Chapter- 7

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I smile softly as I look down at her unconscious form.


Lightly tracing my mark on her collarbone, I smile softly. I had engraved my initials with the symbol of my Mafia to make sure everyone knows who she belongs to. And I had to admit that the outcome was extremely beautiful.

Trailing down I gently hook my little finger in her nipple ring and pull on it slightly. Soon these golden rings will be attached with multiple thin diamond chains, adorning my beautiful little bird.

I remove the chains and gently pick her up, trying not disturb her as she has already suffered alot for me today. Kicking the door open, I carry her to my room.

A smile graces my lips as I remember how wanton she acted earlier. I had deliberately not touched her in the morning because I wanted to see how it affected her, and her reaction has surpassed all my expectations. The way she begged me to touch her, so sweetly, made me want to devour her then and there. But I knew now wasn't the time. She wasn't ready.

A rare feeling of calmness washed over me as I realized that the training would be successful. She would become my perfect doll; just the way liked- submissive and wanton, only for me.

She would become my perfect queen and rule by my side.

I place her gently on the bed and brush the stray strands of hair with my middle finger. The corner of my lip twitched slightly as I gazed at her peaceful sleeping form. Taking the first aid box, I dress my mark on her collarbone and apply some soothing balm on the nipple piercings.

Trailing my fingers down from her cheek, I grip her slender neck lightly. She has no idea what she does to me. Everyday I force down the urge to fuck her while choking her to death. The urge to consume her in every way possible overpowers any other desire. Tightening my grip around her neck, I realise just how easy it is for me to snap her neck like a twig; this thought increases my desire for her tenfold.

I watch amused as her face turns light shade of red as I keep squeezing her neck. Her body starts twitching slightly as she struggles desperately for oxygen. I release her neck and lean back little as I watch the colour rush back to her cheeks bringing back the familiar red glow that I love.

Leaning down I press a hard kiss on her forehead and inhale the sweet scent, I'm addicted to. I can never get enough her. And soon she will be as insane for me as I am about her.

Love doesn't even cover what I feel for her. I don't know how to put what I feel for her in words, but I do know that I will show her hell before killing her if she ever leaves me.

After taking shower, I take a glance at my little bird before going downstairs to my office. I've been slacking off a bit lately, too busy in training my love. Not that I'm complaining.

Confirming the arrival of shipment of guns and the capture of that bastard who dared to betray me, I head back to my room. It has only been three hours and I am already aching to feel her warmth.

I lie down beside her and hold her from behind. Wrapping an arm around her I push her closer to me. Soon I hear her whimpering, probably dreaming about tonight's events. Shushing her, I run my fingers through her hair as she snuggles closer to me. After a while she calms down making me pull her even closer to me.

This is how it should be and how it's going to be. Her in my arms. Always. Forever.
The sound of my heels clicking echoed in the empty halls. Soon I come face to face with the door of my deepest guilt. Then I close my eyes and remind myself of why it had to be done. Brushing away the nonexistent wrinkles on my suit-coat, I knock on the door. When the strong gruff voice affirmed I opened the door and stepped inside.

"Mr. Pierce." Hearing my voice he looks at me and a smirk crosses his face. He doesn't hide the fact that he is checking me out as he stares at me with lust clear in his eyes.

"Ah! My favorite girl. Come take a seat. And how many times do I have to tell you to call me Kai." He gestures with his hand to a chair I front of him. Without hesitating for a second I sit on the indicated chair. I've been working for years with the Pierce Brothers to know that even a seconds' delay could cost me my life. Even the younger brother who seemed playful in his mannerisms was just as dangerous as the older one, whom I had met only one time, but had almost pissed my pants. He wore his darkness like a cloak which made me scared to even look in his eyes.

"You know I'm sure my brother appreciates what you've done for him." His voice brings me out of my reverie and I look up at him to see him sporting his usual smirk.

"I... I didn't have a choice." I say avoiding to look at him.

"Yes you did." Leaning forward he put his elbows on the huge dark brown desk and intertwines his fingers. "You had the option of refusing sweetheart. But you chose to take part in it. Willingly." His ocean blue eyes pierced through me as he looked at me with a smirk on his face.

Hearing this, my anger flares up and I snap my head up to glare at him. How dare he!

"No, I didn't have a choice!" Slamming my hands on the desk, I stand up while he just sat there and stared at me with amusement. "If I hadn't done as he had ordered then he would not only have killed me, he would've told her everything and she would've hated me. And you know how important she is to me." I shout, leaning forward. "If I hadn't agreed he would've tortured her after kidnapping her because he's a monster who has a sick obsession." Angry tears gather in my eyes as I glare at his amused face. My chest heaves heavily as I look in his gorgeous icy blue eyes.

There was no denying that the Piearce Brothers were drop dead gorgeous. Even calling them Greek gods wouldn't give justice to their beauty. But their beauty couldn't hide the ugliness inside them. They were nothing but monsters who thrived on the pain of others.

"I agree that we are monsters. But how do you think she will react when she comes to know that you were a willing accomplice in the whole plan?" He said as he looked at me with seriousness, all amusement leaving his face.

I gulp and look away as I picture the hate filled look in her eyes. I shake my thoughts away. She would understand. She's the kindest and most forgiving person I know, I'm sure she would understand.

"How... how is she?" I ask in a low voice, avoiding the question.

I see his eyes softening a bit before they start twinkling with sadistic mischief as if he knew something, I didn't, "she is fine. Don't worry. My brother is taking good care of your sister Katherine."

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