Restful Day? What's that?

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I yawned and stretched before Queen could act like an alarm clock and gently woke up Eri. "Morning Daddy, is it breakfast time?" Eri asked as I woke her. I chuckled and nodded as her hammock was lowered so she could get out. I swapped clothes and headed downstairs to find Mom cooking breakfast.

"Morning hun did you sleep well?" Mom asked when she heard me come down. I shrugged and set the table before helping her finish making breakfast. She looked very envious of my Replicator Handles as they swapped between spatula, knife, ladle, and more as needed. When I noticed I thought for a bit and looked at Queen who was currently on the ceiling. She shook her head until a new scroll popped up next to me.

I gently grabbed it and read it completely. "Mom do you want to be a Replicator Duchess? It will let you use my Replicator Handles, control all but Queen and the King Replicator Eri can make, and use the spells on Runic Replicators." She nodded so fast I instantly remembered how I reacted to watching that old All Might Video. With that I gave her the ability and a small Replicator Bag. With a smile, "I will make you the Handles and Runic Replicators later." She hugged me and finished making breakfast as Eri came down.

After she made her highchair we all ate and cleaned up the dishes. I was about to head to school when Mom reminded me we had the day off thanks to yesterday. Instead of cheering in joy I groaned. Seriously, I may be able to make anything I do need some of the better tech in the schools support department to make stuff. My groan got me an earful until Eri walked over and said she wanted to play. Who can deny this cutie?

Mom, Eri, and I decided to play a game of snakes and ladders. It's a simple game so it was easy to teach Eri. Luckily she won and then saw a commercial on tv about a show with kittens on it. We couldn't pull here away and she started to ask me to get her a kitten. Mom and I both said no but after a while I thought of something. After getting Eri to calm down I got to work in the garage.

After a few hours of forging metal I created a Repli-Kitty. The kitten based Replicator had fake fur, digital eyes, and claws so sharp it can almost cut time. With it done I brought it out to Eri, who was happy at first. When she realized it was another Replicator she got mad at me so I had to do plan B. I got in a bit over my head adopting her but hey, no one is perfect.

When she calmed down enough to listen I had her use an ability of ours. She slowly grew a snow white tail, cat ears, and the odd neko paws that the Wild Wild Pussycats have. She was happy and we were glad she calmed down, until she somehow climbed up the wall and hung from the ceiling. We got her down, scolded her, and punished her for climbing the wall. It wasn't even noon yet and I wanted to return to bed. Little did I know it was going to keep going down hill.

We ate lunch with Eri learning to use simple silverware and the door was busted down by a random villain. Before he could even get his head into the door Queen attacked. She absorbed a lot of other Replicators temporarily and formed a fist to punch him into the car across the street unconscious. I got up and used a binding spell on him so he couldn't move until the police arrived. Of course I almost got in trouble until they recognized me.

I put down Eri for a nap and suddenly another idiot broke into my house. This time I dealt with her, with extreme prejudice. Her foot didn't even touch the floor good when I had her bound to the wall, quirk stopped, gagged, and her pockets emptied. When I read her ID I let her go. "Mei Hatsume why the fuck are you breaking into my garage?!?!" She apologized and said she hoped to find my Black Iron recipe to make her own stuff stronger.

After helping her make her own metal alloy which is unique she was invited to stay for supper. Mom of course assumed we were dating and I told her I don't date thieves. When supper was over the four of us played a few simple games and sent Mei back home. Eri had fun, I was annoyed, and Mom was exhausted. Now hopefully tomorrow will not be a crazy day. Spoilers: NOT FUCKING HAPPENING!!

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