Stupid Internships

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I drudged my way into the classroom with Eri on my back. As I passed Kaachans desk I placed her on it, "Play with Uncle Blasty for a bit." She pouted at first but played some small games of tic tac toe as I napped. The sports festival was really tiring for me and last night I had tons of calls. Mostly people asked if they can my Replicator tech. The phone is probably still ringing at home.

I learned this afterwards but when Aizawa walked in he looked at me confused, "Why is Midoriya asleep in my classroom and not in the support classroom?" Eri answered, "Idiots keep calling asking for Replicator Tech. Dad was up all night because of it." Everyone then decided to stay quiet and let me sleep with a couple taking extra notes for me. They did all the lessons until lunch before they woke me up. I accepted their notes and reviewed them all while I ate.

After lunch Aizawa explained the internships and that we all had to do them. I groaned and dropped my head on my desk breaking it completely, causing me to end up on the floor. "Ok problem child, why did you break the desk?" I groaned again, "May I skip the internship please? I don't want to deal with people asking for my quirks tech any more." He sighed, "I can't let you skip them but since you are in support I will ask Nezu for his opinion."

Speak of the devil and they will appear apparently also works on Nezu. "Midoriya can stay in the support class instead of going on internship but he must go with you to Hosu next week. There's still the tech bandit at large there." I silently cheered from the ground and just laid there as everyone else did sorted through their invites. Nezu then walked over to me, "As payment for this I expect my own car. I'm sure you have something in mind."

I had to refrain from making a Stewart Little joke but eventually nodded. He then left and I took Eri down to the support classroom. "Sorry I'm late Power Loader. Phones been crazy after the sports festival and I needed a nap." He laughed, "I understand kid. If I didn't know it was your quirk I'd be calling too. Nezu called saying you're making him a custom car." I nodded and Eri went to her custom desk where she tested the kid related support gear.

I headed to a side room and looted it for a lot of different materials. Some rubber to make into wheels, vibranium for the axles and car chassis, titanium for the metal exterior, soundproofing foam, glass, and LEDs for headlights. After I grabbed that I put it in my area and went up to Nezu where I got his measurements, a DNA sample, and that he loves the more energetic music. With that done I got to work.

I spent the next week just working on Nexus custom vehicle. My classmates were surprised with what all was going on it. As I finished it I had Eri help me paint it. When I "wasn't looking" I had her paint neon pink cat whiskers on a certain big of it before I had the paint bonded to the vehicle. With it done I carried it up to Nezu since no one else can drive it. I put it in his office and smirked as he got in.

Once he was in and turned it on by having it scan his body and DNA he rolled down a window. "Ok this is good so far but can you explain the three buttons here?" I nodded, "The one with the microphone on it lets you use a speaker to talk like a police car but much clearer. The blue one is a special nos mixture I made for you, be careful when you touch it. The final one has a few modes so can you please drive to site Gamma to show it off?"

He then drove off like a bat out of hell with the speaker on projecting his creepy, maniacal laughter. Needless to say, I am glad I made janitor bots and sent them out before this as many people, both student and staff, made a mess of themselves. I quickly chased after him and caught up to him at site Gamma. That's when I began to explain the last button.

"Nezu the red button has the ability to switch the Nezu Battler between it's three modes. One is normal mode where it's an average bullet proof car. Press it for mode two please." After he pressed it the car became spiked, got extra plating, and a mini rocket thruster in the back. "This is rammer mode. This can be used to protect you or to break down walls just please avoid load bearing walls." I moved out of the way as he completely destroyed a couple building just driving through them and using the super strength nos from time to time.

That when I explained the button will default swapping between these two modes as I wanted his final mode as a trump card and rarely used. With that said I told him activate it and watched as he formed his own Mecha. Of course when the face formed I couldn't help but laugh my ass off. It looked like a 6ft tall Nezu robot with neon pink cat whiskers.

"What's so funny Midoriya?" I chuckled, "Sorry Nezu I think Eri may have added pink whiskers to your mech form. Unfortunately they can't be undone since I bonded the paint to the metals." I formed a mirror and he laughed some before he tested out the mechas many uses. Unfortunately all are destructive so by the end of the day nothing was left standing in site Gamma except for Nezu and I. Id say it was a productive week shrinking down so much tech but unproductive cause Nezu got it all.

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