over to Power Loader. He was shocked to see Eri at first but he smiled and picked her up in one of his scoops. I couldn't help but smile as he gave her a white and green jump suit. After a couple of seconds she had it equipped and she had a pink kitty version of his gear on. I took a quick picture and listened to them plan a guarden to help out the vegetable and fruit eating students. It could also help train plant based quirks.

Once they were outside digging I began to test how tough the metal I made is. I pulled a shield out of a bag of holding and placed it on a dummy. Robo-Leg chuckled, "That fancy paint job won't last bud." I smirked, "I bet 3 million dollars it lasts through all the tests I'm about to do." He took me up on that bet and regretted it. I used flamethrowers, missiles, bombs, guns, bullets, lasers, even different quirks, and acid against it. The way it's painted made it last through every test.

After a while he just groaned mad, "Crud, I don't have 3mil. Can I do payments on it?" I just chuckled and tossed him a new leg, "Just try this sucker out and I'll say you owe 200 bucks." He tried it out and was instantly amazed. It looked a lot sturdier than his current leg yet weighed almost nothing. After running and such to adjust to it he said, "What is this thing made of? It is so light yet all the tests which would dent my current leg didn't even nick it."

I just pointed to the shield, "Same stuff just not painted. I call it Black Iron. I can't really call it steel or anything else really. Also already have the metal, it's special paint, and such patented already." As I spoke a mini portal appeared and a note was put in my hand. After reading it I just chuckled, "Might try that out later." I pocketed the note and began to try out my upgraded Replicator Handles blade weapons.

I had to make some rougher dummies out of iron wood, kevlar, and a lot more. They cut through it all successfully but some took longer than others. I had to test it on cement so I had to find Cementos and ask for his help. He was shocked when his cement wall was destroyed in one swing. It took us a while to find out what could even stop the blade I made. A mix of adamantium, naquada, vibranium and tritium, and that only slows it down unless its thick enough to stop it.

After lunch with Eri and some of my class mates a portal appeared for a second made of shadows. Out popped another me with a skull necklace. "Ok that spell works. Um what's your quirk bud?" I looked at him with suspicion until he sighed, "Fine, I am Izuku Midoriya, my quirk is still kinda unknown, I'm engaged to a princess of hell, and I got visited by Cyber me."

I chuckled, "Same name, going to call my quirk DND King for now, and I just saved my now adopted daughter." We talked for a bit and I upgraded his staff to my new metal. Thank goodness his magic is focused through the orb and not the wood it was originally made of. I sent him back home and we went to class with the rest greatly confused.

Eri and I were playing a quick game of Rock em sock em replicators. When she won Aizawa walked in and explained what we would be doing. That's when All Might entered the doorway, "I AM ENTERING LIKE A NORMAL PERSON!" I just had my replicators mimic him but Queen yelled, "I'm an Inflatable Blond Idiot!" This made people look worried and confused until All Might laughed.

"Hello Queen, hows the swarm of its?" She chuckled, "Really good. Just got a few new ones last night." She returned to my shoulder and just waited there as the mimic of All Might returned to the bag. All Might walked over to me, "So Izuku, what have you done lately?" I picked up Eri and she had stars in her eyes.

"All Might meet my adoptive daughter Eri. I saved her from Overhaul. Guardian blessed her like he did me." Eri looked up at All Might and said, "No wonder he hated you. You're bigger than Rappa." "Rappa?" Eri nodded, "One of his minions. Focused on boxing and such." I pale a bit, "I fought him. He has one hell of a punch. Thank goodness I was in energy form."

After that All Might explained the training today would be 2v2 and a challenge to beat the "villain" team. As he said that Mei, a class mate from the support class, ran up. Mei after spotting me, "Um Midoriya I need some help. I borrowed some replicator blocks and now they are ruining my table." I bolted so fast to them I just vanished.

Once I got to the desk I saw the ones she grabbed and a few horrible replicas she made. The replicas were being smashed  and broken. When the originals saw me they came running and hopped into their bag. I glared at Mei, "Small tip you better listen too. My tech is part of my quirk and they hate replicas. Be glad they didn't call for backup to kill you." She instantly apologized saying she wanted to make some configurable gear anyone can use.

After a bit of me scolding her I went back to A-1. I simply equipped a simple set of leather gear, goggles, and a few bottles filled with different potions I have been working on. Eri pouted a bit as she wasn't allowed to fight with me. I had to give her a vr headset version of what I used for class one day. Once she got a replicator avatar made I had her join me to appease her.

I sigh and begin to stretch some while I headed down to the heroes waiting spot with Momo and Eri-tar. While we waited I asked Momo to create some simple speakers. When time was up I didn't even have to go outside for Bakugo and Shoto to come charging at us. With a chuckle Eri-tar flew among the roofs and Momo helped me fight hand to hand with the "villains".

After about ten minutes of us fighting Eri-tar set up everything and flew away. I smirked and tossed Momo up and away. Once she was on the roof I used Unsettling Laugh and sent it through my replicators holding the speakers. As my laugh began to reach its peak I used and invisibly spell on myself so I turned invisible. "I'm sorry Todoroki but you had to be teamed with Kaachan~~. Its time to pay the piper Kaachan."

With the duo back to back looking terrified I grabbed a simple flute from Momo and began to play it. I made sure that it sounded perfect yet filled with warped undertones. After a bit both passed out and Momo and I caught them easily. We took them to the observation deck where everyone was pale and shaking. "Sorry about that. Kaachan was a bully for a good portion of my life. I just got even as I'm a late bloomer." The other teams did their things and I played with Eri until they were all done. I wonder what tomorrow will bring.


Sorry about this chapter taking forever. I got a job and had to work some odd hours while taking care of family. I will try to make chapters more often but no promises.

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