Damn It Asui

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I glared at the bell stealing goose I scared off yesterday. It was back and about to steal a new bell. "Touch that bell and you will regret it." Eri was using her replicators to make a new gooslicator behind him as he touched the bell. The second his beak touched it I used a Changeling skill called Unsettling Visage which instantly showed the goose my real face. As the goose backed up the gooslicator honked it train horn and off the jerk went again.

Eri was laughing while we headed on to school. Once we got there she and I worked on a hologram projector. At first it seemed impossible but after a while we got it working perfectly. When we finished it she and I played Smash Bros, Eclipse version. It may have been a silly idea but after a bit I created a new version of the game. The small edit let us change the fight from 2D arenas to 3D arenas. I understand why they kept it flat but my hologram projector works much better in a 3D look.

After a couple of rounds with everyone we went to lunch. By the time lunch was over everyone in both of my classes wanted to own one of my Hologram Projectors. I literally had to say no so many times Eri was getting mad. "DADDY SAID NO SO QUIT ASKING!!" So cute when she is mad.

That's when Aizawa found me at lunch. "When lunch is over grab your hero suit and head to the parking lot to go on a field trip. Eri is to stay with Nezu during it." We both nodded and finished our lunches. I handed her off to Nezu and put on my hero costume to get it done. Since everyone else took their time I was stuck waiting there for a while. I was very tempted to just sit on the bus and sleep.

Soon we were all on the bus and off to wherever. Along the way we had a lot of fun talking about our quirk when Asui asked me a question. "Midoriya, what exactly is your quirk and how did you become grey at Goose Park?" I stiffened slightly, "Um, that's very complicated but I can say this. I'm not a human anymore. I'm a changeling, a species able to shapeshift between humanoid forms."

While everyone was looking at me crazy Aizawa yelled back, "You might have to show them your real look and become a teifling in look." I smirked as I become pure grey with snow white hair and silver eyes. While everyones jaws dropped I formed two big horns, a tail, and some claws as my skin became a dark green color. "I lost my humanity physically but my mind and heart are the same."

Then to really mess with them I became a duplicate of Asui and mimicked her usual pose. "Midoriya, with such a quirk I'm guessing you got in through recommendations since you have what seems like multiple quirks." I say using her voice before I change to Aizawa. "Due to trouble child's own choice he did the entrance exam like most did." Aizawa laughed as I mimicked him perfectly, scaring my classmates.

After a while of them being silent Mineta made me mad. "Wait if you can become females become a sexy one with giant tits!" This made the girls glare at him and my blood boiled. Aizawa gave me a shit eating grin and nodded signaling that I can do what I want to him. With a smirk I decided to pray to Guardian to help me with a prank. Thankfully Guardian answered with a new scroll and the message that said, "Get the pervert good."

With a smirk I stood up and walked over to the pervert. Once I was next to him I became a character called Jessica Rabbit. "Is this what you wanted to see big boy?" A few of the guys wretched as the girls blushed. Once Mineta began to nod I used my new ability on him. I changed back to normal but I changed him into Jessica Rabbit with a few changes.

His hair stayed purple but smoothed over to look like Jessica's hair. The grape balls that are his power became a pearl necklace and bracelets while his body went from midget to bombshell. Knowing he would attempt to explore his body I removed all of the nerves that lead to pleasure along with those zones. With a smirk I said, "Enjoy being a cartoon woman without any nerve endings for pleasure."

That made everyone freeze in shock as we arrived at our destination. Aizawa walked over to me after everyone else got off the bus, "What is that new power?" I smirked more mimicking his shit eating grin, "Forced Changeling. It let's me force someone else to shapeshift like a changeling. They have no way to change back without another's help. Thankfully I can become stuff that doesn't exist or Mineta would have been a real woman instead of a cartoon." Aizawa gave me the grin back and we headed inside. What a start for a school field trip.

Unlocked Feats:
King Replicator: Let's Izuku control Replicator and their blocks. Also let's him speak to Queen without a translator block.

Ultimate Spellcaster: Can cast any spell/cantrip without materials, vocalization, or hand motions. Also unlimited spellslots.

Artificers Envy: Can make anything mechanical or magical without any problem. Even can create "Homebrew" stuff

Unsettling Laugh: Izuku can laugh in a way to make all who hear it fear him. Only those mentally warped are immune. Best example of immunity is Nezu.

Class Shift: Let's Izuku become any class from DND. Currently an Artificer but can become a ranger, fighter, monk, etc whenever he desires.

Race Shift: Izuku can shift between any DND race including Homebrew Races. Currently a Changeling due to One For All.

Replicator Morph: Become a giant human form replicator.

Saviors Blessing: when saving others you can heal those you're helping undoing any injuries as they form.

Quirk Collector: gain a copy of any quirk you've been within a mile of. This feat is very dangerous as you gain that quirks drawback unless you figure out how to remove them.

Battle Field Freeze: creates a field around Izuku to stop, repair, and sometimes cause damage to whatever is in it.

Ultimate Upgrade: this let's Izuku make anything better. A good example is a cheap wind up robot toy into a fully functional robot servant.

Ultimate Repair: he can fix anything that's been damaged or destroyed making it literally new again.

Unbreakable Infusion: Izuku can make anything he chooses unbreakable.

Forced Changeling: Let's a changeling or another form of shapeshifter force a change of look, species, and more onto someone else. They can only force what they can become onto someone else. For example if they can only become birds that's all they can force someone else to be.

Sorry about taking forever to update my stories. I have been busy with work and have had serious writers block. Hopefully you all enjoyed this chapter and the prank pulled on Mineta.

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