Chapter- 6

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I watched as she cried herself to sleep. Her soft sobs echoing in the room. I wanted to take her in my arms and comfort her but I can't, not right now. I knew she was breaking slowly and I will be there with her at every step, I'll slowly build her back— with both care and pain.
      Like today, she suffered for me, so beautifully, and earned herself my gentle side. It's always going to be like this for her, she'll never experience pain without pleasure and my care without my cruelty.

I know she hates me right now. But I also know that she desires me. Beneath all that fear and hate lies a raw desire that even she can't deny. And that desire will soon be her downfall. She will fall for me for I won't leave any stone unturned. I'll manipulate her heart, body and mind.

Her body is already getting used to the way I touch and torment her. I just need to be a bit more patient because I have no doubt that I'll get what I want soon enough.

The only hindrance is hope. Her hope that her sister is searching for her and will find her before she breaks completely. Well she is in for a huge disappointment because I don't let my possessions go. They remain mine forever. And she is my most prized possession.
       Once her hope is crushed there won't much resistance from her side.

Tomorrow she'll be mine completely. She'll bear my mark which will remind her constantly that she's mine and there is nothing she or anyone can do about it.
My eyes fluttered open as the lights flooded the otherwise dark room. The windows of the room were heavily guarded with thick black and maroon curtains, leaving me clueless of time of the day it was.

Slowly I kneeled and looked up at the handsome monster standing with two bowls in his hands, in front of my cage. Carefully putting the bowls on the floor, he opened the gate of my cage and gestured for me to come out.

I stopped as I neared his foot where the bowls were kept. I though that it would be another bowl of porridge but to surprise it contained meatballs and spaghetti. It wasn't a typical breakfast meal but then again I had no idea what time of the day it was. For all I knew it was middle of the night.

I hesitated as I looked up at him. Back in that large cell, I knew what was expected of me but now I had no idea. Things were so different yet so similar, I was still a prisoner but the rules somehow seemed different. There I just had to sit in the corner then he would bring me food and after the whole ordeal, I had rest of the time to myself. But now I was completely clueless and that scared me because I have no idea what he will do next.

Seeing me waiting, he smirked making me frown. "Eat little bird. You need energy for today." His voice sent a shiver down my spine. His cold tone hinted at his malicious events, making me gulp in fear.

"Wh... what's going to happen to... today?" I asked hesitantly. I hated how my voice quivered in his presence; it made me feel so small and pathetic.

He just smiled and once again ordered me to eat.

Wordlessly I bent down to eat from the bowl. I expected him to play with my cunt like he always did but to my surprise he just stood there and stared at me while I ate.
        I was getting extremely wet down there because as much as I hated to admit it, I was missing his touch. I wanted him to touch me, play with me and finger me while I ate. Hell I would even accept his torturous spanks if it meant that he would touch me afterwards. I was that desperate. My pussy was clenching and unclenching expecting his finger in there like always. But he didn't do anything. He just stood there and watched me eat.

I was getting desperate. I felt like something important was missing from my routine. After finishing the contents from the bowl, I moved to the bowl that contained water when his voice stopped me.

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