Chapter- 10

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My thoughts were running miles per minute. He had hanged me from the ceiling and then disappeared somewhere. And every passing second felt like an hour as I hung in my punishment room and contemplated about my punishment. I was terrified of what he would do to me today. I had never seen him so angry. Earlier, when I had defied him at some points he was never angry, not like this.
       Honestly, I should've been smarter; I should've known that he would never be careless enough to leave my door open. But in my situation every little opportunity is like a sweet dish that you just can't pass.

I stiffened as I heard the door open. My throat dried in fear as I saw his hard expressions. The cold emotionless face made me want to dissolve into a teary mess and fall on my eyes to beg for mercy. But I held back because I knew it wouldn't work on him.
        Dread was slowly creeping in my veins as he walked towards me with a bunch of objects in his hands. Keeping them on the iron table, he had placed beside me, he went somewhere behind me; I could hear the sounds of the glass almirahs opening and closing. Tears were threatening to spill down my eyes as I started regretting my poor choice of actions.

When he came back, he was carrying a long, thin stick with a point end.

He brought the stick towards my face, "kiss it," he ordered, his hard tone sending unpleasant shivers down my spine. Hesitantly, I did so. I gently pecked the smooth wooden stick. "This is going to be your object of your punishment today." He said with a sadistic glint in his eyes making me gulp nervously. "Do you know what this is my pet?" He paused, waiting for me to answer. I shook my head in denial. He smiled a little at that, "this is called a switch. The thinner the better." He said with the similar sadistic gleam that terrified me to core. That gleam promised pain... a gut wrenching pain.  "I handpicked it for you from the weeping willow. Only the best for my girl." He said as if I should be grateful; like he has done something thoughtful for me.

Leaning down, he whispered in my ear, "I'm going to make you bleed today sweetheart." I swallowed back a terrified sob. The endearment sounded like a threat coming from his mouth.

With his free hand he caressed my waist, slowly trailing his fingers down towards my sex. He gently rubbed my clitoris and in no time I was dripping down there. My eyes shut in shame as he chuckled lightly. "You're dripping little slut." He inserted two fingers inside dragging out a moan from my mouth. He continued pumping his fingers inside till I was on the verge of cumming. Suddenly he pulled his fingers out and I felt burning pain on my inner labia. My eyes flew open and I screamed in pain.

He rained successful blows on pussy making me squirm and scream. "Please! Master!" I cried out loud as the blow landed directly on my clit. Ignoring my pleas, he landed the next several blows directly on clit making me jump back. My clit was throbbing in pain. It felt like someone had burned it with a hot iron rod.

He held my swollen, burning pussy roughly in his hands as he glared at me. "Stay still slut. Your punishment is far from over." I yelped loudly in pain as he squeezed my swollen clit painfully tight between his fingers. "If you move I'll increase the punishment. And you're already in a lot of trouble so the best move on your part would be to do as I say and not make me angrier than I already am." Saying that he left my clit with a jerk making tears gather anew in my eyes.
       "Remember what I said little bird." He said stroking my hair in mock comfort. "I'm not going to warn you again."

He raised his hand making me stiffen unconsciously in dreaded anticipation. My eyes were closed as I waited for the next blow. When I didn't hear the awful whistle of the whip I relaxed. Just then I felt a burning pain on my breast making me scream. "Open your eyes my pet." He ordered. I instantly opened my eyes afraid of what would entail if I didn't obey immediately.

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