Chapter- 16

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A low moan left my lips as I groggily opened my eyes. My head rolled back as a groan left my lips because of the pounding in my head. I felt my arms restraining against something when I tried to move them. Panic settled in as I tried to clear the haze surrounding my vision. As my vision slowly cleared, I found myself in a dark cell illuminated by a single yellow bulb.
         Fear clouded my mind as I struggled violently against the ropes tying me to the metal chair. I hissed as the coarse rope chaffed my wrists. I tried to remember everything that happened that led me into this situation, again. The only saving grace was that I still had my clothes on.

Events start flashing in my mind and I remembered that I had made an escape plan with Adrik Morozov. I had suddenly felt a pinch on my neck before everything went black.

Did Orion found out? Is that why I'm here? If that's the case then I am as good as dead. I had one chance and even that was taken from me. It seems like there is truly no way of getting away from me.

My hands started shaking as I looked around to see something which would release me from these ropes. Tears pooled in my eyes when I found nothing and a frustrated scream left my lips. I was doomed. My condition would be worse than it was now. I was afraid but I was angry. I didn't want to spend the rest of my life in captivity. But this thought seemed like a wishful dream;  one that might never become true.

My body stiffened when I heard the metal door opening. Shiny black leather shoes came in my view. My eyes widened as I looked up at the person. "Adrik?" I questioned in disbelief. Several thoughts were rushing in my head but the most prominent was why. Why did he do this? Why does every person I trust ends up betraying me?

I jerked my head to side when his fingers touched my cheek. "Dove. You shouldn't have trusted a stranger." My eyes squeezed shut as his words sunk in. It was true, I was an idiot for trusting a stranger but I was desperate to get out. Now I have traded myself from one monster to another. At least I knew Orion, I knew what he wanted, but with Adrik I had no idea.

"Why?" I looked at him from the corner of my eyes. His face didn't reveal anything. His emotionless eyes sent an unpleasant shiver down my spine.

"It's nothing against you, Malen'kiy krolik." Despite the coldness in his eyes, his voice was surprisingly gentle. "I have a vendetta against your precious lover, Orion. That was the sole reason I helped you." (Little bunny)

"You want to use me as a leverage." I said as I realized that I was nothing more than a pawn in this dangerous game. I dug my nails in my palm as tears obstructed my vision. I was a fool. And now I'm praying the price.

Ignoring me, he bent down to cut the ropes, "I don't want to hurt you. But if I am forced to take unpleasant measures to ensure your obedience then I will not hesitate. So, make sure that you're are being a good girl." The gentleness in his voice scared me. I didn't trust that voice; it screamed hidden diabolik intentions. Once he removed the ropes, he gripped my wrist tightly making me hiss. Frowning, he examined my wrists then loosened his hold and led me out.

My eyes widened as I looked around. The mansion was almost as big as Orion's. After ascending a flight of stairs, we soon entered a large room which was decorated in beige cream colour. The modern glass decor took my breath away.

A maid entered with a first aid kit and soon tended to my chaffed wrists. Once she left, Adrik turned towards me and stared at me with his hazel eyes. He leaned down till we were mere a breath apart. He took ahold of my chin between his index finger and thumb. There was a warning in his eyes that terrified me. "There are ten guards outside your door, so, don't even think of trying to escape." I couldn't look away from his eyes as I nodded slowly. "Moya khoroshaya devochka." (My good girl)

After a moment, he stood up and left. I hadn't realized that I was holing my breath as I inhaled a deep shaky breath. I had to be very careful. I had a feeling that he might be even more cruel than Orion.
I placed my chin on my intertwined fingers as I put my elbow on the mahogany desk. I watched as my little bunny searched for a way of escape in her room. A small spread on my face as I saw her exploring her room. She wouldn't find anything. Also, I had every part of her bedroom and bathroom covered with hidden cameras.

I hadn't planned on taking her for myself. My original plan was to kidnap her and torture her to lure that Greek bastard out. But this was way more fun. Seeing her flap her wings around, desperate to find a way out, made me want to do unspeakable things to her. I could see why Orion had her hidden from everyone. There was an innocence in her that called out to monsters like us, especially ones like Orion and I. Her purity invoke my inner sadist that wanted to see her tears. She would soon know not to mess with me for I am worse than Orion. But first I needed to make sure that Orion was out of the picture. For a while I'll need to keep my distant, cold act towards her.

I heard a knock on my office door. The person responsible for the successful sneak in the Greek mafia entered my office. A smirk stretched my lips as he bowed before straightening up and looking at me with those emotionless eyes. "Ah! The man of the hour!" I exclaimed with faux enthusiasm as I stood up.

Rounding the desk, I stood in front of him, "the mission was successful. All thanks to you, Ajax." Smiling sardonically, I put my hand on his shoulder. "But unfortunately we'll have to end our partnership here." A frown appeared on his face and before he could say anything, I shot him in the head. His body fell with a thud on the ground. Calling my right hand man, I ordered the body to be taken care of.

It's funny how people would do anything for family and money. Ajax had faked his death once we put an agreement before him which stated that his family would remain unscathed and would be given at least twenty million if he agreed to work with us. Naïve boy couldn't understand that Russians would never accept a Greek scum until and unless it benefitted us.

Soon Greek mafia would be mine just like my little Dove.
Happy New Year My Lovely Reader🥳🥳🥳!!! Hope each of you had  amazing celebrations and parties!! I really appreciate the support and love you've given to this book.
Love you all❤❤🥺🥺

This chapter was kind of a filler but I hope you liked it😅🤗.

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