Excuse Me

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Sorry for lack of posting. Mix of working and writers block hit me hard. I did go through previous chapters and edit some as needed. Mostly typos though.

I dodged a few flying punches by having my replicator chair scoot backwards. Why is it always me?!?! Apparently the sleeping gas didn't stay after I send the god-ling away. The first to wake up was Hand Fetish and the first thing he yelled was, "Nomu kill the brat on the throne!!" That's when the purple bird thing started to attack me.

"Goblins keep everyone else knocked out. I'll deal with Mr. Nomu here." As Hand Fetish and any other thug who woke up gets knocked out again I lead Nomu to a big flat area. Once there I cast a homebrew spell called Shell Recovery. According to the website the target gets reset to full hp, spell slots, etc.

Once the spell activates I watch as bits of my body fall off like a plaster mold. When it was finally done I am fully reset and ready to fight. The next punch from Nomu I easily stopped with one finger. "Your quirks are super strength, regeneration, and I guess, since your hand didn't break, shock absorption. All three have a limit but I don't. Shall I show you those limits?" I smirk evilly as I began to change my appearance.

The first thing to change was my hands as I created thick emerald claws. When they fully formed I had my skin become jade and reinforced with gold colored vibranium. Just to really dig in the point I grew to the same size as Nomu. "Say hello to Obliteration Jade. Nomu are you ready to fight?" The screech from the Nomu shook me a bit but I took it as a yes.

I let the sucker punch me for about a minute before I bitch slapped him into the fake mountain. "Crud, I ment to hold back. I hope I didn't already kill it." The following screech and flying rocks told me it was still alive. With a chuckle I jumped to it and yelled, "Jade no like screaming bird. Jade smash screaming bird." As I put my hands together and brought them down I could see the confusion on everyone's face as I made a quote no one recognized.

After binding Nomu in magical rope I changed back to normal and walked over. "What? No one watch old hero movies? Seriously Hulk has inspired some people with quirks that somewhat match what be has." They all groan in annoyance as they realize who I was imitating. I got a few light hearted punches and we were all interrogated by the cops who arrived soon after.

I collected my Goblin Army Replicators as each villain and thug was arrested until we got to Mr. Warpgate. "I know you, I recognize you now. You use to be friends with my father. If I remember right you're Kurogiri." The yellow smoke that was his eyes widened, "Izuku Midoriya is that you? How do you have a quirk?!?! I know your father took your quirk before it formed."

I froze and so did the few that heard him. "Excuse me, what did you just say?" Kurogiri looked worried, "Your father didn't hang himself. He faked his death and took your quirk at the same time. I am his butler due to him giving me a stabilization quirk that helps my warp gate quirk." I grabbed Kurogiri by his metal covered throat and growled, "Where is he?"

Kurogiri and everyone around me freaked out thinking I was about to kill someone. After a long awkward silence Kurogiri told me where. After dropping him I changed Mineta back to normal, marched out of the USJ, became a gargoyle, and flew to where my father is. Time for a long overdue reunion.

I easily removed the roof from the building and dropped in. What I saw in front of me really made me mad. My father was currently having fun with a few new women. "Who are you and why have you broken into my bed room?" I growled, "Does the name Inko mean something to you." His expression was priceless, "Izuku is that you? How do you have a quirk?!?! I took yours before it manifested." This made me even angrier.

Realizing what he said, my father tries to backtrack with the usual weak villains, "I did it for your own good" "I wanted to hide you from the heroes" "I didn't want you to die because you're my son." After a good number of them I grabbed him by the neck, "What did you take from me?" My body began to form a stone shell so his quirk stealing ability can't work on me. What he said next shocked me some.

"I removed your quirk which would have let you completely delete any quirk you wanted. Make heroes or villains quirkless. Do you understand why I took it?" In a bit of a daze I dropped him and he tried to delete my powers and One For All. His eyes glowed so I created a reflective stone mirror on my arm and sent it back at him making him quirkless. As he mourned his loss of power I dragged him to All Might who was currently at USJ.

I dropped off my father and growled at him, "Listen to the heroes, police, and the guards of whatever prison you end up in. They might protect your now quirkless ass you bastard!!" Bakugo dragged me away and began to hum a tune his mother use to sing to us at sleepovers. I slowly relaxed and changed to normal. "Thank you, I was about to make him dead for real."

My classmates and I were lead to school after I asked the police to go easy on Kurogiri. When they asked why I told them that my dad..... no the worthless scum I am related to, blackmailed him into doing it. They understood and said they would try their best. Once we got to UA my Mom ran over and checked to see if I'm ok. I told her everything, including that I found scumbag in bed with another woman.

She was heart broken and we both went home were we created a new game. Its called, "Cheater Smash". All you do is destroy stuff you got from a cheater and the better the destruction the higher points you get. Eri was unfortunately confused but I made the game also into quirk training for her. She would repair different items and we would destroy it again. This made us all tired and by the end of the day no one wanted to kill scumbag. Well, Queen wanted to make him into an acid puddle. Oh well, maybe we can have a better day tomorrow.

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