Chapter- 12

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When I woke up, all I saw was darkness around me. I tried to move but soon realized that my hands and legs were both tied up. Panic was settling in slowly as I struggled in my bonds. I screamed loudly as pain shot through my ankle making me stop my movements immediately. But I couldn't stop the shaking of my body. My mind was already conjuring up the worst case scenarios.

In this moment of helplessness only one name came in mind— that one person who was the center of both my nightmares and fantasies. "Help! Orion!" I called out desperately as I tried to make sense of what was happening. Suddenly my head flew to left side; my cheek was burning because of the harsh slap.

"Someone has forgotten their manners." A familiar deep, husky voice reached my ears making me internally sigh in relief. My body slowly stopped shaking as I sensed his familiar presence. A breath of relief escaped my lips.
      I couldn't understand this reaction of mine. He hurt me; humiliated me in every possible way yet I felt somewhat safe when I realized that I was not kidnapped and getting sold like a broodmare, as if being with him is any better. I was confused and frustrated but most of all angry at myself for feeling like this.

Soon the darkness surrounding my eyes disappeared as he untied the blindfold covering my eyes. His stormy grey eyes glared into mine scaring me. "I... I'm sorry Master." I squeaked in fear.

His lips stretched into a chilling smile as he traced my left cheek with his fingers. "Don't worry love. I'm feeling generous today, I'll let this little transgression of yours pass, today." My breath hitched as his fingers slowly trailed down my cheek to my neck stopping at the swell of my breast. I was scared yet aroused by this little action of his. In the time I've been here, he has never touched me like this and I had no idea what to feel. All these sensations were confusing me for my breast still hurt alot but somehow Orion's feather like touches warmed me. I was breathing heavily; my chest, moving up and down rapidly as he trailed his fingers down to my womanhood.
        A slight breathy moan left my lips as he brushed his thumb on my clitoris. He leaned down to capture my lips in a deep heated kiss as he plunged his two middle fingers in my opening making me scream. His kiss swallowed my screams as he continued ram his fingers inside me in a rapid pace. I slowly gave into these foreign yet pleasurable sensations. Light moans filled with pleasure left my lips as I rocked my hips against his fingers.

I was beginning to feel the familiar tightness in my stomach. I moaned loudly as it grew tighter and tighter until I felt like I was ready to burst.

"May I... may I come master?" I managed to say in a breathy voice. As soon as I asked him, he stopped. He pulled the left nipple ring making me scream loudly as the ball inside me slowly disappeared. My body writhed as tears streamed down my face. "Please! No!" I cried out as he kept pulling the ring making me feel as if my nipple would tear out from my breast.

I sniffled as he finally released the ring and leaned to take that nipple in his mouth. Swirling his tongue around my nipple, he tried to soothe the pain that he just inflected on me. A reluctant moan left my mouth as he pinched and drew circles on my clit. Leaving my nipple with a pop, he claimed my lips in a possessive kiss.

"Tonight you are going to be mine completely, Dove." He stated. He stared deep in my eyes making me gulp. My name sounded like a drug coming from his mouth. I didn't get to dwell much on what he said as he stood up and removed his shirt, unbuttoning slowly while staring at me.

I couldn't help but stare at his well-defined abdomen as his shirt now lied on the floor. I bit my lips as my eyes followed the large tattoo that covered his entire front, continued on his left arm and ended in a beautiful circular finish at his wrist. It looked as if a large dragon had encircled a small bird entrapping her completely; the fire coming from his open mouth encircling the bird, seemingly burning everything around it but not touching it. My fingers twitched to touch the terrifyingly intriguing tattoo. Clenching my fingers in a fist, I forced my eyes to trail down his stomach in an attempt to quell this insane desire of touching him.
      My eyes landed on his cock and an involuntary shudder passed my body. By now I was well acquainted with it but each time I looked at it, I was surprised that this had been deep in my throat. It was monstrous.

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