Chapter- 9

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I didn't have much time before he takes me to his home country, Greece. I knew that if I wanted to escape I had to do something today itself. But I didn't know how that would be possible considering he is always either training me to be his personal slut or locking me in my bedroom. A shiver ran down my spine at the thought of going to his homeland, Greece. I knew that once we reached there it would be impossible for me to escape.

I had to do something today itself. What? I had no idea. I just knew that I at least needed to try for my mental peace.

As usual I was kneeling on the floor, my hands on my thighs, palms up and eyes glued to the floor, dreading the horrors that awaited me today but at the same time desiring his light gentle touches, in equal measure. Sometimes I felt that I was more insane than him.
        I liked it when he touched me gently. I craved his soft caresses. And it almost made me look forward to every day torture he put me through.

I hated myself for it. I hated that I couldn't resist his touch. I hated that I couldn't truly hate him.

My body suddenly got alert when I heard the knob turn.

"Hello little bird." He greeted me in an uncharacteristically soft tone. I wondered what was going on with him but nonetheless I answered because I would be punished if I didn't. And I would like to keep him from punishing me for as long as possible. My shoulder still hurt a little from last time.

"Hello master."  I said in a soft voice as I kept my gaze down on the floor. Soon I saw two bowls in front of me containing the usual porridge and water.
I felt like they were mocking me as I remembered him feeding me that delicious meal with his hands; so tenderly almost lovingly. He even listened to me and removed the nipple rings. Honestly, I didn't think that he would. And this made me think that maybe just maybe he wasn't that bad. Maybe if I obeyed him, he wouldn't be as cruel to me as he is now.
        But the very next day he again started 'training' me; his demands much more humiliating and sadistic than before. Even now before he left to take my so called meal he had almost choked me to death as he licked and fingered my pussy. As soon as I felt that I would loose my conscious to an earth shattering orgasm, he would release me neck and stop fingering my pussy making me moan in complain. I don't know for how long he did that but when he allowed me to finally come it was a heady combination of pain and pleasure.

He sat behind me, on my bed as I crawled towards the bowls. By now I was sort of used to eating directly from the bowls but that didn't mean I was accepting of the demeaning act; I still hated how vulnerable and humiliated it made me feel.

Reluctantly I lowered my head and slowly starting licking and slurping the dreadful porridge. My cheeks were heated because of the embarrassing act and I was trying to finish the contents fast so that we could move on to whatever he had planned for me, not that I was looking forward to it.

Suddenly I felt leather on my pussy making me gasp. Orion was rubbing my clit with toe of his leather shoes. I whimpered as my pussy started getting embarrassingly wet. he continued his slow torture while I tried to ignore the tingling sensation between my legs as I continued to slurp the water. I let out a short yelp when he lightly pushed the leather shoe in my vagina. I whimpered when he rubbed the sole of his shoe on my overly sensitive clit. even when i finished everything I stayed on all fours, not daring to move until he commands me to do so. I whimpered and moaned as he continued rubbing the sole of his shoe. I arched my back and pushed my hips backwards as I neared orgasm. Just as I was about to come he stopped and removed his foot from my pussy making me moan in complain.

"Please master." I begged pitifully.

Ignoring my pleas, in stern voice he ordered me to turn around. Obeying, i turned while assuming the original position. Hooking one finger under my chin he brought my face up making my eyes meet his. I blushed as I saw him looking at me with a cruel intensity that made my heart thump loudly. Gently he cleaned my face with a handkerchief.

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