Chapter- 14

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I have used google translator for writing Greek and Russian, so, if the dialogues are wrong, please let me know.

Since that night, things have changed between me and Orion. For better or for worse, I couldn't decide. On one hand, he was a bit more gentle than before but, on the other, he didn't leave my side for even one second. He carried me everywhere, even to his office, which was on the same floor as our bedroom. I had to sit on his lap while he did his work. The only person who came into his office was that scary man whose name I came to know as Argus. I never understood a word they said as they were always speaking in Greek. And the entire time I, was hot and bothered because of all the toys he inserted inside my pussy. On top of that, his occasional light brushes on my clit and breasts had me dripping. My breast and nipples were nearly healed. As much as I was happy that I wouldn't be in constant pain, I was scared of the torture that awaited me. I was getting used to this slightly less torturous treatment and now I was afraid of the inevitable.

Hopping down from the bed, I moved towards the large window and opened the curtains letting the rays of the sun warm my naked skin. Yesterday I was deemed alright to walk by his family doctor, who had been treating my ankle. I was moved into Orion's room which had a large window opposite the king-sized bed. Laying my head against the window, I closed my eyes. Moving into his room hasn't changed the way he has been treating me, I still had those chains around my hands and ankles.

I rubbed my wrist subconsciously, and the absence of the chains surprised me. Orion had removed them early in the morning before going to the bathroom. And strangely, it felt like an important accessory was missing from my attire. I immediately shook my head, disgusted by the thought. My mind then wandered to how I was still fucked brutally every night, till I couldn't differentiate where the pain started and pleasure ended; he had unreal stamina, and I was pretty sure that he, doesn't stop after I had passed out. But it was tolerable now; I could go to the garden, albeit when he was with me. It had become my personal haven. I still had no idea what day it was but I finally could differentiate between day and night. Earlier, the time blurred for me, but now the wall clock kept me aware of the time and for now, I had found respite in that.

I had no interaction with anyone other than him and it was messing up with my mind. And honestly, I wouldn't call that a normal human conversation for I was just a prisoner here to be trained and that's what he did. I craved a normal conversation where it was just two people talking, getting to know each other. And it was sickening but whenever he left me, my body started craving him. I tried to console myself by saying that maybe it was because he was my only connection to the human world. But deep down I knew that I was just lying to myself. I knew that I wasn't in love with him but there was a different connection between us— something raw and primal; the kind that awakened every fibre of my being. I hated it but couldn't deny it.

I felt arms wrapping around me making me stiffen. A familiar musky scent with a hint of white sage surrounded me, unable to resist I inhaled deeply. My cheeks heated up in embarrassment when I heard him chuckle. Turning me around, he kissed my forehead. My eyebrows creased at his gentle actions. His normal human actions always put me on edge because nothing ever good came out of these uncharacteristically sweet gestures. "Good morning love."

"Good morning master." He smirked at my response, probably pleased that I haven't forgotten my place as his slave.

Brushing my cheeks gently he gave me a heartwarming smile. My lips parted a little in surprise. What the hell is wrong with him today?

"There is going to be a masquerade ball tonight." He told me as he removed the towel wrapped around his waist. My eyes widened at this brazen display. I turned away immediately, blushing furiously. "I can't believe you're being shy while you are standing naked, Dove. Besides it's nothing you haven't seen before." He said teasingly making my cheeks even hotter than before. He had a point though. So, I turned around to see him tying the laces of his shoes.

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