Where's My Gun?

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I gently woke up Eri again and we both had breakfast before some idiot broke in. This flame bearing, second best, dumpster fire was Endeavor. He grabbed me and growled as he dragged me outside. I let him until we got half way down the sidewalk before I had Replicator Blocks grab me and keep me in place. "Excuse me Endeavor but may I know why you're trying to make me leave my home? I literally have done nothing wrong and I just woke up." Instead of telling me he tried to melt the blocks holding me in place.

After a few minutes I got annoyed as hell and finally yelled, "Tell me why you are annoying me now or else you stupid dumpster fire of a hero." I glared and used Erasure from Aizawa to end his stupid flames. He panicked at first until he saw my hair floating. "So you copied his quirk? Now you're under arrest for illegal quirk usage." I was then tazed causing me to pass out instantly. When I came back to I was in a jail cell with antiquirk systems, closed circuit air supply, and padded walls. Basically any shapeshifting, fluid/gas form quirks worst enemy.

After a few minutes of waiting the door opened revealing Endeavor holding a gun. "You need to die. My son must become the Number 1 hero." I couldn't hold in my laughter as I secretly turned his gun into wood, "You're doing this for your son? I don't think so, I can see your rivalry with All Might all over your face. Also I'm not going to be a hero, I'm already a Demigod."

As I laughed he tried to shoot me with his now toy wooden toy. When he realized it wasn't working he freaked out as I activated a quirk I copied. It was similar to Kamui Woods quirk but can effect only acacia wood, which I did make the gun into. The gun quickly grew vines and branches tying up the now quirkless dumpster fire. As he fought to get free I knocked him over, "Think about what you tried to do you abusive, narcissistic, arrogant, dumpster fire." With that I left and closed the door. I walked through the police station until I got to Detective Naomasa Tsukauchis office.

"Hey detective. Anyways prepare your quirk as I'm in no mood to joke around. Endeavor just dragged me here after breaking into my house and tazing me. I woke up in the cell and Endeavor just tried to kill me so his kid will be the next All Might since he can't beat him. He is currently bound by acacia wood that grew from his weapon I transmuted into wood." He groaned and started to wave me off.

After it sunk in he stood up, "ENDEAVOR TRIED TO KILL YOU?!?! DOES HE WANT YOUR MOM TO GO CRAZY?!?!" I shuddered a bit as the memory of my Mom destroying the news station after they said I was a villain resurfaced. "I didn't think of that but Mom got a power boost. She now has the ability to control Replicators and I also made her quirk stronger so you might want to put him in protective custody until she calms down. I better go." We both ran out of the office and headed our two different directions. Luckily I was able to stop Mom from raiding the police station, Endeavors agency, and the Hero Commission.

Sorry for the small chapter. More is planned in later chapters but I wanted to give you something for new years.

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