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My heart thumped loudly in my heart as I picked up my little bird. I felt like I was holding a feather. She looked so frail, so fragile that I was afraid, if I held her a little firmly she would break into pieces.
         Blood was smeared on her forehead, where she hit her head, giving her more ghastly appearance. I hated seeing her like this. So weak as if she would stop breathing any moment. I shook my head at the thought. Nothing will happen to her. I'll make sure of it.

I signaled my men to round the area and make sure that no Russian leaves this place alive. One by one, I kill everyone who is associated with the Russian mafia.

As I started walking back, Kai came rushing to me followed by Calix, my third-in command. Panic and fear, written on his face. Calix was looking at him with a frown; a hint of worry marred his face. "What is it?" I asked, my gaze shifting between the two.

After glancing at each other for a moment, Calix decided to answer, "Adrik and his second-in command seemed to have escaped from the island." My jaw clenched as incomparable fury rushed through my veins. If it wasn't for Dove resting in my arms, I would've punched these incompetent fools.

"I gave you both one task that was to capture those motherfuckers alive!" My voice raised as I thought about how they had managed to fool two of my best men and escape.
         Taking deep breaths, I tried to calm myself. Nothing good would come out if I gave into my emotions and lost mind at this crucial time. "They must be hiding somewhere. I want you to check every corner of this island and since it was owned by Adrik I'm sure there must be at least a dozen hidden passages here. Take all the men present here to lend you a hand. But I want them found. Understood?" Giving them a warning glare, I turned around.

I hurried over to where my chopper had just landed. I would've stayed back to find those fuckers myself, but Dove was my priority right now. When she would be nursed back to health, only then would I take care of the Russian bratva and its king, who would soon beg for death.

A team of doctors was already waiting when I entered my mansion. They hurried over to the hospital on the west wing of my mansion. Gently placing her down on the bed, I take a seat on the sofa placed on the right side of her bed. I could see that the doctors wanted to object on me sitting here but they knew better than to do so. Moreover, once they looked at my grave face, they couldn't help but turn away and focus on what they'd been told to do.

I don't know for how long I sat there, looking at my precious angel, lying there with needles in her arms and her mouth covered with an oxygen mask, looking barely alive yet somehow so peaceful.


My eyes widened as I heard that voice for the first time in a long time.

Save me!

Clutching my head, I willed that voice to go away.

You couldn't save those you loved Orion because you're not strong enough.

Why now?! Why did that voice decide to torment me now? Was it because I was still weak? That must be the reason. After all I couldn't save Dove, my only ray of light from that damn monster's hands.
        A dry chuckle left my lips as I looked at her surrounded by doctors. Who am I kidding? I am as much of a monster as he is. The only difference was that she happened to be unfortunate enough to get entangled in my twisted love.

Suddenly my phone rang, jerking me out of those haunted memories. Going out of the room, I answered it without looking at the caller ID. "Drakos." I grunted, not wanting to deal with whoever it was.

"They were nowhere to be found, αφεντικό." I recognized Calix's gravelly voice as he informed me about the situation. "We found twenty-five hidden passages but both of them were nowhere to be found." (boss)

I gritted my teeth as I tried to control my anger. Where could they have disappeared to? My eyes widened as a thought suddenly struck me.

Until someone from the team was involved in their escapade; someone I trusted.

This thought made my blood boil. I didn't trust easily so, whoever this person was, was going to pray that he was in hell. Ordering him to close all the secret passages permanently before setting fire to his house, I cut the call.
Before I could ponder more on the current situation, the doctors came out of the room. My eyes narrowed when I took in their grim expressions.

"We have managed to stabilize her but—" The head doctor, Dr. Green hesitated but seeing the cold, impatient expression on my face, trembled as he blurted everything in a hurry, "her body is heavily drugged which has weakened her body. Also—" He hesitated once more but seeing the frigid glare on my face he decided it was better to continue, "she might not wake up anytime soon."

My heart lurched in my mouth on hearing that and without thinking twice I grabbed his collar, "what do you mean by that?" My calm, icy tone had the desired effect on him as I saw his body slowly starting to shake in fear.

"Her... her head had taken a ha... ard hit a... and with the drugs..." he faltered before continuing, "she... she is in a co... coma." I could see the tears brimming in his eyes, waiting to escape their confines as I masked the raging inferno inside of me.

I brought his face closer to mine till I almost touched his nose, "if she doesn't wake up within thirty days, I will make sure that you see your little daughter and that wife of yours getting slaughtered before I put you out of your miserable life." Jerking him away from me, I glare at him, making his body shake violently in fear.

Leaving them behind, I gently open the door to her room. The room was fairly dark save for the moonlight shining through the open windows.
         I gently gaze at her serene face. Softly grazing her cheek, I felt unexplainable emotions. I never wanted to see her in a state like this. Seeing her like I once again felt anger rushing through my vein; I could torture her till she lost her sense of pleasure and pain and made them one in her mind. But I would never put her in this half alive and half dead state. Adrik Morozov would pay for everything!

To calm myself down, I took her hand in mine, delicately. Her soft hands looked so tiny against my rough, hardened large once. Placing a gentle kiss on her knuckles, I put my forehead on our interlocked fingers.
          I pitied her. She got stuck in the middle of two monsters' revenge games and became a prey. One monster, who loved her in his own way and the other was obsessed with her solely because I had claimed her as mine.

Suddenly I felt my eyes stinging as if a thousand pins were piercing my eyeballs. I rubbed them gently and felt a little moisture on my thumb. Were these my tears? I looked at her resting face in wonder as one thought ran through my mind.

Even after everything, was I willing to let her go?
Hello my lovely readers!!❤🤗

Don't be fooled by this chapter, He still is the same bastard that he was.
But maybe just maybe he might go easy on our little Dove. Who knows?🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


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