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The sound of blaring alarm reached my ears, waking me up from my dream less sleep.

I loved mornings, the fresh and cold air, and the first rays of dusk gave me a strange kind of tranquility. We lived in Manhattan, so the only time when I actually felt peace in this busy city was during early mornings.
         Don't get me wrong, I loved the city, and I loved the adrenaline rush that came with living in this big city, but I was more of a mountain type of girl who loved peace and nature.

I stretched my arms as I got up from the bed. Then quickly went towards the window and opened the curtains, letting the soft rays of sun hit my face as I closed my eyes.

After enjoying these few moments of peace, I head towards the bathroom and take a quick shower. Today was the first day of college after summer vacations.

I mentally groan as I think about all the assignments that the professors were surely going to give. It's not like I didn't like going to college. I did. I love it, in fact, but to be honest, even nerds like me hate assignments. I mean, I don't see the point in giving assignments because half of the college population either copies it or makes someone else do it.
         I sigh in defeat. There is no use in pondering over something you have no control.

Quickly dressing in a white knee-length dress with black polka dots, I start braiding my hair in a low French braid.

I have never considered myself beautiful. I had inherited my mother's chocolate brown eyes, guarded with long, thick eyelashes. With an average height of 5'4 and petite figure, I paled in comparison to my older sister, who could literally be a model with her tall, lithe figure and sun-kissed tanned skin. It didn't mean that I wasn't beautiful, but if I was into girls and not related to her, I would always choose my sister.

Since our parents died in a car accident, she has taken care of me, never letting me feel like I was a burden that has been thrusted on her shoulders. Albeit she never said anything, I knew she had to cancel many plans to take care of me, for which I felt really guilty.
       We never really had to struggle for money because we came from a decent upper-middle class family. So my sister, who is six years older than me, used to work only at one restaurant as a waitress.

I will always be grateful to her and the sacrifices she had to make for me. And I really hope that I'm able to show that to her.

"Dove!" I heard the voice of my sister calling me. "Breakfast is ready. Come down quickly."

Putting the hair brush down on the dressing table, I quickly wear white flats with ankle straps and rush downstairs.

I see her setting up the table as I enter the dining room.

"Good morning, sis." I hug her with a soft smile, which she returns.

She is dressed imepcably in her crisp grey skirt suit. She works as an executive assistant in a company, which keeps her really busy. Even when she is at home, she remains holed up in her office most of the time. Despite being busy, she tries her best to make some time for me.

She suddenly calls out my name, making me look at her questioningly from the pancakes I was currently gobbling down.

"I need to go on a business trip for four days." She says nervously as if afraid of upsetting me.

"No problem." I give her a reassuring smile, making her sigh in relief.

"I have left some money on your study table in case you need something. And if you need more just give me a call. Okay?"

"You know I don't need money. I basically do nothing with the money you leave for me." I say with a frown.

She gives me a stern look, quickly shutting me up. "I don't care if you spend it or not, but for my own peace of mind, you're going to keep it."

Sighing, I relented and, without any further discussion, finished my breakfast. Getting up from the chair, I put the plate in the sink. I kiss her on both cheeks before heading out for the college.

My first class doesn't start before nine thirty in the morning, so I head towards the massive library near my college.

As I take left turn to a comparatively quiet alleyway, the hair at the back of my neck stand up when I sense a presence behind me. I quickly turn around and chasticise myself when I see nothing out of the ordinary. Lately, I've had a feeling of always being watched. I don't know if it is real or just my imagination. But it was messing up my mind, making me feel like I was going insane.
         I hadn't shared this with my sister because I wasn't even sure if I was really being followed or if it was just a twisted scenario my mind had made up. Taking a deep breath, I decided that it was just paranoia and nothing else.

As soon as I turn back, I feel a prick at the side of my neck, making me gasp. Soon, I feel dizzy and confused. What is happening?

My body was about to fall on the ground when I felt a pair of muscular arms catching me. A familiar sent invaded my senses as I was pulled to a hard chest.

I mumble something incoherent when a husky voice that I loved so much reached my ears in an attempt to soothe me. "Shh... everything is fine now, little bird. You are where you belong."

I call out his name as darkness finally takes over my senses.
But there won't be any update until and unless I get at least 10 votes on this chapter.

An early update for everyone! I honestly wasn't planning on writing this chapter until next week, but well I couldn't resist 😅🤷‍♀️

Anyways I hope you liked reading this as much as I loved writing it.

For those who are also reading Blood Rose, I'll most likely update by next week.

Till then, enjoy the weekend sweethearts😀😀🤗

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