Chapter- 13

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A gentle smile stretches my lips as I stare at her unconscious form. She was so beautiful today; taking everything I dished out with elegance. I couldn't tear my eyes away from her when her face contorted in pain and pleasure, unable to differentiate one from another; her eyes shining with desperation as I denied her the orgasm she sought. Once I had started, I couldn't stop. The need to hurt and soothe her grew more with every passing minute.

It's been six months since I stole her and ensnared in my dark world. Albeit I don't regret anything I've done to her till now, I was afraid. Scared for both of us because with every passing day I am getting more and more addicted to her. And I was afraid of destroying her completely. I didn't need a mindless doll who followed my every order. I wanted to tame that fiery spirit, not destroy it. I slowly trace the black, red and purple marks on her body. My marks. Dried blood coated her thighs, proof of her innocence, not that I would've cared much if she wasn't a virgin; I would've just killed that person who dared to see my little bird's treasures. They are only for my eyes.

With a wet washcloth I gently wipe her body, taking special care of her breast and her pussy. I remove the chain connecting the nipple rings to ease the pain on her tortured breasts. The once milky white globes were now decorated in black and blue bruises.

Sometimes I think I may even love her. A humourless chuckle left my lips as soon as the thought passed my mind. Love. The word was completely foreign to me. I didn't know what love was. For my father, I was nothing more than an asset for taking over the business and, my mother hated the mere sight of me. My father had started training me since I started walking. In place of toys, I was gifted guns. I was trained to always be on the top; to always be in control of everything. Maybe if I was shown what is love; what it means to love or be loved, I would've tried to date her like a normal person.

Once I finish cleaning her, I lay a soft kiss on her forehead and cover her naked body with the quilt.

It doesn't matter if I love her or not because I'm never letting her go. She is my salvation. I would burn an entire country and build a new one, if that's what she desired but letting her leave me is out of the question. I need her like a drug addict needs drugs. I crave her. If I could get rid of this obsession with her, I would, but I know that it's futile so I embrace it and let it grow like a disease.
       The hold she has on me is astounding, but, I wouldn't have it any other way. And the need to have the same control over her as she has over me, consumes me to the point of insanity.

An hour later, I arrive at my office to see someone already sitting on the chair opposite mine. Sighing, I enter the room, "Kai."

"Hello big brother." He says with a playful smirk on his face. "How's your little pet?"

Narrowing my eyes at him, I grit my teeth, "she is your queen. You will address her with respect or face my wrath." My voice is hard, underlying with threat. His face looses all traces of playfulness and he straightens up.

He lowers his eyes in submission, fear visible on his face even though he tries to hide. "I'm sorry, my king." He is right to be afraid. Any person who disrespects my queen will be given the befitting punishment, even if he's family.

Humming in response, I sit down on the leather, swiveling chair. "What do you want?"

"Can't I come to visit my favourite brother?" His lip juts out in what's supposed to be a pout. I roll my eyes. He looks fucking ridiculous unlike my little nymph. She looks so innocent and tempting when her soft pink lips form in an adorable pout. Fuck! There is not one moment when she doesn't crawl her way in my thoughts.

Forcing myself to look at the annoyance sitting in front of me, I try to block her out of my mind. "What do you want, Kai?" I grit out as I stare at him coldly.

Huffing, he rolls his eyes, "you are no fun." He mumbles before straightening up and staring at me intently. All traces of humour leaving his face. "Our weapon shipments didn't reach America. I'm sure that it was the Russians who were behind it." I raise a single brow questioningly. He slams a couple of pictures on my desk and slides them towards me. "The fuckers tortured Ajax before killing him." Ajax was one of my most trusted men. He was in-charge of training the new recruits and the security in general.

Symbol of the Russian mafia was clearly cut on his chest. These motherfuckers are going to fucking pay. But first I need to take care of his family. He had a five year old daughter who now needed protection. "Kai cover all the expenses of his daughter's education till she completes her college and make sure to assign five guards for their protection. Also transfer twenty million euros in his wife's bank account."

He nods silently. "There is one more thing." My eyes snap towards his as he starts cautiously. I see him hesitating as he regards me warily.

"What is it?" I snap at him when he doesn't say anything further. Without a word, he slides a small note towards me.

Raw fury runs through my veins as I read the note. Each word makes me want to spill blood. My jaw clenches as I re-read the note.

Your beloved little pet will be next, except, me and all my men will enjoy her tight petite body thoroughly before I kill her. Who knows, if I'm feeling kind, I may even sell her to one of my clients.

Either give me what I want or your pretty slut will pay with her body.

My hand trembles in anger as I tear the note. I will skin that bastard alive and hang the parts of his body outside my mansion as an example for anyone who even thinks of hurting my Dove.

"Orion." Kai calls out my name hesitantly.

"Who told them about her?" I ask through my clenched teeth. Staff of my mansion is too afraid to be traitors. They know that their and the lives of their family depends on their loyalty.

"I don't know. But don't worry Orion, we'll find the traitor." Nervousness laced his every word. Closing my eyes, I take deep breaths in a vain attempt to calm myself.

"Leave." After a moment of hesitation, he leaves the office with a nod.

I need to be with her.

Her warmth.

Her unique fragrance to surround me. So, that I can calm myself.

As soon as I enter my bedroom a relieved sigh escapes my lips. I don't know what I was expecting but for some reason seeing her sleeping peacefully on the bed soothed my nerves. Stripping down to boxers, I lay down beside her. I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her closer. This is the closest I'll come to experiencing heaven.

She is my twisted fantasy. One I'm never letting go of.

       Kai Dracos

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       Kai Dracos

Hello my lovely readers!🤗❤🤗❤

I hope you enjoyed reading the chapter.

I know this chapter is short but I thought that a peek in Orion's mind would be a nice change.

Hopefully the next chapter will be updated faster than this one😅😅

Please vote, comment and follow. Comments and votes motivate me to write faster🥺🥺

I also changed Orion's character. Tell me if you like him better

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