Chapter- 2

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Slowly lifting my eyelids open, I groan at the slight throbbing in my brain.

I gasp, confused, when I take in my my condition. I was sitting on a hard floor, shackled against the wall. Chains were long enough for me to keep my hands beside me, but not enough to move  around freely.


I was kidnapped. The thought made my heart thump louder in fear. I could hear the sound of my heart in the eerie silence of this room. Putting my head between my knees, I clutched my legs tightly. I couldn't fathom it. How could this happen to me?

I breathed heavily as I tried to let it sink, hoping desperately that it was just a nightmare. That I would open my eyes and be back in my bedroom.  Albeit deep down, I knew that it was true. I had been abducted.

I don't think you can ever really come to terms with someone kidnapping you because everybody thinks that this can not happen to them.
        A lie every girl tells herself— that she is safe, deep down knowing that no matter how much these gender equality movements happen, she will never be truly safe.

Suddenly, I remembered a very familiar voice, which sounded like him. I quickly dismiss that ridiculous thought out of my mind. He would never do that to me. He has no reason to.

But I couldn't deny that the smell and voice were just like him. I shook my head to get rid of these nonsensical thoughts. There are many people whose voices and scents are similar.

I'm thinking too much! Right now, I need to look around for a possible escape and not focus on these preposterous thoughts.

I only saw concrete floor, concrete walls, and unknown ceiling composition, all in gray. A toilet sat in one far corner with no lid, and there was an odd drain in the floor a few feet from the toilet. It was like a big prison cell without a bed, a window, and bars. The only way of escaping from here was the metal door, which was also not possible because of the restraints. There was a vent at the ceiling, but as I said earlier, this prison cell was too big.
        Honestly, I had expected a foul smell to invade my nostrils, but instead, it smelled like lavender, a fragrance I absolutely adored.

Could it be that this person knows me? But I didn't know many people. The only people who knew me were my sister and that man from the library whom I had started to call a friend.

I'm starting to think that maybe movies are wrong, because in the movies, there is always a way to get out, but sitting here and staring around blankly, I couldn't see any way of escaping. I sigh dejectedly as tears escape the confines of my eyes.

A beep like sound startles me, making me straighten up. My eyes widen, and a shocked gasp leaves my lips when the person responsible for this enters my prison. Tears of betrayal stung my eyes as I looked at his deviously handsome face.

I couldn't think of a reason why he would do this. So, I asked the most obvious question a person in my position would ask. "Why did you do this?"
       Instead of answering, he kneeled down in front of me, invading my personal space, and ran his forefinger down my cheek, making me jerk away from him. It was then that I noticed a high sided black bowl in his left hand.

I felt a harsh tug on my hair, making me yelp loudly, as I was forced to face him. A loud cry leaves my lips as his grip tightens in my hair.

He glares down at me, "never jerk away from me. Understand?"
     Afraid of what he might do further, I nod quickly.

Tears slowly fell down my eyes as he released my hair.

He gently wipes my silent tears while looking at me with his intense grey eyes. "Why are you crying, little bird? I haven't done anything to you yet."

"Why are you holding me captive?" I whispered the question so softly that if he wasn't sitting so close to me, he wouldn't have heard it.

Dipping the spoon the bowl, he brings it closer towards my lips. "You must be hungry. I brought you something to eat."

His constant evasion of my question angered me. In a fit of rage, I slap the spoon away from his hands and scream at him. "I don't want to eat, Orion! I want to know why I am brought here!" My eyes widened as his eyes darkened in anger.

Fear seeps in my veins, replacing the anger I had felt earlier. His hardened and cold face made me regret everything I did just now. "I'm... I'm—"

He grabbed my neck, cutting me off. Looking coldly in my eyes, he kept squeezing till I was gasping for air. I claw at his hands, which only made him squeeze my throat even more. Tears started falling down my eyes as I thought that he might kill me.

"Never raise your voice at me because you won't be able to handle the consequences, little bird. The only reason I'm sparing you now is because I know that you are scared and confused. But next time you won't be so lucky." He released my neck with a jerk, making me cough as I took deep gulps of air.

Still breathing deeply, I looked at him with fear in my eyes as he picked up the spoon. "The reason I'm keeping you here, little bird, is that you belong to me." He said as if it was a fact, and I was an idiot for not knowing it. Leaning closer towards me, he brushed his lips against me, licking them slightly with his tongue.

I closed my eyes, and shivers ran down my spine at the close proximity of our bodies. I hated how this little act affected me so much.

Opening my eyes, I saw him regarding me with hardened eyes.

"You'll learn, little bird. You'll learn." Saying this, he stood up and turned to leave. Again, that beep like sound came when the scan of his finger and retina was successful.

The door shuts behind him as he leaves me confused and out of breath.

There was only one thing which was clear in my mind.

There is no way of escaping.
Hello, my lovely readers!! Another chapter for you since the target is complete.🥰😍

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