I have a Villain self?

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I woke up early and began to clear out all of the Lilo and Stitch stuff from the house. It took me a couple hours to hide it all since I built her a lot of stuff. With it all in a Bag of Holding I hid it up high and out of her reach. I did warn Queen not to let any replicator hey it down for a month or else. After that threat I made breakfast for everyone and woke up Eri. She wasn't happy about her not having her Lilo and Stitch plate and cup but after I explained again what grounded ment she ate breakfast angrily.

With breakfast done I headed to school with Eri and dropped her off at the mini classroom Nezu set up. With her settled in I headed down into the support lab when I was hit in the face with sneezing powder. It was a prank the class set up for Eri but I triggered instead. After a bit of me holding it in I sneezed loudly. The result was two portals forming behind me with a blue hedgehog and another me flying through them before they closed.

"What the fuck just happened? I was midair and now I'm in a hallway?" Before I could reply the blue furred hedgehog spoke, "I'm unsure master but I think this pussy willow copy may have the answer." Everyone was stunned with the speaking hedgehog as the other me sat up with a growl, "Great did I end up in another fucking timeline? Wait, why am I in UA? The entrance exam is happening now."

I shook my head, "Ok, just call me DnD Izuku. I was hit by sneezing powder and kinda summoned you and your pet here. I don't know if there was time travel involved or not. May I know your quirk so I know what to call you?" The hedgehog growled, "He is Master so back off copycat!!" That's when Queen charged at the hedgehog and they started fighting.

Neither I or the other me could split them apart before the hedgehog grew into a spiky oni and threw Queen through a window. "Bluebell calm down. We are in another reality and we can't afford to make an enemy right now. We don't know if Ass Might is powerful here or not." I couldn't help but ask, "Don't you mean All Might? Don't tell me your realities All Might is a jerk."

He sighed and stood up popping his back, "Yes and No. He is a quirkist, has helped quirkless kill themselves, and told me to give up being a hero." Everyone was stunned before I waved my hand, "Calm down, just because his is a jerk doesn't mean ours is. I will check though later. So what should I call you?" He shrugged, "I guess System will do."

Queen then came flying back in and attacked Bluebell until she fell apart cause I ordered her to. "Enough Queen, they are basically us from another reality." I reassembled her and sighed as I sent her into the classroom. With her being forced to set up my desk I lead System up to Nezu who sighs, "Midoriya what magic did you use?"

"He portaled me and my familiar here. Ok from another reality and there I'm an antihero and antivillain. I'm purging villains and fake heroes as I help heroes grow and help the unfortunate." I gasped in shock and look at him scared, "I will be honest I didn't expect that at all. Are you going to terrorize this reality?" System shook his head, "No I'm not going to but I will say this, don't stop me. I've already done a lot and if I vanish and so does my villain self it'll ruin everything."

I patted his shoulder and said, "You're a stressed bloomer right? I was given powers from a god like entity." [Close but not exactly. I am Lily his system and how he got his powers. Since you are technically him I'll give you a gift.] As I hear that disembodied voice a crystal formed in front of me and then fell into my hand. "That is a quirk crystal just eat it to get a quirk or two. I don't know which she game you but they'll help you out."

With that I sent him back to his reality and I swallowed the crystal gaining the power to mold and create any material I can imagine. Such a nice gift from a villain. Maybe not all bad guys are evil because they want to be. I'll focus on that later, right now I have a quirk to test out.

DND Izuku just met System Breaker from another story of mine. I'm also kinda losing inspiration for this story so maybe another chapter or two before I end it. Thank you all for reading it though.

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