Slugs VS Poachers

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(Small note: I might mention slugs from the show so I will add pics if I think it's needed. Also I added a pic of Burpy in the chapter: Trying A New Class)

I got up and slowly headed downstairs to make breakfast for my family. With it done I woke up Eri and Mom for them to eat breakfast while I showered. After eating I took Eri to school only for Aizawa to trap me in his scarf. "I am just dropping off Eri. Like I would waste a chance to not go to school" He shook his head and let me go drop her off, "Tomorrow drop her off at the gate. I'll take her from you." I nodded as I drop her off with Nezu.

After dropping her off I took a file from Nezu and left to handle the poachers Slug Style. Once I left the school I read through the file and warped near where I have to be. I watched the poachers some and summoned a few special slugs from their city for the fun. With an evil grin I sent out a group of fighter  Hoverbug slugs with full on protection style fighting.

 With an evil grin I sent out a group of fighter  Hoverbug slugs with full on protection style fighting

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(These suckers fly fast in the show)

The next shot they fired made me bust up laughing. One of the Hoverbug Slugs then flew into the path and blocked it sticking out it's tongue before diving back into the tall grass. The poachers we're quite stunned as they saw that. One of them said, "What kind of bird was that? I've never seen anything like it and it had armor." They argued a bit before one used his quirk to shoot lightning at their target. Another Hoverbug Slug, with the lightning element, stopped it, flipped them off in it's own way, and hid again. The results for this was hilarious.

Lightning asked, "Is it just me or did that thing flip us the bird?" Their leader nodded, "I have to say yes because it formed a fist of lightning and flipped us off!!" Lightning was then slapped upside his head by his leader. I was holding my hands over my mouth so my laughter wouldn't be heard. My slugs on the other hand were loudly chittering making the poachers and their target looked around terrified.

I then used Tree Stride to walk out of a tree behind them, "Why are you shooting at my slugs?" The group all stood up as one actually shit himself. The leader was the first to get over the shock, "Wait, those weird things are slugs? Well we are after the cheetah there but they keep blocking our shots." I groaned, "They protect animals in danger, now give up or else."

They all the attacked me as they all have the same idea. Bullets, lightning, and ice were all shot at me only for more slugs to intercept and glare. "You asked for this and my slugs are not on the market for a reason." The earth shook some as I secretly warped out a couple druid slugs to grow plant platforms where I placed Ascendant Dragon monk slugs. "Taste the lightning!" With that all of them breathed lightning tazing the giant group all at once including the lightning quirk dude.

While they are tazed I shot out a spider like slug from the show called an Arachnet slug. This slug spun some webbing and after hitting one guy with it kept spinning more as it spun around the entire group tying them up. Once they are tied up I grab them and drag them through a tree with the Tree Stride ability with them screaming and trying to get free. I dropped them off near the police station with a disc recording of them hunting illegally along with the file Nezu gave me.

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