What have I done?

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I yawn as I wake up in my bedroom, with Eri hanging from the ceiling again but asleep this time in her Angel onesie. With a chuckle I got her down and adjusted some programming in it to move her to her bed when she dozed off from now on. "C'mon Eri, time to get up and go to UA. Time for you to terrorize my e." That woke her up instantly and she ran to get a shower. While she cleaned up I headed downstairs and made us breakfast.

Just as I plated breakfast I heard the shower shut off, saw a pink blur go down the hall, and a loud set of screams. Soon a laughing Eri ran in and sat in her booster seat with a big smile on her face. After a couple minutes Mom came in with a glare, "Who have her the megaphone in her suit?" I looked at Queen who was shaking I'm what looked like laughter. "Just for that you lost your saws Queen."

She quit laughing and ran over removing the stuff she added including a record playing claw that also works as a headphone jack. When I saw that I ran into my room and saw she dismantled my old fashioned record player and one of my headphones. "You better repair my record player or I will make you into Minetas diaper!!" As she fixed my stuff I ate breakfast with my family and we planned a weekend trip where we would go camping.

Once my stuff was fixed and the dishes were washed we created the shark board and headed to school. We got there early because I forgot about daylight saving time. Thankfully the support class gets keys to a tunnel that lead right to the classroom. Once there I began working on saws for my Replicators and I ignored Eri which I now regret. She set up so many pranks Ms Joke would be proud.

First target was Power Loader. As the teacher walked in she dropped on his head and screamed causing him to freak out, lose balance, and faceplant into a giant whoopie cushion that she got from Ms Joke. He was mad at first before he calmed down and saw it as funny. Next was Mei, she got hit with a giant whipped topping pie. Instant laughter from how she looked and she has a good sense of humor.

Unfortunately after those two successful pranks the rest of the class weren't so happy.  Scaring people, moving their tools when they weren't looking, undoing simple construction steps, and such were done as I gave Queen and the leaders of each Replicator squad their extra limbs and saw blades. This is when shit really got crazy and I was almost suspended. I really should have put Eri in a padded room or something.

While I started to work on a new device to help take care of burns, cuts, and other skin deep injuries Eri and Queen plotted. They quietly cut into the wooden and metal legs of the different desks and waited for the perfect time to strike. Right when I was holding a small generator with a radioactive agent in it Eri screamed because of someone's invention exploded. This causes everyone to jump up causing a domino effect.

The desks collapsed destroying some creations completely as they exploded, a screwdriver was launched jamming robolegs leg causing him to fall launching blades he was going to install into his creation, and then the blades hit me. I dropped the generator, teleported my classmates out, reinforced the room with magic, and slowly dug the blades out of my back. After a little bit the generator exploded cleaning out the classroom completely.

"Eri, Queen, what exactly were you thinking?" Both acted innocent until I showed the one cut desk leg that launched into the hall. Queen tried to run but I forced her to come back and curl up into a ball as I glared at them both. "I was just going to prank people I didn't mean for it to go so bad." Eri said after a little bit, definitely sad and knowing she messed up. "There is a time and place for pranks. No more pranks cause you are now grounded."

Eri was confused, "How can I be grounded if I'm not a electric toy?" The innocent reply nearly got me but I stood firm, "Grounded in this context means you can not watch Lilo and Stitch, play with any toys related to the show, you lose the onesies, and you're watching educational movies until it's over."

She apologized to everyone as I slowly cleaned up the radiation, reversed time in the classroom to before the legs were cut, and took away all the saws putting them in a special box only I can get in. That's when Nezu called me into his office.

After a long talk we agreed and set it up from now on Eri goes to him to learn in the morning unless we have kid stuff we want to test. After lunch I had Eri change into a simple outfit of jeans and a t-shirt before we went to the hero class where everyone asked what the explosion was. Needless to say, it was a long day.

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