Chapter- 17

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A smile lit up my face and I straightened my back for a more professional look as I heard the soft sound of the bell indicating that someone has entered the library.
        My cheeks heat up as I look up at the tall figure that just came through the gate. I couldn't stop ogling at him. He was beautiful. There was no other way to describe him.

"Well, thank you, miss." A teasing voice broke me from my stupefied gazing.

"Huh?" I blinked like an idiot as I was rudely brought back to the real world.

"I am glad that you find me beautiful." He said with a small smile which looked more like a smirk.

"Wha—" I stopped short as I realized that I had said it out loud. Colour rose up my cheeks as I looked away from him. "What are you looking for Mr.?" I tried to change the subject, quickly, in hopes of escaping this embarrassment I was feeling.

"Pierce." He informed. "But you can just call me Orion." He said in that deep, rich tone that made my insides melt. I looked up at him to see him smiling down at me gently. My heart fluttered at the sight of his smile. His smile contradicted his intimidating persona.

God really took his time in creating him.

He cleared his throat, startling me. I realized that I was again staring at him. I was pretty sure that I was as red as tomato right now. Why couldn't this floor open up and swallow me right now?

"Do you have any suggestions for books for young girls?" He asked awkwardly.

I smiled a little as I tried to settle into the professional façade. Key word being tried. Taking a deep breath, I willed myself to speak normally and not stutter like I usually do when I'm flustered. "What kind of books are you looking for?" That was good. I didn't stutter; I didn't mince my words. I mentally patted myself on the back.

He scratched the back of his ear as he thought about it for a moment then slowly shrugged his shoulders, looking embarrassed. A small chuckle escaped my lips before I could stop myself. "I'm sorry." I apologised immediately lest he gets offended. I loved this job and wanted to keep it.

"Okay... so how old is she?" I decided to get some insight on the person he was buying the books for.

"She'll turn eleven tomorrow."

"What kinds of books does she like?"

"I don't know." He said, blinking cluelessly. "What do young girls usually like?" Cocking his head, he looked at me, "what did you like when you were a kid?"

For some reason blush covered my cheeks when he asked me. Tugging a loose strand behind my ear, I looked away. A few moments passed without us saying anything and I realized that he was still waiting for my answer. "Umm... I used to love romcom as a kid." I said, feeling embarrassed for some reason.

"Then would you show me some of your favourites?" He asked, staring at me with his gentle eyes which made me feel butterflies in my stomach. He must have seen the confused and flustered look on my face for he rushed to explain himself. "I was asking for my niece. She might like one of them. I... actually I don't know what she likes to read." His voice held a hint of guilt as he avoided looking at me. "This is the first time I'm going to meet her after her birth, so, I only know what my sister has told me on the phone."

I gave him a soft smile because I could see that he cared a lot about niece. "No problem, I'll show you some of my favorites." I gestured him to follow me. I entered the area which mainly consisted the books suitable for pre-teens and young teenagers.

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