Chapter- 11

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Groaning a little, I flutter my eyes open. The sleeping haze still clouding my eyes. I could feel the warmth around me as I slowly rub my eyes to clear the haze surrounding my eyes. The soft yellow light greeted my eyes as I blink them open. I was laying on a luxurious bed, my body covered with a quilt. I feel the smooth texture of silk against my skin which made me remove the quilt a bit. I was surprised to see myself in a white dress. It was airy from the top, clung to my waist before flowing down my legs. It almost felt odd which made me realize that I was getting used to remaining naked. The thought instantly filled me with shame but I couldn't deny that there was something oddly liberating about remaining naked. I look around and see that the room was big, not more than Orion's but big enough to put the room in my home to shame.

Tears suddenly prickled my eyes as I thought about my home; about my sister. She must've realized that I was missing. I can only imagine how worried she must be. She used to worry herself to the point of sickness when I didn't call her as soon as I reached college or when I at times got late from college. And now that she hadn't heard from me in I don't know how many days, she must be going insane.
Wiping the tears that rolled down my cheeks, I try to push myself up only to fall down on the bed as searing pain shot from my ankle. I scream loudly as tears fall down my eyes. It was then that I remembered everything that happened. Me, falling into his trap and him, punishing me.

Few seconds later, I hear the door opening. I was still crying in immense pain as I looked up to see Orion standing at the entrance impeccably dressed in a three piece suit. My heart starts racing in fear as he leisurely walks towards my lying form. Noticing my teary form he clicks his tongue as if disappointed. I could feel the cold sweat coating my forehead as he looked down at me with a mixture of amusement and austerity.

"You need to be more careful little bird." He sits beside me and gently runs his finger on my wrapped ankle. "It's going to take a while to heal completely." He muses looking down at my ankle.

I couldn't help but flinch as he raises his hand and removes a stray strand of hair from my face, cocking his head to side. "You slept for quite a while." He whispers distractedly, tracing my lips with his thumb. "We are about to land in Greece." My eyes widen in horror as I hear this.

No! No! No! This can't be happening!

Tears roll down my cheeks as I silently wallow in despair. I can't be saved now. There is no hope for me anymore. From what I've gathered I know that he is extremely powerful and now that I was in his territory, I was doomed. I don't think that even my sister would be able to help me.
       As I look into his stormy grey orbs, I could see that he knew the reason of my tears. Without saying anything he wipes the tears rolling down my cheeks with his thumb. Leaning forward, he places a gentle kiss on my cheek.  Shivers run down my spine as he slowly traces his tongue towards my lips and licks them. Soon he engulfs my lips with his as he kisses me hungrily. Unlike his previous kisses, which were gentle at first, he kisses me brutally. Biting them till I whimpered in pain. Tangling my hair in his hand, he brought my head closer. I gasp in pain as blood starts oozing out of my lips which he eagerly laps up.

When he finally releases me, I breathe heavily trying to catch as much air as I can. He touches my lips lightly making me hiss loudly. But my hiss turns into whimpers as he puts pressure on my tender lips.

Suddenly I hear an announcement in a foreign language, which I'm assuming is Greek. Sighing Orion removes his hand from my face and gently picks me up, bridal style. Instinctively, I wrap my arms around his neck. I hide my face in his chest as soon as the bright white lights greet my eyes.
Slowly, fluttering my eyes, I open them and look around. Plush seats in here matched the golden, white and brown theme of the airplane. The interior of the plane screamed luxury."Who owns this plane?" I couldn't help but ask him, I was so in awe of the interior of this plane.

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