What Train?

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This will be a crossover with a short story I wrote. I hope you enjoy and sorry I've kinda been out of ideas again.

I sighed as I watched an old as hell cartoon called Thomas the Tank Engine. My Mom fold the tapes in the attic and had Eri use them for training until they were brand new, along with the tape player. As we watched the show I saw all the memes and scary games made based around it. Someone created a horror game that got mimicked a good bit called Choo Choo Charles.

I decided since today was the weekend and there wasn't a test Monday to explore the town some. It didn't take me long to run into a villain. The first clue was a bunch of spider, train, hybrid things running through the mall. I easily smashed a couple causing a ball of energy to leave the corpses and fly somewhere faster than I could react.

As I got over my shock I watched a villain in train like armor walk over. With each step I heard hissing and clicking as an army of more of those spider things followed them. I got into a fighting stance when the armor vanished, revealing a scarred and adult me. "Hello me, I'm guessing you're a hero in this world?"

I nodded as I summoned a swarm of Replicators with Queen absorbing a lot of extra parts to become huge. I'm glad that she did as a giant train thing dropped through the malls glass ceiling behind the older me. The older man smirked, "Your quirk can be seen as villainous if they knew the truth about your replicators. Parasitical robots that eat technology to grow stronger."

This made me mad, "So you have multiple quirks. Let's see what all you have." I scanned him and nearly puked at the flood of information info my mind. His list of quirks made mine look like a child's book against a multi book dictionary set. Well it was until mine copied all of his and I got copies of his train creatures.

This startled him and his trains when my copies spawned in around me and some were made of replicator pieces. My side attacked first destroying all of his minions until only he was left in a circle of my replicators and Train things. "You win me, didn't expect you to be able to copy quirks without touching someone. If you summon a return portal for me I'll just head home."

I should have known better but I didn't. I barely had the portal formed as a shadow train thing came out of nowhere. At first I assumed it was mine until it cut me and suddenly vanished into a ball of light which adult me grabbed. "Thank you for the gift sucker." With that he entered the portal which instantly closed.

After standing there for a little bit in stunned silence I recalled all the train creatures which I now recognize as Choo Choo Charles. Queen shrank back down and all the replicators went back into storage, "Are you ok King? You seem upset." I chuckled, "A little bit but I do kinda hope his world can't handle my powers." Queen shuddered a bit as I said that, "I'm glad this world can support it. Without magic you'd be quirkless." I nodded and bought what I needed before heading home.

~<Choo Choo Charles Izuku's POV>~

Once I got through the portal I looked over all my new abilities only for most to...... I'm not sure how to explain it really. Best way I can think of is them draining of energy and becoming like dead batteries. The few quirks I could still use were useful but most were worthless. What the hell am I supposed to use a quirk like Stretchy Eyeballs? If it combined with the one I already had it would be nice but for some reason I couldn't fuse them.

Charles formed in a smaller form behind me, "Is everything ok Izuku? You seem tense." I nodded, "It seems my hunch was right and wrong at the same time. Other realities can have quirks but their versions can't fuse with ours. Also something is odd about that world's quirks. Most of them died once coming here meaning something was unique there."

Charles paced a bit by walking up the wall, across the ceiling, and down the other wall for a bit. He stopped on the ceiling and looked at me, "Maybe it's a type of energy like mana or a special element in the air?" I shrugged, "No clue but I can go to another reality later and look. Let's get you some supper."


Sorry about taking forever to update. I've been busy and also lacking inspiration. I hope you all like this chapter and yes he's going to the other ongoing stories.

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