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~<Izuku POV>~

I gulped as Nezu asked me the dreaded question, "Why do your papers say quirkless?" Before I could answer a bright light suddenly appeared in the room and spoke. "I gave him his powers. You all can call me Izukus guardian god. After seeing a few centuries of quirkless losing heart and ending their lives I found Izuku. His pure heart called for me and he wished for the ability to save others."

I looked at the light, "You gave me my quirk? I thought I was just a late bloomer." The light chuckled, "No, I blessed you with it and I wish I did it sooner. Gotta admit though Replicator Wing Armor was fun to see." The light projected the scene of me jumping out the window and flying quickly out of view. My classmates looked partially sick as they looked for my body only to find nothing.

Aizawa groaned, Midnight sighed, All Might chuckled, and Nezu fell over laughing. "I think I let my emotions take the lead then. I wonder how they will react tomorrow." The light laughed, "I'm curious as well. Anyways you can find out. Also I should explain something. I'm a god, there are thousands of gods throughout the multiverse so be careful." The light then vanished.

I look worried, "I got the notice of a god. If one likes me there might be one who hates me." After a bit I told the four there about what I now about my quirk and Midnight grabbed my shoulders, "Can you make me stay beautiful until the day I die?" I thought a bit and started to write a new spell. Once I was done I popped my knuckles, "Um this might hurt a bit. Also you'll still need to live a healthy life. I just stopped aging not anything else. Aphrodites Blessing: Unaging beauty." I watched as pink smoke flew from my hands and surrounded Midnight for a couple of minutes before it ended and I felt tired.

All Might caught me as I began to fall down. "Ok two massive op spells a day limit. Can someone call my Mom or give me a ride home..... Other than Midnight? I've seen you drive." Aizawa laughed and said he would give me a lift. On the way home he and I talked about cats and his life as a hero.

Once we arrived there were two cops at the house and Mom was crying. I ran over to her, "Mom what's wrong?" She grabbed me and cried as I found out what's going on. Apparently my classmates thought I died and vanished out of existence. I explained what happened and admitted I was emotionally drained when I pulled the stunt. Queen ordered the Replicator Wing Armor to reappear on me and the cops recognized the blocks.

"Oh, you're the sludge catcher. I saw you walk in with All Might and the giant spider cube made of those pieces. Are they tech or an aspect of your quirk?" I scratched my head, "Kinda both. I'm sorry for causing you guys more trouble." He laughed and left with his buddy saying, "You show up tomorrow, make them think they are seeing a ghost. I'll update the school and the files."

Mom dragged me inside and scolded me for going that far. We ate supper and I told her I got into UA. She was proud of me and I told her about what happened in the office. She was just as shocked about the god bit. The next day I entered the classroom and sat down early. As people came in they would make some sound of discomfort or fear and rush out of the room. Once the teacher came into the room they sighed, "Hello Midoriya, why haven't you told anyone you flew away?" I looked upset, "They kept rushing out before I could and a few looked sick."

The innocent cinnamon roll act worked as everyone entered the room. Once everyone walked in I headed to the front of the classroom and bowed. "I am sorry about the stunt yesterday, I was emotionally drained from work and years of bullying I just couldn't help myself. Luckily Queen Replicator had the others become armor and flew me to the ground." I went to my chair and we had class like normal.

When lunch came people tried to sit with me and tried to become my friends. When I started to get irritated for them getting too close Queen hissed. People backed away and I relaxed some, "Sorry but you guys were too close to me. I need to he able to breath." They all apologized and we all ate lunch somewhat easily. Queen kept people from touching me when I flinched.

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