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I walked into Hero class, at Power Loaders insistence, to see everyone tired and a bit worried about today's lesson. "Um, what did I miss?" They all groaned as Katsuki yelled, "Thanks to the slug attack we had to work twice as hard the past two days. Be lucky you and Grapist missed it." As that was said Mineta walked in looking beat up, "I wouldn't consider myself lucky. I couldn't do anything I usually do cause the slugs would appear and beat me up. I'm afraid to even crack a dirty joke."

Kaminari winced as the girls all have evil smirks. I quickly ran to my seat and sat down as chaos happened. Yaoyoroza tricked him, "Mineta, what's a ghosts favorite bee?" Without thinking he yells, "Boo-bees!" He is then beat up by some custom slugs I made with a unique class and everything. If simple hits and insults won't break his perverted ways I'll do the extreme.

They are known as Shadow Knights able to teleport anywhere they are needed. They can attack with any element needed and for now they're doing a custom element I called chastium which is always able to hurt perverts. My Guardian jokingly calls it Horny Bard Repellent. It doesn't cause actual pain beyond a punch but the mental attack is the key. Each punch slowly ruins his perverted desires while making him a proper gentleman in public. I don't care what he does in private, his public image could ruin heroes if he becomes one.

Eraserhead walked in and chuckles some as Mineta gets tossed some, "I guess Eli doesn't like perverts." One slug shook its head and they both vanished, letting Mineta hit the floor. I quickly healed him and got him to his seat. "Since I did work you guys too hard the past two days and Nezu's orders, today's a free day. You can do whatever you want as long as it's legal."

Everyone was excited but kept it down as we all planned what to do. Some wanted to play video games, a couple wanted to train their quirks, and the perverted duo wanted to be themselves. Well, they did until they both got juggled for a bit. Then Katsuki gave me an idea. "I can't believe Grapist and Knockoff Pikachu both forgot about the slugs."

"Guys I have an idea. Why not fuse a game with training?" They all looked at me confused. I texted Nezu getting us a big training room as I lead them there. Once there I used replicators to form odd rigs. The rigs are an ancient technology called a VR track. The players waist is held in a ring that lets them spin and the floor is slippery but reacts to footsteps letting them move in the VR game. The videos of people freaking out in them is always funny.

Back on track now, I put everyone in one and gave them some room with walls between them. Each room got warped by illusions into Pallet town from Pokemon Let's Go. This made a good amount of my classmates happy as they all chose their respective pokemon which got built out of replicators. I admit I did cheat and create a fluid metal to help with shape where needed. Jagged replicator Eevee still looks cool though especially after the colors got added to it.

If someone draws or models an Eevee made of replicator blocks I'll share and add ya to the story for a couple chapters.

I had them all start their own adventures with Katsuki flying around with his quirk to get where he wanted. As everyone faintly heard his explosions they all began to use their quirks the best they can to do stuff. Kyoka used her sound to stun and hurt pokemon, Momo created fake pokeballs, Denki shocked pokemon, and Froppy swam with pokemon. She didn't want to be a trainer so I let her swim after I filled part of her segment with water.

Those who wanted caught and trained their Repli-Mon. After a couple hours of everyone having fun they had a tournament as I played with my Shiny Eevee and Shiny Magicarp Repli-Mon. Unfortunately the tournament ended in a draw between Momo and Katsuki. They both had Electrodes that self destructed. Everyone had fun and I decided to make something for everyone.

The next day during support class Eri helped me make special VR like items for my class along with a few giant bags of microbots similar to those in Big Hero 6. Once it was done Eri help me present the new toys. I walked in smirking as Eri came in on a wave of microbots. With the classes attention I passed out the gear and their own bag of bots. "This is so you guys can play the Repli-Mon game without me. It isn't able to replicate environments that well hence the goggles."

They played a bit with the bots til Aizawa walked in. Before he could say anything I handed him a set and showed him all the cat pokemon in the game which I expanded to include all maps and area quirks. Terrastilization, dynamax, z-moves, mega-evolutions, and shinys. I even added a few other things like speckled pokemon that are a mix of regular and shiny, and fusions. The fusions are based off a generator from the 2020s. Surprisingly the website was still up.

We spent an hour playing before we had to go to the gym to do some exercises and fighting. Luckily the microbots could actually as sparing partners and help us train. I used mine to learn judo, taijitsu, and a few others. To be honest I kinda felt like Kenichi. Needless to say that this was a fun week.

I hope you all enjoyed and I'm sorry I don't post a lot. I have a lot going on right now.

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