Chapter- 15

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I looked at the stranger warily. Both his arms were on either side of my face, caging me between his arms as he gauged my reaction. My chest was heaving rapidly as I tried to take deep breaths to keep myself calm.

"What do you want from me?" I asked in a small voice making him smirk. He glided a finger through my hair making me flinch. "Pl... please don't touch me."

"Shh... calm down, Dove. I won't hurt you." My eyes widened as he said my name. How did he know? I hadn't told him my name. He must have read the question in my fearful eyes, "I know everything there is to know about you, маленький котенок." He smiled but his smile didn't reach his eyes.
(little kitten)


He cut me off, "I want to help you in escaping." I stared at him dumbfounded.

"What?" I breathed out in stunned confusion.

"You heard me. I want to help you in escaping from Orion." My heart was thumping loudly in my chest; I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "I know that he has kidnapped you; that you don't want to be here; that you hate him." He said the last line slowly gauging my reaction.

"Why?" I questioned, staring at him with tears in my eyes. "Why would you want to help me? He's dangerous. If he comes to know, he'll kill you and torture me till I beg him for death." I said desperately.

I wanted to take this chance. I really did. But I was afraid of the consequences. I knew how brutal Orion could be, he didn't.

"You'll know everything soon." He said calmly as if we were not talking about my life here.

I looked at him in disbelief. "How will I trust you if you won't tell me?"

Scoffing, he smirked at me, "it's not like you have many options, sweetheart. If we are being realistic, I might be your only option." Cocking his head to side, he looked down at me with his hazel eyes. "So do you or do you not want to leave this place with me?"

I hated that he was right. But can I trust him? What if by agreeing, I trade myself from one monster to another? "Clock is ticking, Dove." His voice brought me out of my reverie and my eyes focused back on him.

Slowly, I nodded my head without saying anything. I knew he was dangerous, but I was desperate. No one else would help me. Greece was Orion's territory. People revered and feared him. Also, Orion's castle was in the middle of nowhere and I would likely be dead before I somehow manage to find my way through that thick forest. Adrik was my only option and I had to take it.

A smile lit up his face, but there was a glint in his eyes that sent a shiver down my spine. He leaned down till his lips almost touched mine making me shrink back in the wall. "Meet me here before you leave." His minty breath hit my lips as he whispered. Staring at me for a moment, he leaves without looking back.

My body sags against the wall as my mind registers what I just agreed to. This could go wrong in so many ways. If Orion catches me, I'll be dead. The consequences if he finds out will be dire. But it's too late. I can't change my mind. This is my only opportunity and I can't let my fears ruin it.

Rounding the corner, I bumped into someone. Before I could fall, a hand grabbed my arm and pulled me making me slam against the hard chest. "Where the fuck have you been?" A harsh voice made me look up. I gulped in fear as I looked at Orion's furious face.

"Washroom." I squeaked as the grip on my arm tightened. I could see that he didn't believe me.

Gripping my neck tightly, he brought my face closer to his, "don't lie to me, little bird. You know I hate liars. Don't make me clip those little wings of yours."

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