Hosu Tech Thief

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I woke up to Eri being full on chaotic neutral one morning and shook my head. Yep, she is pulling a Stitch, crawling on the walls with an extra set of Replicator arms, in neko mode, and laughing as she chased a couple Replicators coated in cotton to muffle them. After watching her chase it out of the bedroom and down the hall I counted down until my Mom screamed. With a small chuckle I walked to her room and grabbed Eri. "I told you she would imitate Stitch."

With a smirk I brought Eri downstairs, scolded her lightly, and made breakfast after putting some headphones on Eris head. I had to give her headphones as my Mom cussed up a storm while she had to do her end of the bet. The bet was over if Eri would imitate Stitch or not. The loser had to be Nani for a day and we had a week for her to imitate him. I won and Mom was furious since she lost and we watched it last night.

When Mom walked in dressed like Nani from the movies and show Eri went crazy. I just had to record her bouncing around excited. She did eventually calm down which was good cause I had to go to Hosu today. After telling her to be good and not cause Mom any trouble I gave her a Stitch onesie and left. Needless to say, I got plenty of calls, pictures, texts, voicemails, and emails from Mom, our neighbors, and Aunt Mitsuki.

I got to the train station and headed off to find the notorious tech thief. After a long few hours ride I got to Hosu and started my search. I scanned the areas hit, possible future targets, and even checked the multiple black markets there. Of course I was in disguise with Queen making it look like my arm was robotic and that I had a cybernetic eye. The people there were really nice when I said I was quirkless and looking for tech to upgrade myself.

After buying a good portion of illegal tech, I headed to a tall building and waited. While waiting I saw a ninja wannabe break into one of the tech stores that had already been hit and steal stuff. They didn't get away as the second they entered I put a shell around the entire building. I can't help but always be surprised at how fast Replicator Blocks can move to form stuff. Once the shell was formed I watched her bounce off the segment covering where she broke in.

"You done trying to escape? You are under arrest for stealing multiple laptops, desktops, monitors, tablets, and other forms of computers." I sighed as I warped in with Queen on my shoulder. The girl growled at me before she suddenly created a portal releasing Clockwork Horrors from DND Spelljammer release. "KNOCKOFFS MUST DIE!!" Queen screamed before she summoned an army destroying the small amount of Clockwork Horrors in a minute. Note to myself later, find out what all might be a knockoff so I can avoid them.

With the thiefs army gone I walked over and glared, "Surrender willingly or else I'll have to get physical." That's when I realized something and removed her hood showing a female version of me. We looked at each other stunned for a while before she said, "So, I'm guessing this is not my Earth?" I shook my head, "Not likely. You have a Guardian too?" She nodded, "She's very nice and gave Eric powers after I saved him."

That's when both Guardians appeared. We talked and sent her back home with the scraps from her Clockwork Horror. I apologized for Queen going crazy and promised Queen to get her some saw blades to use.

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