Misunderstanding Creates Chaos

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I groaned as I punched Queen again and sat up. "I know you like being my alarm clock but I'm not in the mood to get more disturbing the peace tickets. Seriously if I get one more ticket for it I am removing your speech cube." She nodded and ran off to do something. I headed downstairs and ate my lunch because I slept in. The test was literally yesterday and using a lot of magic tired me out.

As I finished eating my sandwich I turned on the tv to see a video of me in Giant Human Replicator form eating the 0 pointer on the news. This made me worried as the giant form is just me a lot bigger. When the clip ended the news reporter claimed I was a villain attacking UA,destroying its property and, should I be seen I will be immediately arrested. I groaned and called Nezu.

"You have a leak or someone snuck onto the school grounds. Theres a clip of me eating the 0 pointer on the news." I told him a bit irritated. Nezu chuckled, "Don't heroes in training usually want the spotlight to themselves? What's wrong with it?" I growled, "Oh, I don't know. Maybe it's because they said I was a villain?!?!" There was silence for a bit before I heard windows breaking, a flurry of cuss words, and Present Mic screaming like a bitch. The call then ended and about 5 minutes later the news channel apologized that their man got the story wrong.

Once that was done I decided to change up my looks some. I made my hair the same color as the metal replicator pieces, made my freckles shine some, turned my eyes a deep blue, and made myself a little bit shorter and less muscular looking. Happy with my new look I sent a picture of it to Mom and Katsuki saying, "I'm going to look like this for a bit. The news called me a villain then retracted it about 10 minutes later. You know most won't believe it."

Once they both said ok I headed out to get some air. Walking down the street nothing major happened until some idiot saw Queen on my shoulder. "It's the big villain!! Someone get him!!" I face palmed as Kamui Woods trapped me in his Lacquer Cage. Once he was sure I was trapped I just sat there and said, "Just call Nezu please. He will straighten all this BS." He laughed and took me to jail. Once I got to the prison and in a quirk dampening cell everyone looked stunned.

Nothing was happening to Queen so I decided to mess with them some. My skin slowly turned to it's new natural grey color, my hair lost its shine, and I grew more muscular while Queen began to call pieces from the replicator bag to make herself bigger. This made all of the police freak out as instead of us getting weaker we were getting stronger. This made them call the riot squad to guard me. When Nezu arrived an hour later all he had to say was boo to scare any of my guards.

I was now 8ft tall, had replicator blocks slowly covering me, and Queen was the size of a horse. "Midoriya quit messing with the police. I know this stuff doesn't mess with your quirk." I sighed and returned to the look I chose this morning, "You had to ruin the fun. I was going to form claws and roar at them." I then decided to try out my Unsettling Laugh. The results were perfect.

The riot squad literally dropped their stuff and ran screaming. Nezu joined in as it was funny. Once we stopped laughing we left the police department and headed to UA. As we walked there I gave him an idea. Since some quirks or powers will be seen as villainous maybe a dorm system would be best also much more security. With the plan fully talked about he agreed and began to set up the dorm system and more.

On my way home I ran back into Kamui Woods. When he tried to catch me again I allowed Queen to eat the branches he grew. As he kept trying all he did was allow Queen to make a ton of wooden Replicators. Once he realized what was going on he panicked. I had them trap him and rolled him around some before we released him. "That is for imprisoning me under false pretenses and for trying to do it again." I left with my replicators leaving behind a barfing hero.

By the time I got home there was a line of idiotic barfing heros. All Might, Aizawa, and my Mom were waiting for me. "Young Midoriya, why is there a line of barfing heroes?" I sighed, "Kamui Woods falsely arrested me then tried again. The others then tried so I made hamster balls around them and rolled them around until they gave up. What I don't get is that when I was with Nezu they didn't attack me."

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