Chapter- 21

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I flinched and pressed my body against the cold glass as my eyes collided with those gleaming red ones, which shone brightly against the darkness surrounding them. I knew he couldn't penetrate this glass room, but fear still gripped my heart whenever I saw those murky shadows and monstrous figures.
         This glass box is my haven; the only place with light. So they didn't dare to enter these walls. Yet I couldn't help the fear that gripped my body in its cold, unforgivable clutches whenever I looked at those faces. Especially his.

He promised me freedom but ended up ensnaring me in the most inhumane ways possible.

Those hazel eyes now scare me more than Orion did.

They were both monsters, but with Orion, I had an assurance that he wouldn't push me past the point of no return. Feeling this way about him was as horrifying as it was absurd. Maybe those rare soft moments where I could see the care in his eyes for me gave that sense of security, however false it may be. Or maybe it was just my mind just providing me with reasons to lure me into a false net of safety.

"Dove," a familiar soft, low voice echoed around me. The same voice that had been talking to me in this dark. It was the only time that the shadows disappeared... or perhaps I was just too focused on the voice to notice them.
         "It's been two months, little bird. Two months since you went into deep slumber. And three months since you left me to rot here alone. When I finally found you in the white wedding dress looking breathlessly beautiful, I wanted to hide you from everyone's lecherous stare. But more than that, I... I wanted to protect you. The moment I saw those scars; those pale, sunken cheeks; that frail form which felt like it would break with a little pressure—" he hesitated for a moment before continuing, in a whisper, almost as if he couldn't believe it. "—I was scared. I had never known what being afraid meant. I was trained not to feel that. But the thought of never seeing you... terrified me." His voice broke in the end, and for some reason, it pleased.

I knew he was in pain. But some twisted part of me was happy that he was hurting the way I used to. I couldn't put scars on his body and mind, so I was glad that his heart was hurting. I used to feel guilty for feeling like this, and then I reminded myself of the way I was treated. As if I was nothing but slave. Though the feeling of guilt remained, I did not bash myself anymore.

"Come back to me, mein Herz." His voice was heavy with emotions. If I didn't know any better, I would've thought that he was crying. "I can't promise to free you from my cage because I'm selfish and a coward, but I promise to never hurt you the way I did. And... Adrik Morozov..." My heart skipped a beat in fear as I heard his name. My hands tightened around my knees in a futile attempt to shield myself from the abuse. "...will pay for everything he did to you. I will find him from any corner of the world and make him cry tears of blood." My trembling heart calmed down at his words. It made me wonder if I was losing my mind. Earlier, I would have puked at the mere sight of blood, and now, I feel calm at the thought of someone else's suffering. (my heart)

"Just please..." his voice shook as he whispered the word, making my eyes widen in surprise. "Please come back to me." I had never heard him sound like that before. Even before when he had talked to me, he had never sounded so desperate and lonely. It almost made me feel bad for him. Almost.
         It's not like I didn't want to leave this glass cage. I wanted to, but I was afraid. I was afraid of these monsters surrounding the box. The fear paralysed me. It kept me from taking a step out of here. "I will protect you, Dove." Before the fear could take root in my mind, again, I heard his voice... trying to reassure me. I wanted to believe him. But I wasn't that naïve anymore. No one can protect me.

I could faintly hear his breathing before he whispered the words that he always said before leaving. "ich liebe dich, mein herz." I didn't know what they meant, but I knew it was an indication that he was leaving. I wanted to ask him to stay because the monsters would return if he did. I didn't want to see those hazel eyes that exuded nothing but cruelty and darkness. But I couldn't. My lips wouldn't open no matter how much I would try.
        So, I just watched in despair as the monsters emerged with his fading footsteps.
"Keep us informed." Cutting the call, I turn to face Adrik, my childhood friend and my boss for the past twelve years. I nodded at him, making him sigh.

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