First Day

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I smirk and punch Queen into the air right before she becomes an alarm. "Got ya this time Roach Queen. Now from now on be gentle with your wake up calls. We have a young princess here." She growled as she reformed on the ground, "Dirty trick King. I thought you were still asleep." I laughed and stuck out my tongue before I genrly woke up Eri. "Eri time to get up. We have to go to school." She slowly woke up and went to shower and get dressed. I headed downstairs, summoned breakfast, and got my Mom up for work.

After I got Mom up Eri came down to eat, I showered, and ate as well. I put Eri on my back and remade the cheap 2010s hoverboard thing. "Hang on tight Eri. This is going to be fast and fun." Replicator Blocks wrapped around us so I couldn't accidentally drop her. With Eri secure we took off. Of course people were stunned when I had the Replicator Board as I'm now calling it launch over the road, walk on walls, hang from the underside of the over passes as we headed straight to UA.

People recorded what I was doing as Eri was laughing and screaming as she enjoyed it. Once we arrived at UA I dropped her off at Nezus office, signed the adoption papers cause why not, and headed to A-1. I of course left Eri some Replicators which numbers are almost always growing. I left her A-Z, Whip-licator squad A, Elemental Set A, and Lacquer Platoon A.

As I walked to A-1 I spoke to Queen. Of course it ended up an argument as she didn't want another queen to exist. In the classroom I waved to Aizawa and headed to my seat saying, "Fine Queen, we will talk about this later. If Eri makes a Replicator King or Queen of her own I'm not destroying it. Neither are you so don't think of it." Queen clicked angrily but sighed, "Fine, but if she makes both one must die. Only one per person deal?" I nodded and watched as the rest of my class walked in.

Bakugo and the Blue haired dude came in first. Bakugo nodded to me and sat at his seat, with his feet up. Before Blue Hair could berate him I said, "Don't even start it Blue Hair. He won't listen to you. Katsuki, feet down please or you'll get a desk made of Replicators." His feet were down instantly since he knows they will pinch or hit him at a moment's notice. Blue Hair bowed to me at a perfect 90°. Great, he's a private school kid.

"Thank you for having him set his feet down. Also I am sorry for yelling at you on Friday. I should have expected you would have had a reason to be late." I stopped him before he could talk any more, "It's fine just please stop raising your voice. I had to give my daughter a ride to school on a Replicator Board and she screamed as she enjoyed it. Before you start a tirade about it she is adopted. I saved her yesterday from a villain."

The rest of the class came in and was chatting before Eri came running in with her Replicator Squads on and behind her defending her. "DADDY!!!! BIG SCARY MONSTER!!" I quickly hugged her and looked at the monster. I nearly busted out laughing when I saw it was just Hound the Canine Hero. "Princess he is not a monster sweety. He is a hero. His name is Hound and his quirk makes him part dog. He may howl when excited but he's a nice guy I promise. I trained with him before I saved you."

Eri still looked scared and I sighed, "Aizawa, may I have Eri stay with me today? I think it'll take a bit for her to adjust to good people." He sat up in his yellow sleeping bag scaring the girls, "Fine, just make sure she doesn't mess with the quirk apprehension test." I nodded as he tossed us all Gym uniforms and quickly equipped mine like in video games of DND. Eri pouted some and I couldn't help but laugh, "Um, got a spare Aizawa? I'll resize it for her."

Nezu came up the hallway panting, "There you are Eri, sorry I should have warned you about Hound." Eri hugged him as I began to mess with the uniform to resize it. "It's ok Nezu, you didn't know how I would react." I handed her the uniform and she equipped it like I did. This made Blue Hair curious and demanding.

"Ok explain, you said you adopted her. How do you both have the same quirks by the look of it?" I groaned and Eri glared, "Look Blue Meanie, Daddy saved me and Guardian blessed me. Now go bully someone else!" "Guardian??" I chuckled, "I'm not explaining him. Get changed or Aizawa may expel you. He did expel an entire class." I picked up Eri and formed the Replicator Board stuff taking off.

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