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This is all I felt. I didn't know what day it was because in this cell there was no way for me to know it.

The cell was kept at the right temperature whole time, neither too hot nor too cold. The hours seemed to blend in. And I felt like I was slowly losing my mind.

I tried to resist the urge to give in and call out his name but it was proving to be futile. I could feel my resolve breaking and I knew that it won't be long before I give in.

My throat was dry as a desert, I had swallowed my own spit repeatedly to somewhat quench its thirst. But I needed real food and water. And I knew that if I didn't give in soon, I would die of hunger and thirst.

I didn't want to die. Definitely not like this.

So I gave in and called out his name as loudly as I could given the condition I was in. Kneeling on the floor, I wrapped my arms around myself.

"Orion!" I called out his name, my scratchy voice barely recognizable to myself. I knew he could hear me, if the red dots near the vent was any indication. I would bet that these were the cameras from which voice could be heard.

Tears start rolling down my cheeks in relief when I hear the familiar beep like sound. He strolls in the room carrying two dog bowls in his hands. I look at him wide eyed as he places the bowls on the floor and drags a chair from a far end of the cell.

Walking towards me, he releases the bonds one by one. Not knowing what to do next I remain there, kneeling down, anxiously looking at the devil who abducted me. He sits down on the chair and leans back, looking at me intensely.


"Huh?" I stupidly ask him, my eyes as wide as saucers.

"Crawl." He commands again, his voice dark and authoritative.

I look at him pleadingly as fresh set of tears escape the confines of my eyes. "Please Orion." I whimper pathetically, hoping he would change his decision.

Crossing his right ankle on the left knee, he leans back, resting his elbow on the arm of the chair. "If you are hungry, little bird, you have to come and get your food. Otherwise I can take it away, if you wish so."

Knowing I had no other choice but to comply, I put my hands on the floor and swallowing my humiliation I slowly started crawling towards where he was sitting. My only consolation was the dress I had been wearing on the day of my abduction.

I felt his heavy gaze on me as I crawled towards him. I refused to meet his eyes as I knelt between his legs. The way he looked at me always made me feel as if he was looking into my soul, which always unnerved me.

When I was about to pick the bowl up he pushed it slightly with his foot. I look up at him in shock and confusion.

"Pets don't eat with their hands."

My eyes widen as I understand the meaning behind his words.

Not that! I can't sink lower than I already have!

"No! Please please. Don't make me do this." Tears continue to dampen my already wet cheeks as I beg him.

"Fine." Tears suddenly stop rolling down my cheeks as I look at him surprised. My relief was short lived as he stands with the bowls in his hands.

"I guess you're not that hungry." Smirking cruelly down at me he starts to walk away, when I grab his right ankle.

"I'll do it." Regarding me for a moment he sits back down and places the bowls back on the floor.

Bound by force (Bind her#1)Where stories live. Discover now