Trying a New Class

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It's been a couple weeks since my evil self accidentally got warped here. I've kinda felt down before I thought of something. "Um Guardian I have a question." The green ball of light appeared, "Yes Izuku?" "I can become any class and subclass both legit and homebrew correct?" The ball turned into a question mark, "Yes but why? Are you tired of being an artificer?" I chuckled some, "A bit but I'm going to use a homebrew feat called True Multiclassing. It lets me get multiple classes and subclasses at the same time."

The ball chuckled as it heard me, "Going arcane trickster?" I shook my head, "No, I'm going to add Circle of Slugterra Druid." The ball dulled a bit and warped as it was confused, "I don't know that homebrew. Where did you find it?" I stiffen some, "I am stealing it from the creator of this timeline and others. He's using it for a campaign and I wanna use it for some chaos."

Guardian nod the best they can before they vanish as I activate the two homebrew things. True Multiclassing let's me learn one additional class or subclass to the maximum. Technically I'd have to be level 40 to learn it all but I am level infinity so. The druids repulsion of metal hit me hard making be back away from the metal project I was working on, "Damn that feeling hurt. It felt like metal was draining my energy. I'm gonna have to activate a feat that makes it so metal doesn't cause that."

After getting over the feeling I did so and began my plan. My new class lets me summon Slugs from a cartoon called Slugterra. Slugs are literally living ammo that shapeshift when shot from special guns.
The DND subclass changed that up though. The slugs get rolled stats and can get almost any martial class though some subclasses aren't allowed. This will be a lot of fun and I already have Nezus permission for it.

I do cheat and go above the 13 Slug limit you have at level 20 but I make a full on army of Slugs. Healer Squad: Light Slugs work as Clerics to heal after the prank and also heal the others. Monk Squad: A mix of Slugs with different elements and subclasses including a couple Drunken Master and Ascendant Dragon. Barbarian Squad: Mostly Totem path with a mix of Berserker and Beast Path. Rogue Squad: Assassin, phantom, scout, soul knife, and swashbucklers all in a group and ready to cause chaos.

With my 3inch tall army I created one special slug based off of Burpy from the show. For the prank I put him in a small hamster cage with a wheel and food. Luckily he was all in for the prank. The other slugs got special mini vehicles just for them. I made them robotic wolf, mole, and horse mounts based off the old cartoon. This should be fun as hell.

I fed the troops and told them to be quiet as it's night time now

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I fed the troops and told them to be quiet as it's night time now. I carried Burpy out of the garage and into the house with him running in his wheel. When Eri saw him she ran over, "Dad what's that? It's so cute. May I pet it?" Burpy growled and sprouted some flames on it head which I quickly put out with some water. "I'm afraid not Snowball. I'm not sure what it is but it's definitely not a normal animal. It's hostile so I recommend you not try to play with or feed him."

Queen wasn't in the garage as I set this up so she poked at the cage. Burpy shot flames out at her burning the cotton we put on her to reduce the clicking noise. She dropped her leg in the sink, formed a new one and went to get more cotton stuffing, speaking in clicks so only I can understand her. She was not happy about Burpy. "You made it happen by tapping it's cage. Leave it alone and it'll not attack."

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