Chapter- 18

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"You might as well kill her now, Adrik!" Nikolai, my right hand man, shouted at me making me sigh in annoyance. If he wasn't my best friend and most trusted man, I would've cut off his tongue. "You were already drugging whatever scraps you were feeding her earlier. And today the doses you've given her—"

"Enough!" I cut him off as I glared at him. "You maybe my best friend but don't forget that I am still your superior. You do not question my actions." He clenched his jaw as he lowered his eyes. He wanted to say something but knowing my temper knew better than to say them.

Dove White was going to be mine. And if I had to take some underhanded methods to ensure that then so be it. Besides it's not like I intend to hook her on drugs for the rest of her life. She will be injected or fed drugs till we get married. By that time, I would've mounded her mind into thinking of me as her savior and everyone including Orion as monsters who want to harm her. She would look at me to save her; to keep her safe from the monsters outside. She would be dependent on me for everything.

Once I marry her, I'll slowly reduce her dosage before stopping completely. And I'll be there for her when she'll go through her withdrawal symptoms. Hopefully, that would make me less of a villain in her eyes when her mind will be clear and aware of the manipulation I had done in order to keep her with me.
Opening the door lightly, I entered her room to see her sleeping peacefully. Sitting at the edge of her queen-sized bed, I gently brushed a stray strand of hair from her face and tugged it behind her ear.

She was beautiful, there was no doubt about that. But that beauty of hers became the reason of her captivity. The innocence surrounding her like a cape became a trap for monsters like us. She was not to be blamed for our sickness yet she had become our excuse for committing the depraved crimes that would surely give people nightmares.

She's nothing but a means to end.

Or that's what I liked to tell myself.

When I heard that the fearsome Mafia king, Orion Kostas Drakos was obsessed with a college going girl, I almost couldn't believe it. But I did when I asked my men to follow her in the shadows, to keep an eye on her and watch her every move.
        I couldn't contain my glee when I realized that I could finally execute my long planned revenge. I could finally take down that bastard and take everything he owns. His name will soon turn into dust.

But I didn't expect that a tiny little girl would have me mesmerized. This caused a slight change in my plans. I was supposed to kill her, not spare her and use her. But I couldn't help myself.

When I approached her in the bathroom on the day she was finally going to be announced the future queen of the Dracos Mafia, I couldn't help myself but stare at her for a moment. Even after everything he might have put her through, innocence surrounded her like a cloak. In that moment I understood Orion and his obsession with this petite girl. She brought out both the animal and the protector from men like us.
       Maybe I just wanted her because she was Orion's woman but I couldn't refrain myself from touching her. 

I gently rub her cheekbone with my thumb. It's a shame that she is my enemy's lover for in any other circumstance I would've given her everything her heart desired; I would've treated her like a queen. I would've courted her like a true gentleman by taking her on dates and doing things that she loves.
But it seems a person cannot have everything he desires.

This is her fate.

Leaning down, I place a soft kiss on her forehead and leave the room, gently shutting the door behind me.

I start planning for my wedding which is to be held in seven days.
I don't know how many days have passed since I was released from that cell, nor do I care. These past few days have been so blissful. I just want to remain in this haze of blissful peace.
        Adrik has also been gentle and patient with me. He feeds and bathes me himself, saying that he doesn't want someone else to see body. He sleeps in the same bed with me, saying that he wants to protect me because there is someone who wants to capture and harm me. I know who that is, Orion Kostas Drakos. But Adrik says that he'll protect me.

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