Chapter- 24

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Exhaling deeply from my slightly open lips, I closed my eyes as I mentally prepared myself to endure two hours with the man who was the object of my misery. No matter how much I disliked his presence, I couldn't deny that in this place, it was only him I could place my trust in. Moreover, if something happened to me again, I didn't want to be taken without putting up a fight.

The instant I completed fastening my hair into a braid, a sudden knock announced the abrupt end of my mental preparations. Turning around, my eyes narrowed because I was greeted by the sight of a strange man with hair as vividly red as freshly spilled blood instead of one of the maids assigned by Orion.
         My fingers tightened into a desperate, trembling fist as I grappled with the overwhelming surge of dizziness and panic that relentlessly swept over me whenever I found myself near an unfamiliar man, especially in situations where I had no prior warning. With eyes squeezed shut, I strained to concentrate solely on the rhythmic rise and fall of my chest, frantically ensuring that my lungs received the precious oxygen they needed.

I attempted to remind myself that I needed to not show any sort of weakness in front of these men, for in this world, they would prey on it, leaving you a shell of your former self. But no matter how much I tried, the panic was slowly spreading its claws and digging them deeper with every passing second.
         The ringing in my ears grew louder and more shrill as I descended further and further into an engulfing darkness.

I could hear a distant male voice trying desperately to catch my attention, but it did nothing except push me deeper down the chaotic abyss.

Breathe, sweet one.

Suddenly, the very familiar voice, which always sounded like it was in pain but had never failed to radiate bottomless affection and care whenever I heard it, rang in my head. And like a lost sailor, I latched onto it, begging for it to become my anchor; to help me reach the shore.
         Every word that rang in my head made me feel like he was sitting beside me, guiding me throughout this painful process. For a reason unknown, his words always gave me comfort.

Unconsciously, I found my hurried breaths steadying, syncing with the rhythm of the man from the recesses of my past. Even though they were shrouded in a hazy mist, I clearly remember the gentle warmth of his hand whenever he held mine.
        The ringing in my ears faded, and I sensed myself emerging from the grip of my panic-induced stupor.

I felt my body gently rocking back and forth. Taking in the familiar scent, my muscles eased involuntarily. The familiarity easing my mind. Despite any reservations I held about the man embracing me, just for that brief moment, I granted myself the solace found in the conversance of his arms.

He must have felt my body slump in his arms, for he called out my name, concern evident in his voice, "Dove?" I think I hummed in response, but I couldn't be certain about it.

"Open up." The command in his voice was unmistakable, making open my mouth a little. I felt a cold glass touch my lips and then a liquid entering my mouth.The intensity of my thirst only hit me when the water cascaded into my mouth, and I voraciously guzzled down every precious drop.

"More." I whispered, sounding like I hadn't talked in years. When I felt like I couldn't drink anymore, I pushed the glass away.

Opening my eyes, I groaned as the bright light seared through my eyelids. It was then I realised that I was sitting on his lap as he cradled me like a baby. Looking up at him, I could see the worry etched on his face. Without uttering a word, I attempted to extricate myself from his hold, but his grip only tightened, thwarting my every effort. "You should refrain from making sudden movements," he cautioned. I really wanted to make some type of retort, but the miniscule amount of energy inside me just let me sigh in resignation.

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