Trying A New Class Part 2

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With the gate blasted and melted to rubble I walked in and grabbed a flare I shot into the air. Instead of a glaring red ball of flame and sparks a giant pulse of blue energy came out of it. That pulse of energy didn't affect anything and Hound laughed. "What was that a faulty EMP?" I smirked and said, "That was Slug Energy and you'll find out what it does soon." As soon as I finished speaking the ground began to shake and lots of dirt mounds began to be pushed out of the ground. "I know you guys didn't say me and what army but here it is."

The mounds erupted as the mole Mechas finished digging and burst out of the ground. With the tunnels built the others came flooding out to cause chaos. They mostly targeted the teachers as they're were all pros and scared the students that didn't want to fight. The stuff I saw makes me still laugh to this day. Mineta being used as a volleyball between a few barbarians, Katsuki using his explosions on a rogue only to get his rear burned by them or their team mates.

The chaos was beautiful as I walked down the halls and knocked out any classmates that tried to stop me. I felt bad about knocking out Uraraka and Mei but I needed to. No one really could stop me but Queen had her replicators fight to unarm but not kill the slugs to make it look like I was still there fighting somewhere. It helped I made it so that the slugs also kept people away from the bathroom I'm "hiding" in.

Eventually I got to Nezus office and growled, "Release my friend now." Nezu was shocked I got there so fast until he looked outside and saw that everyone was dealing with a lot of slugs at the same time and their Mechas. He quickly released Burpy from his cage and watched as Burpy somewhat slowly jumped to me. I quickly put him in an odd crystal for 30 seconds before he came out good as new. "I got what I wanted. I will leave but send out a warning, never touch my slugs." I tossed two folded pieces of paper at Nezu at such an angle only one would be seen on camera.

With that I left through the melted window and set off another Slug Energy Flare. This time all the slugs returned to their holes, healed anyone injured, and left no evidence that we're here. Well the gate, window, and video couldn't be fixed or deleted but the ground had no evidence of a hole. With their retreat done I headed out the gate until I was stopped by All Might. I hate to do this but he had to come help when it's his day off.

"Stop right there villain! How dare you attack UA!" I groaned inwardly before I glared at him, "Nezu had my friend Burpy in a cage. I just came to get him back. Now let me go or get hurt. You can see no one is hurt here cause I healed everyone since only Nezu and Izuku are to blame." When he charged at me I shot Burpy into the air causing him to morph and then create a ring of fire which I used to vanish and appear in the bathroom.

Before I'm found I quickly beat myself up with bruises and cuts before slumping on the floor. When I'm found I'm instantly taken to Recovery Girl who heals me and Nezu walks in after I'm healed. "Our curiosity cost us today. That thing you found was a slug and belonged to that person. I think he is a villain but he healed all he hurt except you and Mineta."

I nodded and slowly stretched as Recovery Girl left the room to take care of Mineta chuckling that the pervert got roughed up. Nezu smiled, "So you're going to use your new class as an antihero/villain to help defeat True villains and fake heroes? Why and yes cameras are off." I smiled as I stood up, "No villains attacked the school as I hoped and it took me an hour to get to your office. I beat up and healed a ton of heroes but not one villain. I'm going to make Slugterra a villain and I need a special area for my villain stuff since I can't keep it at home and I can't let my classmates see me making the stuff."

Nezu pondered for a bit before he snapped his fingers, "Use a homebrew item to do it. I have the notes in my office. Follow me." He ran out the door, hopped into his car, and sped off to his office with me running behind him. Once there Eri hugged me and I hugged her back, "You ok snowball?" She nodded, "But we lost Burpy. Can you find him again?" I patted her head, "I'm sorry but no sweetie. He belonged to that person and if I knew he had an owner I wouldn't have grabbed him. I will make you a plush of him though if you want." She looked up at me for a bit before she agreed to it.

"Found it! Here's that paper you wanted and hopefully it helps you with the RC Rescuers you've been working on." As he handed me that paper he also returned the secret paper to me. I nodded and headed off to Hero class where we all basically just told the teacher what happened. Other than Mineta being used as a volley ball the entire time mine was the most embarrassing. "I accidentally caused this by catching a Slug with fire abilities. Because of that I was attacked and beat up pretty bad in the rest room I headed to before getting lunch."

Shoto was interested in what I said, "A slug with fire powers? Did you see an ice one?" I nodded and thought a bit, "Honestly they looked kinda familiar. If only I could place them." I began to draw Burpy, a FrostCrawler (ice slug), and a few random slugs before Yaoyorozu spoke up. "Wait those look like slugs from Slugterra!" That makes me perk up some as a few others recognize the name and point out a few I drew from the show leaving the odd ones with armor, weapons, and odd items on them.

"These look like they would fit the show but slugs don't have weapons or energy constructs to fight." Mineta said as he held an icepack to his head. I looked at him, "You dealt with a group of them right? What all did you see?" He sighed, "One had giant energy hands they used to slap me, one had totems that would glow and then it seemed angry, and there was one who's weapon wasn't solid but I still felt pain where it hit me. It felt like a part of me was burnt but no physical mark."

I pull a pair of glasses from my backpack and look at him and freak out, "That's impossible. Your soul is damaged! Those odd blades hurt your soul." I go through the DND books I owned to see what to do to heal a person's soul. After a while of finding nothing, I tried to give him a healing potion and used a healing spell on him. After his soul was healed I relaxed for a bit. I slumped in my seat for a bit waiting for someone else to come to the conclusion I was leading them to.

A few classmates had also grabbed my books to get an answer when Uraraka looked at a Totem Barbarian Slug and read about its class in the book. "Um Midoriya, I think the odd slugs are part of DnD. This one fits Primal Path Totem Barbarian." I quickly sat up and looked at the drawing and what was written. Acting like I didn't think of it I checked the drawings and looked at the books to see which classes matched what.

Before I could finish my act Guardian popped up. "Izuku I am sorry. I couldn't stop them. A fellow god gifted a person from a reality with Slugterra being real with the DND abilities I gave you and warped them here. I've been trying to undo it but I wasn't fast enough. Oh, I'm guessing you met them already cause of the drawings." I nodded and Guardian vanished with a loud "Sorry!" I'm glad I told him about my prank but also setting up a villain backstory, he helped out a lot.

Aizawa groaned from his sleeping back on the floor, "Go inform Nezu, Midoriya. You and Mineta get a couple days off to rest. If I hear you still went to the support class tomorrow and the next day I'll put you under house arrest." I nodded and picked up all my books and drawings before I ran to Nezu. Once there I locked the door and chuckles as Eri was napping. Couldn't be any better timing.

"They figured out the DnD slugs kinda on their own with some prodding from me not using magic to heal Mineta until in the classroom. They recognized the ones from the show and Guardian helped out our plan. My alter ego Eli Shane is now going to be marked as an interdimensional villain with DnD magic from a god. So who's our first target to wipe out?" We both laughed a bit as I read the note we passed back and forth.

"The poachers and smugglers always seem a step ahead Nezu. I'll target them tomorrow and I'll hit the Liberation group the day after. I got two days off from Aizawa." He nodded and let me go home. I carried Eri home and stitched together a big Burpy plush for her. With that done I read the homebrew item.

Ring of City: a personal city you can warp in and out of at will. The city has fields for crops, a self regenerating forest, and an infinite source of water. Livestock, people, and materials can be brought in at will.

I smiled reading it and made a Slug friendly version of it. Each building basically got pneumatic tubes that the slugs can use to get around and an underground slug city for them to use as they want. I of course can use a druids wildshape to join them down there and explore but I won't do that often. All of my slugs loved the place and moved in as I made a parking building for the Mechas. Yes the Mechas are barely bigger than a $15 rc car but I made 2 million of them. The building has tracks and shelves to move them until they fill up or a slug wants their Mecha. It's similar to some parking units in Tokyo but lot more shelves and vehicles in them. Tomorrow will be interesting as hell.

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