Meta Liberation VS Slugs

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After a peaceful night's sleep and a good breakfast I take Eri and her pet Burpy to school. Aizawa nearly freaked out until Nezu drove out and told him to get Eri and her pet inside. I explained what happened to Nezu and he laughed. With that bit done I headed out to deal with a group of quirkist elitists. Needless to say I am very eager to make them into putty but I can't murder anyone.

The group wants to kill weak or quirkless people and let everyone else use their strong quirks. You read that right, they only want strong quirks to exist. What a group of egotistical jerks. Anyways before I go too far off track: I hate them. I'm also surprised Endeavor isn't a part of them.

In my Eli disguise I marched over to their base. Honestly it's just a town of jerks going over a few hundred thousand last time we checked. When I was about 1/4 of a mile away an alarm went off making everyone head home and prepare for a fight. The only reason I know that is because I already had my slugs infiltrate the town yesterday. They're going to regret trying to fight when my main force is already inside.

Once I headed close enough to touch the towns gate a guy slid over. His quirk and hero name, "Slide n Go". Basically he cal slide on any surface as if he's on a surfboard on the ocean. "Who are you and what do you want?" I smiled, "I'm looking for the Meta Liberation group and ReDestro. I have a lesson to teach them." As I say that the guy growled and motioned me through the gate.

After a bit of following him he yelled, "Get the nonbeliever!!" I just waited a bit for nothing to happen. "I'm sorry was something supposed to attack me?" The guy yelled it a few more times along with a bunch of curse words. I let him for a bit before I yelled, "Form Ranks!"

The town then filled with chittering as an army of slugs started to leave the buildings and drag the bound people out behind them. The look on the guys face was priceless. Especially when a small group dragged ReDestro over as well. He was quickly bound as well and I use Tree Walker to quickly drag all the villains to multiple police station to hold them all. It took me a long time to transport all of them.

With the group caught I picked up Eri and apologized for being late. Aizawa nearly gave me another day off but I stopped him. Honestly, I rather not find out what Nezu will make me fight if I got another day off. Also I blamed be being late since Eri now has a new favorite show. He just shook his head as I took Eri home. Now to see what tomorrow will bring.

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